***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

Originally Posted by youngpnoi

Good game Ritch, you killed me all game long.

Yeah man I finally got some offensive weapons haha. Good game.

Oh wow Nash dropped 22 dimes
Probably should have asked this earlier, but are there ANY rules? Or are the cheesers going to take over this league too?

Hint* Some type of full court press rule since I was just down by +10 and still got full court pressed the entire fourth quarter. PIP? Limit maybe? More than60 seems a bit excessive.

Just throwing ideas out there.

The edit schedule tab isnt popping up for me only edit lineup on the site, can we add people in and out of our 5 in this league?
damn missed out on the draft, im cool with my starting but my bench is wizzzaaaccckkk.

pj brown

For trade:
b knight

looking for a SF,PF,C

someone hoook meee uppp

who wants to play?? im the kingss
Originally Posted by youngpnoi

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

The edit schedule tab isnt popping up for me only edit lineup on the site, can we add people in and out of our 5 in this league?

I took the old league edit schedule url and added the new league url with it.

try this:
the link takes me to your teams edit schdule page how to I add my own teams url?
I tried wut the mavs told me to do and it worked basically take this..........team_schedule_edit.cfm?l= and paste it into the space where it says team lineupif you click on edit lineup and it works you can flex...... any of you wanna get a game?
i figured out what mavs did but its hard to explain.

Go to the old league and click edit schedule then copy n paste this new leauges last few word and numbers to the old one which will bring up the edit schedulefor this new league
Damn, I need a trade bad.

Everyone's on the trading block as of this moment.

Edit: My game against the Blazers got DC'ed, can we get a reset?
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