NBA Draft Thread 2011

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by dreClark

And you need to shut up. You can't evaluate bball players, you're Haitian...... Stop it 5.

Ol' sitting in the Barber shop watching National Georaphic when the Finals is one type mog

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by dreClark

And you need to shut up. You can't evaluate bball players, you're Haitian...... Stop it 5.

Ol' sitting in the Barber shop watching National Georaphic when the Finals is one type mog

Duke history! Please! He only played in like 11 games! I mean, he played ok in those games, but nothing extraordinary. Product of Nolan Smith if you ask me *rollseyes*

You saw what Kalin Lucas, Jacob Pullen, Darius Johnson-Odom and the Zona guards did to him smh.

O-VER-RATED. Tell me what does he do well? Aside from bang video chicks. NOTHING OUT OF THIS WORLD.

#!%% outta here.
Duke history! Please! He only played in like 11 games! I mean, he played ok in those games, but nothing extraordinary. Product of Nolan Smith if you ask me *rollseyes*

You saw what Kalin Lucas, Jacob Pullen, Darius Johnson-Odom and the Zona guards did to him smh.

O-VER-RATED. Tell me what does he do well? Aside from bang video chicks. NOTHING OUT OF THIS WORLD.

#!%% outta here.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

I think you're wrong about Kyrie not being a pass first point guard.  He was a scorer at Duke because the opportunities were there.  Did you not see how many weapons that squad had, especially from outside?  Opened up the lane like the Red Sea for Kyrie. 

And you gotta understand, Kidd and Barea were outside threats, one area Wall and Kyrie, to a certain degree, are not.  On the other side of the ball you really think they would be able to lock up Wade and Chalmers?  The reason Kidd and Barea looked serviceable on D was because the help D coming from the likes of Stephenson, Chandler, and Matrix.  Wall and Kyrie would get murked trying to contain those two, more so Wade. 

Quite frankly, Wall and Kyrie aren't efficiently playing off the ball.  They both need to be the main facilitators to be successful.  They're not Wade and Lebron who've been in the league for 8 years and have the experience to adapt.  You put a ball dominant rookie PG and ball dominant 2nd year PG in the same backcourt and it'll stunt both their growths.
Barea and Kidd play well together because Kidd can settle in as a spot up shooter. Heck half the time he wasn't even facilitating the offense. Barea works well without the ball cuz he just runs around the court in circles cutting and slashing.

Wall and Kyrie need  the ball.
Kyrie is seriously overrated when it comes to his pg skills. I understand I've only seen him in 11 games, but he was flawed in both court vision and accuracy. Honestly, I can't believe people expect him to be a pg in the NBA. I just do not see it at all.

I don't think Wall and Kyrie would do any worse than any other one and two on Wade and Chalmers. As far as offensively, they both need the ball because they both are given the ball by their team and head coach. I guess I'm looking at this from a Wizard's fan perspective and seeing Wall's shortcomings forced out of him by putting Kyrie on the wing. In the same light, I'm recognizing Kyrie's shortcomings and thinking of the most successful spot for him. I dont want to watch a shorter Tyreke Evans with a better shot waste away as the point guard of the Cavs because he can't play point guard in the NBA.

The team that drafts Kyrie Irving to play point guard is the team that fails, period. If he can't be paired with a facilitating point guard like John Wall, he will go down as one of the biggest draft busts in NBA history. He will have to learn how to play off the ball because he's not an NBA point guard.

I don't look at some of these elaborate statistics that show how a player will pan out or what NBA player they most resemble. The one I read recently had Knight and Alec compared to Bayless. There comes a time when you take what you see and say, that is what I see. 
And if you look at Kyrie Irving and see an NBA point guard, I don't know what to tell you. Kemba Walker is more of a point guard than Kyrie Irving and has a better offensive game.  If I'm Cleveland I draft Williams at #1 and Kemba at #4 and call it a day.
How so derrick rose really isnt a facilitor pg, needs the ball in his hands, and cant play off the ball and he was named league mvp. He isnt a nba pg and yet he lead his team to the leagues best record. So why couldnt kyrie do this.

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

I think you're wrong about Kyrie not being a pass first point guard.  He was a scorer at Duke because the opportunities were there.  Did you not see how many weapons that squad had, especially from outside?  Opened up the lane like the Red Sea for Kyrie. 

And you gotta understand, Kidd and Barea were outside threats, one area Wall and Kyrie, to a certain degree, are not.  On the other side of the ball you really think they would be able to lock up Wade and Chalmers?  The reason Kidd and Barea looked serviceable on D was because the help D coming from the likes of Stephenson, Chandler, and Matrix.  Wall and Kyrie would get murked trying to contain those two, more so Wade. 

Quite frankly, Wall and Kyrie aren't efficiently playing off the ball.  They both need to be the main facilitators to be successful.  They're not Wade and Lebron who've been in the league for 8 years and have the experience to adapt.  You put a ball dominant rookie PG and ball dominant 2nd year PG in the same backcourt and it'll stunt both their growths.
Barea and Kidd play well together because Kidd can settle in as a spot up shooter. Heck half the time he wasn't even facilitating the offense. Barea works well without the ball cuz he just runs around the court in circles cutting and slashing.

Wall and Kyrie need  the ball.
Kyrie is seriously overrated when it comes to his pg skills. I understand I've only seen him in 11 games, but he was flawed in both court vision and accuracy. Honestly, I can't believe people expect him to be a pg in the NBA. I just do not see it at all.

I don't think Wall and Kyrie would do any worse than any other one and two on Wade and Chalmers. As far as offensively, they both need the ball because they both are given the ball by their team and head coach. I guess I'm looking at this from a Wizard's fan perspective and seeing Wall's shortcomings forced out of him by putting Kyrie on the wing. In the same light, I'm recognizing Kyrie's shortcomings and thinking of the most successful spot for him. I dont want to watch a shorter Tyreke Evans with a better shot waste away as the point guard of the Cavs because he can't play point guard in the NBA.

The team that drafts Kyrie Irving to play point guard is the team that fails, period. If he can't be paired with a facilitating point guard like John Wall, he will go down as one of the biggest draft busts in NBA history. He will have to learn how to play off the ball because he's not an NBA point guard.

I don't look at some of these elaborate statistics that show how a player will pan out or what NBA player they most resemble. The one I read recently had Knight and Alec compared to Bayless. There comes a time when you take what you see and say, that is what I see. 
And if you look at Kyrie Irving and see an NBA point guard, I don't know what to tell you. Kemba Walker is more of a point guard than Kyrie Irving and has a better offensive game.  If I'm Cleveland I draft Williams at #1 and Kemba at #4 and call it a day.
How so derrick rose really isnt a facilitor pg, needs the ball in his hands, and cant play off the ball and he was named league mvp. He isnt a nba pg and yet he lead his team to the leagues best record. So why couldnt kyrie do this.

@ Kyrie being one of Duke all-time greats. Sounds like a RoOk statement.

Kyrie is
though, still not better than my dude Alec Burks
@ Kyrie being one of Duke all-time greats. Sounds like a RoOk statement.

Kyrie is
though, still not better than my dude Alec Burks
Oh. So now were laughing at a guy who cant even make a layup without hitting shotclock first. Oh. 
grin.gif for Kyrie he would've made Bobby Hurley look like Rick Brunson had they been in the same years
Oh. So now were laughing at a guy who cant even make a layup without hitting shotclock first. Oh. 
grin.gif for Kyrie he would've made Bobby Hurley look like Rick Brunson had they been in the same years
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