Osh Kosh Bosh:
Cmon Ska the difference between the Denver (best offense this year) and the Milwaukee (worst offense) is 5% of FG%. 9% Its HUGE.
I'm not denying that the difference makes Kidd a worst shooter than Nash, and all else who shoot better.
I'm merely contending the notion that he's a terrible shooter.
Words like 'terrible/great' are subjective; word like 'better/worst' aren't. Sure, the Bucks shoot worst than the Nuggets; you can't deny that, because the numbers won't let you.
Hovering around 40% for your career isn't terrible, in my opinion. It's decent. I'd even say subpar. But 'terrible'? Nah.
It's all semantics, anyways, and granted, I'm a huge Kidd fan. So yeah.