NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

No need to explain how much the Cavs are going to let down their fans this year.

The fact that boy is hyping up Anthony Parker, and Jamario Moon AS STARTERS, says an awful lot. Oh, and the 37 year old, (38 by the time the playoffs rollaround) center should do wonders for them as well.
BZ, you tryna hype yourself on ZBo is a waste of your breath. That dude is pure garbage. He will get his double doubles every night, but will killyour teams hopes every night doing so. The man is a cancer, a black hole, a bad teammate, a loser. The JailBlazers gave up on him. The Isiah Knicks tradedfor him. The Clippers traded seeing the pattern I'm goin with here? And now he looks down at his shirt and sees "Grizzlies"

You see many wins in this guy's future? Cuz everywhere he's been, the team has done nothing but get worse. Been in the L for 9-10 years now. I'msorry, but if he went to any other team, you'd be laughing at that team like the rest of us.

Hope for Mayo to improve. Hope for Rudy to step his game up. But give up rooting that Zach will somehow change and be somebody. He won't. Trust me.
The fact that Chad Ford made Memphis last on the list is idiotic. I don't care if he doesn't like the Randolph move, he ranked us at the bottom when weonly lost Ross and Darko, while gaining Thabeet, Young, Carroll and Randolph.

He has some teams that didn't do crap in the off-season ahead of us and they're still worse teams. He also said Memphis had probably the best draft andtrading for Randolph automatically moved us all the way down to 30th? We didn't trade Randolph for OJ, we traded him for Darko.
I'm not expecting to be in the top 10, but at least have us in the top 20

BZ, you tryna hype yourself on ZBo is a waste of your breath. That dude is pure garbage. He will get his double doubles every night, but will kill your teams hopes every night doing so. The man is a cancer, a black hole, a bad teammate, a loser. The JailBlazers gave up on him. The Isiah Knicks traded for him. The Clippers traded seeing the pattern I'm goin with here? And now he looks down at his shirt and sees "Grizzlies"

You see many wins in this guy's future? Cuz everywhere he's been, the team has done nothing but get worse. Been in the L for 9-10 years now. I'm sorry, but if he went to any other team, you'd be laughing at that team like the rest of us.

Hope for Mayo to improve. Hope for Rudy to step his game up. But give up rooting that Zach will somehow change and be somebody. He won't. Trust me.
I think I am like most people that I was never one of Zach's biggest fans, but there never has been any doubting his talent. With that talentthere has always been a true lack of commitment to make himself better in the areas where he had weaknesses. I have to say I was pleased to see him show upwithout most of his baby fat (didn't he use to be bigger than the picture shows) and say the the things I really wanted to hear. I'm more concernedwith how many games he will play this year rather than him being a black hole. He only averages like 62 games a season.

He expressed interest in playing D, being a mentor, and self sacrificing so the team can win and push him to an elite level as far as power forwards go if hefollows through with it. His stats might take a little hit, but his overall game would be scary.

The only thing I'm saying CP is we know Z-Bo is a follower. He followed the likes of bad teammates in Portland which rubbed off on him when they went therebuilding route, NY had a bad influence on him in terms of teammates and I can guarentee you that the Clippers wouldn't have traded him if they didn'tget the no.1 pick. Now, the chances of him actually doing the right thing this time outweighs the chances of him failing again but I did take all that intoconsideration.

But, like you said the team success will really depend on Conley, OJ and Rudy. The more they show leadership and improve, the more the team wins. If Z-Bo isdoing the wrong things in the locker room and on the court, I expect them to call him out along with the coach calling him out just like Roy did in Portland.

I have had my doubts, but I am optmistic at this point. That's why I asked for a bet
Q-Rich Could Be Dealt A 4th Time This Summer

Jul 22, 2009 10:59 AM EST

Quentin Richardson has alreadybeen traded three times this summer and could be dealt again, according to a report in the Pioneer Press.

Richardson was initially dealt to Memphis by the Knicks for Darko Milicic, followed by a move back to the Clippers for Zach Randolph. This week he wastraded to Minnesota in a package for Sebastian Telfair and Craig Smith.

Via PioneerPress
Come on, this is some stupid NBA joke right? Why the hell would everyone keep getting Q Rich to trade him?

He gon end up back on the Knicks here pretty soon.
Originally Posted by CP1708

The fact that boy is hyping up Anthony Parker, and Jamario Moon AS STARTERS, says an awful lot. Oh, and the 37 year old, (38 by the time the playoffs roll around) center should do wonders for them as well.
If I'm "that boy", then you seriously need to read my %@*@+%* posts before you type/respond again. This is the second time you arecompletely off base/putting words into my mouth. I never gave even 1 little bit of indication that Jamario Moon was going to start for us. I also wasn't"hyping up AP as a starter". The fact that Delonte can come off the bench for us now is a huge boost & you'd be an idiot to say otherwise. I don't care how old Shaq is. Dude is still extremely productive & the 2nd best true Center in the NBA (with Yao Ming out). Care to prove me wrong? I'll wait...
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by CP1708

The fact that boy is hyping up Anthony Parker, and Jamario Moon AS STARTERS, says an awful lot. Oh, and the 37 year old, (38 by the time the playoffs roll
around) center should do wonders for them as well.
If I'm "that boy", then you seriously need to read my #!%!@%% posts before you type/respond again. This is the second time you are completely off base/putting words into my mouth. I never gave even 1 little bit of indication that Jamario Moon was going to start for us. I also wasn't "hyping up AP as a starter". The fact that Delonte can come off the bench for us now is a huge boost & you'd be an idiot to say otherwise. I don't care how old Shaq is. Dude is still extremely productive & the 2nd best true Center in the NBA (with Yao Ming out). Care to prove me wrong? I'll wait...

Al Jefferson is better than Shaq right now.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by CP1708

The fact that boy is hyping up Anthony Parker, and Jamario Moon AS STARTERS, says an awful lot. Oh, and the 37 year old, (38 by the time the playoffs roll
around) center should do wonders for them as well.
If I'm "that boy", then you seriously need to read my #!%!@%% posts before you type/respond again. This is the second time you are completely off base/putting words into my mouth. I never gave even 1 little bit of indication that Jamario Moon was going to start for us. I also wasn't "hyping up AP as a starter". The fact that Delonte can come off the bench for us now is a huge boost & you'd be an idiot to say otherwise. I don't care how old Shaq is. Dude is still extremely productive & the 2nd best true Center in the NBA (with Yao Ming out). Care to prove me wrong? I'll wait...

Al Jefferson is better than Shaq right now.
he said true center... Jefferson is more a PF then a Center
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

I don't know how the hell someone in their right mind can say we didn't make significant upgrades to our roster. Seriously. 2 starters (on the best team in the league reg. season) are moving to the bench because of upgrades. How many other teams can claim that?...I'm guessing NONE.

Hey, boy, didn't you type this trash? If this isn't hyping, and calling two new guys on the teams "upgrades" on the startingsquad, then what is?

Not my words, yours homie.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

I don't know how the hell someone in their right mind can say we didn't make significant upgrades to our roster. Seriously. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]2 starters (on the best team in the league reg. season) are moving to the bench because of upgrades. How many other teams can claim that?...I'm guessing NONE.[/color]

Hey, boy, didn't you type this trash? If this isn't hyping, and calling two new guys on the teams "upgrades" on the starting squad, then what is?

Not my words, yours homie.
First of all, it is 100% true/factual. 2nd of all I WASN'T referring to Jamario Moon in ANY WAY.

Take the L, quit putting words into other dudes mouths (posts) & keep it moving...
Fair enough, it's my bad for putting Moon in as your words, my bad on that.

So just one of your upgrades works then, and that's Shaq, and we'll see what all he can do at this age and no Suns trainers.
Originally Posted by heat23

Q-Rich Could Be Dealt A 4th Time This Summer

Jul 22, 2009 10:59 AM EST

Quentin Richardson has already been traded three times this summer and could be dealt again, according to a report in the Pioneer Press.

Richardson was initially dealt to Memphis by the Knicks for Darko Milicic, followed by a move back to the Clippers for Zach Randolph. This week he was traded to Minnesota in a package for Sebastian Telfair and Craig Smith.

Via Pioneer Press

this dude gonna have a mean collection of 1/1 jerseys by the end of the summer
^^ CP, how in the world does Parker "not work"? Him allowing us to bring Delonte off the bench is a major upgrade in itself...& these PHX Sunstrainers are as over hyped as Drake.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

^^ CP, how in the world does Parker "not work"? Him allowing us to bring Delonte off the bench is a major upgrade in itself...
Read that to your self out loud. You're trying to compete for the chip with guys named Anthony Parker, Delonte West, Mo Williams, AndersonVarejao, (maybe) Jamario Moon, Hickson, Big Z, and then cherry on top it with old Shaq and LeBron.

It's STILL just Lebron, nobody else.

Here, look

With Perkins, maybe Davis, Daniels, House, on the bench

Bass, Gortat, Barnes, on the bench

Mason, Finley, couple rooks, on the bench

(maybe) Odom and Farmar on the bench

And you tryna tell me this team belongs with these guys?
West, Moon, Big Z on the bench.

Like I have said, and as was proven last year, in the regular season, they will be fine, in the playoffs, in order to win the title, they have to beat 2,possibly 3 of those 4 teams.

Which of these 5 teams is the weakest? Who has the most holes, the most question marks? Of these 5 teams, who has the weakest coach?

It's right in front of you man, you guys just don't want to see it.
the cavs arent going to do ANYTHING again this season.
i dont know why people are going crazy bcuz shaq joined their team,hes to old to make that much of a difference.they still dont have a 2nd scoring option thatcan put up nig numbers any given night.

the lakers,spurs,magic and celtics would destroy the cavs in the playoffs.

lebron is outta cleveland after this season bcuz he wont win the chip,i guarantee that.
Theres a rumor at the moment about a 3 way trade involving the Philly, Chi & Portland

Sixers get Kirk Hinrich
Bulls will get steve blake & I think willie green
Portland recieves Andre Miller

Doubt it will happen though, even though I wish
^^^ CP, the hell are you trying to prove? I already said ORL is the favorite in the East and are better than us. Same with BOS (although that franchise isgonna pull a DET in less than 3 years, maybe 2). Saying we have no chance is just plain stupid though. I feel like the ORL/CLE series was the first time 75-80%of dudes on NT watched CLE play the ENTIRE season. They COMPLETELY exposed us because of the ridiculous mismatches (which aren't nearly as bad as they werelast year) & our entire team going Casper on LeBron overnight (which I think was an aberration). Call me a homer if you want to. I just don't see thewhole squad crumbling like that again. I IN NO WAY SAID ANYTHING ABOUT US WINNIG THE TITLE/HAVING THE BEST CHANCE/ETC. It is just simply foolish to completelycount us out though...
please let that happen...we need hinrich

and getting rid of willie green for ANYTHING is amazing
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

^^^ CP, the hell are you trying to prove? I already said ORL is the favorite in the East and are better than us. Same with BOS (although that franchise is gonna pull a DET in less than 3 years, maybe 2). Saying we have no chance is just plain stupid though. I feel like the ORL/CLE series was the first time 75-80% of dudes on NT watched CLE play the ENTIRE season. They COMPLETELY exposed us because of the ridiculous mismatches (which aren't nearly as bad as they were last year) & our entire team going Casper on LeBron overnight (which I think was an aberration). Call me a homer if you want to. I just don't see the whole squad crumbling like that again. I IN NO WAY SAID ANYTHING ABOUT US WINNIG THE TITLE/HAVING THE BEST CHANCE/ETC. It is just simply foolish to completely count us out though...

That was a stupid statement. Cleveland is still a very good team, but basketball is a game of matchups. They just don't match up with the Magic. They do abetter job against Boston.
[h2]Center Magloire returns to Heat [/h2]
Associated Press

MIAMI -- Reserve Jamaal Magloire has re-signed with the Miami Heat, giving the team four centers under contract.

Restricted free-agent center Joel Anthony re-signed Monday. The Heat also have starter Jermaine O'Neal and seldom-used Mark Blount.

The Heat announced Wednesday they had reached an agreement with Magloire, an unrestricted free agent. He said entering offseason he "absolutely" wanted to stay with the Heat, and teammate Dwyane Wade praised his contribution as an enforcer.

Magloire appeared in 55 games for Miami last season, with 12 starts, and averaged 2.9 points, 4.0 rebounds and 12.9 minutes. The nine-year veteran has career averages of 8.0 points, 6.9 rebounds and 23.2 minutes. He was an All-Star in 2004.

Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press
was this posted??

[h1]Timberwolves pick Rubio to leave Spanish club[/h1]
1 hour, 39 minutes ago

GERONA, Spain (AP)-Ricky Rubio(notes)plans to part ways with Spanish basketball club DKV Joventut even if the Minnesota Timberwolves cannot reach a deal to bring their first round draft pickto the NBA.

Timberwolves president David Kahn was in Spain this week to try and help the fifth overall pick negotiate a buyout of his contract with Joventut. Rubio isat odds with his boyhood club over an $8.2 million buyout clause, which the NBA team can only contribute $500,000 toward.

Regardless of whether the 18-year-old Rubio makes the trip across the Atlantic next season, he won't be playing at Joventut.

"I want to continue with the club but, after everything that's happened, I don't think they're too comfortable having me in theirsquad," Rubio said Wednesday. "I want to play in a winning team, on a team that can achieve many things."

Spanish basketball clubs Real Madrid and Barcelona are both interested in signing Rubio if he cannot make it to the NBA this season.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

^^^ CP, the hell are you trying to prove? I already said ORL is the favorite in the East and are better than us. Same with BOS (although that franchise is gonna pull a DET in less than 3 years, maybe 2). Saying we have no chance is just plain stupid though. I feel like the ORL/CLE series was the first time 75-80% of dudes on NT watched CLE play the ENTIRE season. They COMPLETELY exposed us because of the ridiculous mismatches (which aren't nearly as bad as they were last year) & our entire team going Casper on LeBron overnight (which I think was an aberration). Call me a homer if you want to. I just don't see the whole squad crumbling like that again. I IN NO WAY SAID ANYTHING ABOUT US WINNIG THE TITLE/HAVING THE BEST CHANCE/ETC. It is just simply foolish to completely count us out though...

That was a stupid statement. Cleveland is still a very good team, but basketball is a game of matchups. They just don't match up with the Magic. They do a better job against Boston.
Oh my God.


I have said numerous times ORL is better than us & is the favorite to come out of the East. We still don't match up with them that well, but we match up with them A LOT better than last year. Anything can happen (especially when you have the mostdominant player in the world on your squad)...I'm done talking about this subject.
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