NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Top 30 free agents insider request?

[h2]Top 30: Free-agent class of 2009[/h2]

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By Chad Ford

Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE/Getty ImagesHedo Turkoglu's strong postseason play for the Magic could net him a nice deal this summer.

Last summer, a few free agents cashed in big-time. Baron Davis got $65 million fromthe Los Angeles Clippers, and Elton Brand walked away from the Clippers to thePhiladelphia 76ers to the tune of the $80 million. Several restricted free agents, particularly Andre Iguodala, LuolDeng, Emeka Okafor and Josh Smith, scored nice deals as well.

Also, during the summer and early fall, eight players from the 2005 NBA Draft who were eligible for extensions -- Chris Paul, DeronWilliams, Andrew Bogut, Andrew Bynum, DannyGranger, Francisco Garcia, Jason Maxiell and Martell Webster -- received some love from their teams.

The rest of the summer's free-agent class?

Only a handful found anything near the money that other free agents got on the open market. Several, including Josh Childress and Nenad Krstic, bolted for Europe. (Krstic subsequently returned to the NBA with theThunder.)

And a number of 2005 first-round picks, such as Marvin Williams, David Lee and RaymondFelton, were unable to work out deals with their respective teams.

Once again, the main culprit was the dreaded NBA salary cap. Only a few teams -- the Sixers, Clippers, Warriors and Grizzlies -- really had the money topick up a free agent from another team. One of those teams, Memphis, didn't spend its money (although it did make a play for Smith) and entered the seasonnearly $10 million under the cap.

This summer, things could get even tighter, as the NBA suffers from the worldwide financial crisis. For the first time in a while, the NBA salary cap isprojected to stay flat or go up slightly. So is the luxury tax threshold. With owners feeling the pain, this market is looking like one of the worst for freeagents.

The other key factor is LeBron James and the rest of the 2010 free-agent class. Anumber of teams are trying to create salary cap space for the summer of 2010, when LeBron, Dwyane Wade, ChrisBosh, Amare Stoudemire, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Tyson Chandler, Manu Ginobili, Richard Jefferson, Joe Johnson, Tracy McGrady, Yao Ming, Steve Nash, DirkNowitzki and Michael Redd can hit free agency. So for the first time in years, teams like the NewYork Knicks are being financially responsible. All of which means that relatively few teams are expected to use their midlevel exception this summer.

Those factors could end up causing major problems for a solid if not spectacular free-agent class of 2009.

With the frenzy starting Monday and Tuesday with a number of decisions by players on whether to opt out or exercise options to return to their teams, andaccelerating just after midnight on Wednesday morning, when teams can start negotiating with free agents, let's look at who could be available in 2009:
[h2]Group I: The "Big 10" early termination or player option candidates[/h2]
These are the players with an early termination option or a player option in their contracts, meaning they can opt to forgo the final year(s) of their dealsand instead become unrestricted free agents in the summer of 2009. Here's the star-studded lineup:


1. Kobe Bryant, Lakers (ETO)
Two summers ago, when Kobe was pining for a trade, it looked as though he might tear up his contract in 2009 and leave the Lakers if he weren't tradedfirst. Now, with one title already under their belts, the Lakers look like serious championship contenders for the next few years. Whether Kobe opts out ornot, you have to believe he will hang around for the ride, and he's already indicated he wants to stay.

2. Carlos Boozer, Jazz (PO)

Boozer has a tough decision ahead of him Tuesday. Boozer has until 5 p.m. ET to decide whether to opt out of his contract with the Utah Jazz. The contractis set to pay Boozer $12.7 million next season. Could he make more than that on the open market? Boozer isn't so sure. Sources close to Boozer that the power forward is still mulling his options and won't make a decision until Tuesday.

However, sources say that there's a significant chance that Boozer will exercise his player option and return to the Jazz next season.


3. Hedo Turkoglu, Magic (ETO)
Turkoglu has already indicated that he'll opt out of his contract. He had another strong season for the Magic and might be able to cash in with a biggerdeal this summer. Then again, with so few teams holding cap space, he may have to settle for less to return to Orlando. With the Magic's trade for Vince Carter on the night of the draft, Orlando won't make a huge offer.

4. Anderson Varejao, Cavs (PO)
The Cavs brought in Shaq for some help in the middle, but they'll need Varejao's energy and toughness at the 4 if they expect to compete for a titlenext season. That should put Varejao in a much better negotiating position than he was in two years ago, and for that reason he is expected to opt out.


5. Mehmet Okur, Jazz (ETO)
Okur's agent said on Sunday that the Utah center is "leaning toward opting out." It's unclear how much money Okur could command on themarket, but he might be willing to go to Europe. Still, it appears that Okur ultimately hopes to stay with the Jazz and would be willing to take less money nowto get a long-term extension. The Jazz are likely candidates to re-sign him, but the Pistons, who drafted him, could also be in the mix.

6. Al Harrington, Knicks (PO)
Harrington is expected not to opt out -- he is thrilled to be in New York, as Mike D'Antoni's system has him putting up the best numbers of his career.Even with those numbers, there isn't much of a market for him.


7. Jamal Crawford, Hawks (ETO)
When he was traded to the Hawks last week, Crawford had to sign a document that said he wouldn't opt out of his contract this summer, so he's not goinganywhere.

8. Eddy Curry, Knicks (ETO)
Curry's market value is virtually nil at the moment, and he's due to make about $31.5 over the next three seasons, so it's inconceivable he wouldleave so much cash on the table. But the Knicks will do backflips if he decides to move on.

9. Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Cavs (ETO)
There's virtually no chance that Ilgauskas opts out of his deal in Cleveland, despite the fact that Shaq is going there. He's played for only onefranchise, and on the open market, he couldn't earn nearly what the Cavs are paying him.

10. Kwame Brown, Pistons (PO)
The Pistons are crossing their fingers that Brown does not exercise his player option and walks away from Detroit. But he'd be walking away from $4 millionguaranteed. Who's going to offer him that on the open market?

Other notables: Ricky Davis, Clippers (PO); Mark Blount, Heat (ETO).

[h2]Group II: The restricted free agents[/h2]
As mentioned above, eight players from the draft class of 2005 have signed extensions. The remaining players listed below will be restricted free agents inthe summer.

As we've seen in the past few years, it's unusual for restricted free agents to change teams: Last summer, not one major restricted free agentsigned with another NBA team. A few grew so desperate that they signed with European teams instead, though that option has dwindled given the economic problemsin Europe.

But while we should expect most restricted free agents to stay home, there could be several exceptions this year, starting with the first two names on thelist:


1. David Lee, Knicks
Lee is a double-double machine who has become a favorite among both New York fans and coaches around the league. The Knicks have a stated goal of clearing capspace for 2010, which means they might not be in a position to match a substantial offer sheet. So Lee is the rare topnotch restricted free agent that anopposing team might be able to steal away.

2. Paul Millsap, Jazz
With Boozer out for most of the season, Millsap proved he is a potential All-Star power forward -- he's unstoppable on the boards and he can put the ballin the basket. Detroit, Memphis and Oklahoma City are all potentially interested, though the Jazz are going to try to bring him back. If Boozer opts out, Idon't think there's any way the Jazz let Millsap get away. But if Boozer doesn't opt out, there's a chance the Jazz won't be able to affordboth of them.

3. Marvin Williams, Hawks
Williams has as much raw talent as anyone else in the class of 2005, but he's been frustratingly inconsistent in his first four years with the Hawks. Whilehe'll probably stay in Atlanta, he's not playing well enough to earn anything close to the $60-64 million over five years that Granger got last fall,to contrast Williams with one small forward from his draft class.


4. Raymond Felton, Bobcats
Felton has been looking over his shoulder at Larry Brown's young protégé, .J.Augustin. Felton can dish out assists, but his poor shooting has hampered his career. Augustin performed well enough as a rookie that it's unlikely theBobcats would match a big offer sheet for Felton. If the Bobcats can get Felton for the midlevel exception, I think they keep him. If he gets a bigger offersomewhere else, I think he's gone. For what it's worth, Michael Jordan has said that the Bobcats expect to keep Felton.

5. Josh Childress, Hawks
Childress shocked many in the NBA by deciding to bolt for Greece last summer. It's unclear whether he'll decide to return to the NBA this fall, thoughit seems very likely he'll be back eventually. But with bad blood lingering over how his negotiations went last summer with Atlanta, the currentexpectation is that we shouldn't expect to see him return to the Hawks, though they still hold his rights.


6. Ramon Sessions, Bucks
Teams are always in pursuit of point guards, and Sessions has caught the eye of a number of teams.
7. Nate Robinson, Knicks
Robinson's stock has been skyrocketing, and the Knicks probably can't afford to keep him as they try to re-sign David Lee and clear cap space forLeBron James (and/or others). Look for Sacramento, among other teams, to make a run at him, especially after the Kings made a big play for him at the tradedeadline.

8. Marcin Gortat, Magic
Gortat is big, fairly athletic and very tough, and the Magic may be hard-pressed to match a substantial offer to him. He should be able to get at least afour-year deal worth $16-18 million.


9. Jarrett Jack, Pacers
Jack ended up beating out T.J. Ford at the end of the year for the Pacers'starting point guard position. He might get offers in the range of the midlevel exception, and it's not clear the Pacers can afford to re-sign him. Oneteam to watch: the Hawks, who could bring him back to Atlanta, where he played college ball.

10. Linas Kleiza, Nuggets
Kleiza is an up-and-coming forward who drew a lot of interest at the trade deadline. He could get an offer sheet for the midlevel exception from some team.

Other notables:: Glen Davis, Celtics; Channing Frye, Blazers; Rashad McCants, Kings; Hakim Warrick, Grizzlies; Leon Powe, Celtics; Carlos Delfino, Raptors; Joey Graham, Raptors; Ike Diogu, Kings; Jamario Moon, Raptors; Aaron Gray, Bulls; Shannon Brown, Lakers; Ersan Ilyasova, Bucks; Rob Kurz, Warriors; Josh McRoberts, Pacers.

[h2]Group III: The real, honest-to-goodness unrestricted free agents[/h2]Finally, with no caveats needed, here are the true free agents.Although there is a lot of star power here, most of the big-name players on this list are on the back end of their careers.

1. Ben Gordon, Bulls
Gordon is an explosive scorer and has one of the sweetest jump shots in the game. But he is undersized for a shooting guard and he doesn't play greatdefense. On virtually every team, his best position is as a high-scoring sixth man. The question we're about to answer is, what is the market value of aplayer like that?

Gordon will have suitors -- the Bulls want to re-sign him badly and their main competition will come from the Pistons -- but as his agent learned lastsummer when he sought to get Gordon traded to another team via a sign-and-trade, it's going to be tough to find a team willing to break the bank forhim.

2. Shawn Marion, Raptors
Marion can still score, defend and rebound. But he turned 31 in May and has seen his production slip the past two years. He struggled a bit in Toronto, too,raising a legitimate question about how much a team will be willing to spend on him given his age and reputation for being difficult. The Raptors seem to behis best chance of landing more than a midlevel deal.

3. Trevor Ariza, Lakers
Ariza's youth, athleticism and defense make him a valuable prospect. The Lakers may have to choose between him and Lamar Odom -- which has afew teams circling like vultures, waiting to swoop in and grab Ariza -- but I doubt any team outbids L.A. for him.


4. Lamar Odom, Lakers
Odom will be one of the most coveted free agents on the open market. Phil Jackson likes him, but with Kobe, Bynum and Pau Gasol on the roster, combined with the emergence of Ariza, the Lakers don't reallyneed him. But Odom is a great team guy who can rebound and initiate the offense, and he doesn't need the ball to be effective. If he doesn'tstick in L.A., a line of teams will be waiting to snatch him up.

5. Andre Miller, Sixers
At age 33, Miller is coming off two of his best seasons of his career, and some GM who needs a veteran point guard will be willing gamble on him this summer.Then again, can the Sixers afford to lose him?

6. Jason Kidd, Mavericks
Kidd continues to claim that the reports of his demise are exaggerated, and his solid play last season backed him up. Still, he's a 36-year-old pointguard.

The Mavs are one of several teams willing to pay for a point guard with court vision. It remains to be seen where he wants to be and whether he'llcommand more than a midlevel deal.


7. Mike Bibby, Hawks
Bibby had a solid season as the Hawks' point guard, but it's hard to see him making anything near what he's made the past few years. The Hawks area young team still searching for a long-term answer at the point. Bibby was a nice stopgap for 18 months, but I doubt he has a long-term future in Atlantaunless he's willing to take much less money, especially when you factor in that the team traded for Jamal Crawford, drafted Jeff Teague and could bepursuing Jarrett Jack in free agency.

8. Rasheed Wallace, Pistons
Sheed continues to be one of the most baffling players in the league. When he's on, he's one of the best big men in the game. When he's off, he canbe way off. He'll turn 34 in September, which makes you wonder whether he's still worth the risk. The Pistons won't re-sign him, so where could hebe going next? Short of his making a jump to Charlotte -- he and Larry Brown remain close -- would any other team in the league be open to paying him? TheSpurs, Cavs and Magic are among the teams to watch most closely.

9. Allen Iverson, Pistons
Iverson's late-season disappearance didn't help his reputation. He's still a good player, but two nagging questions will hurt hiscase for a big deal: One, with the exception of that magical season in Philly under Larry Brown, is Iverson a winner? Two, does he have much left? The answerto Question 1 seems to be no. The answer to No. 2 seems to be a qualified yes. I just don't know how much he'll earn this summer and I can't findany teams that are willing to stick their necks out for him. I think retirement for Iverson isn't out of the question.


10. Ron Artest, Rockets
Artest has been on good behavior off the court, and he helped lead the Rockets on an unexpected postseason run this May. But signing him is stillsomewhat risky. Which team will have the courage to pull it off?

Other notables: Charlie Villanueva, Bucks; Antonio McDyess, Pistons; Drew Gooden, Bulls; Zaza Pachulia, Hawks; Chris Wilcox, Knicks; Anthony Parker, Raptors; Chris Andersen, Nuggets; Marquis Daniels, Pacers; Sean May, Bobcats; Brandon Bass, Mavs; JoeSmith, Thunder; Grant Hill, Suns; Ronald Murray, Hawks; Stromile Swift, Nets; Robert Swift, Thunder; Rasho Nesterovic, Pacers; Keith Bogans, Bucks; Johan Petro, Nuggets; Bobby Jackson, Kings; Dahntay Jones, Mavericks; Luther Head, Heat; Rodney Carney, Wolves; Cedric Simmons, Kings; Damon Jones, Bucks; Desmond Mason, Thunder; Chris Mihm, Grizzlies; Gerald Green, Mavericks; Wally Szczerbiak, Cavs; Jason Collins, Timberwolves; Jarron Collins, Jazz; Shelden Williams, Wolves; Stephon Marbury, Celtics; Mikki Moore, Celtics; Juwan Howard, Bobcats; Maceo Baston, Pacers; Morris Almond, Jazz.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I really want Marquis Daniels back in Dallas..

Now thats the kind of guy we need in Boston.

Danny better do something becuase we need someone big off the bench.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

i really dont see how Charlie V helps the cavs, he cant guard PF and is a chucker

CV's 17-7 > AV's 8-9

He is a tremendous mismatch and I'll give Mike Brown credit for turning regular joes into decent defenders (See 2007 Finals team). I think he could useCV's natural abilities to at least give some type of effort on D.

I'll tell u this much, he's a better match vs Shard than AV was.
^ if Scott Skiles couldn't turn Charlie V into a decent defender what makes you think Mike Brown would ...
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

i really dont see how Charlie V helps the cavs, he cant guard PF and is a chucker
I dunno man, I think it's actually a great fit. He's the type of guy who can move his feet on pick and rolls, and he's a legit6'10 or better. If you're going to have Shaq in the middle it's good to have a player with the skill set and size of Charlie V.

I also doubt he "chucks" with King James on his team. He'll be able to stretch and space the floor even with Shaq on the court since Charlie canshoot from the perimeter. CLE will need those driving lanes.. CLE has to get this deal done. I like Charlie V fitting in better than Sheed
He's still gonna get WORKED by Rashard, so it wouldn't make any difference defensively... Only upside is he can knock down shots and take some ofit back on the other end, unlike AV...

Still feels like they're going in two different directions personnel wise, though... Wouldn't Charlie be better off in a system where he could get outand run? That doesn't exactly gel with the Shaq addition...
I'm totally fine with a backcourt that includes AV and Shaq.

Charlie V is a guy that needs to start somewhere, or else his whiny self won't be happy.


Somebody must be missing their trophies. These appear to be stolen from somewhere.

Pretty sad.

And now their hopes ride on a 38 year old and Charlie V. Might as well just stick to photoshopping these Larry O's, cuz it's the only way they evergonna see one up close.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

i really dont see how Charlie V helps the cavs, he cant guard PF and is a chucker

CV's 17-7 > AV's 8-9

He is a tremendous mismatch and I'll give Mike Brown credit for turning regular joes into decent defenders (See 2007 Finals team). I think he could use CV's natural abilities to at least give some type of effort on D.

I'll tell u this much, he's a better match vs Shard than AV was.
You have to factor in the defense, Anderson may be the best one on one post defender in the league, Charlie is pretty bad.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

i really dont see how Charlie V helps the cavs, he cant guard PF and is a chucker

CV's 17-7 > AV's 8-9

He is a tremendous mismatch and I'll give Mike Brown credit for turning regular joes into decent defenders (See 2007 Finals team). I think he could use CV's natural abilities to at least give some type of effort on D.

I'll tell u this much, he's a better match vs Shard than AV was.
You have to factor in the defense, Anderson may be the best one on one post defender in the league, Charlie is pretty bad.
Charlie definitely is pretty bad in the post. You might as well say he's a taller version of Rudy Gay when it comes to him defending in thepost.
[h1]Analysis: Grizzlies seek frontcourt muscle and backup PG during free agent period[/h1]
By Ronald Tillery (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Their stated goals are to secure a player that puts big-time power in one of the forward positions, and to land a backup point guard.

The Grizzlies enter free agency Wednesday with a short shopping list, but one that is geared toward filling gaping holes.

While insiders contend the organization remains undeterred in its efforts to consummate a trade for Los Angeles Clippers forward Zach Randolph, there are several other options the Griz can now consider in hopes of bolstering their frontline.

Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley is determined to bring to Memphis a high-caliber power forward, making that his priority this offseason, less than two years after gift-wrapping Pau Gasol to the Los Angeles Lakers.

That player must fit the criteria, though, of being young, productive and reasonably priced.

Armed with significant money to spend under the salary cap, the Griz will join at least six teams -- Detroit, Oklahoma City, Portland, Sacramento, Atlanta and Toronto -- expected to be in position to shop.

Utah's Paul Milsap and New York's David Lee are highly coveted yet restricted free agents who will have several suitors, including Memphis and Oklahoma City. Reports already have Oklahoma preparing to offer Milsap a five-year, $65 million contract -- something similar to a deal Lee reportedly is seeking.

It is important to remember that teams with restricted free agents have the right to match offer sheets. Such was the case when the Griz tendered an offer sheet to Atlanta's Josh Smith last August only to watch the Hawks match in less than 24 hours.

Pursuing Milsap or Lee makes sense for the Grizzlies, considering both players have proven to be effective rebounders, and are young enough to fit Heisley's three-year plan.

Lee led the NBA with 62 double-doubles last season, while Milsap put together a string of 19 straight double-doubles in Carlos Boozer's absence for the Jazz.

There are also less-heralded players on the Grizzlies' radar.

Cleveland's Anderson Varejao is an energy player who the Griz pursued two years ago before signing Darko Milicic. Varejao would come into play if he expectedly passes on a player option with the Cavs.

Boston forwards Glen Davis and Leon Powe -- both restricted free agents -- and Milwaukee's Charlie Villanueva (unrestricted) are also people of interest for the Griz.

Finding a reserve point guard may sound simple but it could be a tricky proposition.

One reason the Griz passed on a guard in the draft is the organization decided it didn't want a starting-job battle at that position. Simply put: the Griz would rather have an experienced player capable of pushing incumbent starter Mike Conley but not competing for his job, as was the case with Kyle Lowry.

What are the Grizzlies' chances of luring quality free agents?

Reasonably good.

One thing to keep in mind is the ever-changing NBA economy. Teams are tightening their purse strings and trying to be smarter with how they spend.

Players looking for over-spending owners likely will have fewer suitors this summer than they would have had a few years ago. Contracts are likely to be shorter in length and more fiscally responsible for teams.

"We're going to try to continue to try to get a player or two that will make us look better," Heisley said. "And I'm sure somebody will say that you could have gotten this guy, but you didn't do it because you didn't spend the money. ... But in three years, if we haven't gotten a heck of a lot better, I'll pay the price."

Tip-in: As expected, Memphis made qualifying offers to two restricted free agents -- current Griz Hakim Warrick and former Griz Juan Carlos Navarro. The move allows the team to retain its right of first refusal, meaning Navarro would have to go through Memphis if he ever returns to the NBA.

Please, anything but Zach Randolph
ESPN First Take had Chris Mannix (?), a writer for Sports Illustrated, and Chris Broussard on this morning. They said that it appears as though the Lakersdon't want to spend the money to re-sign Odom, but they didn't mention any other possible destinations. Chris also said that the Lakers probably haveto over pay for Ariza because there'll be demand for him. He quoted Kupchak as stating that the Lakers wouldn't write Odom a blank check.

The writer stated that Hedo had closed the door on Orlando and has narrowed down his choices to Portland, Detroit, and Toronto.

My feeling is that the Lakers are going to wait to see what the demand is for Odom and what other FAs get before making a final decision on Odom. Odom is proneto bone headed mistakes on both sides of the ball and is inconsistent, but he's better than nothing.
Please, anything but Zach Randolph
It doesn't make sense for Memphis to even go after a cancer like that. There's a reason why its so hard to get rid of him. Regardless ofhis contract situation, I don't want to see the Grizz put up with him for the next two years. At this point, Memphis needs to start becoming relevantwithin' the next year and bringing in a guy like Randolph won't help. We had a decent draft bringing in guys who will be fan favorites (Carroll, Young)and Thabeet who seems to have a easy going personality. Wallace better not @$%& up with Randolph.
@ that supposed offer from OKC to Paul Millsap though.

Brandon Bass may be the best bargain/fit at this point for the Grizzlies.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

ESPN First Take had Chris Mannix (?), a writer for Sports Illustrated, and Chris Broussard on this morning. They said that it appears as though the Lakers don't want to spend the money to re-sign Odom, but they didn't mention any other possible destinations. Chris also said that the Lakers probably have to over pay for Ariza because there'll be demand for him. He quoted Kupchak as stating that the Lakers wouldn't write Odom a blank check.

My feeling is that the Lakers are going to wait to see what the demand is for Odom and what other FAs get before making a final decision on Odom. Odom is prone to bone headed mistakes on both sides of the ball and is inconsistent, but he's better than nothing.

Not smart.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

@ that supposed offer from OKC to Paul Millsap though.

Brandon Bass may be the best bargain/fit at this point for the Grizzlies.

maybe Lee but not Millsap
they say that Sam plays everything close to the chest so to see that that leaked is kind of fishy....we'll see shortly
Speakin on Ariza.........

From RealGM

Trevor Ariza's agent David Lee said Monday that the Lakers won't receive a hometown discount from his client.
Lee declined to reveal how much of a raise Ariza will seek when he becomes an unrestricted free agent, but he said his client should make him the most coveted wing player on the market.

Among the teams Lee expects to pursue Ariza are Detroit, Portland and Toronto.

"It's a question of how committed the Lakers are to competing again," Lee said. "If everyone else stood still, you could see what happens when a piece is missing, but the reality is teams out there are positioning themselves to be competitive. When other teams are getting better, you can't afford to rest on your laurels."

I don'teven know what all that rest on your laurels and @#$% means. "When other teams are getting better, you can't afford to reston your laurels." The @#$% does that have to do with re-signing a guy you actually want to keep? Friggin agents.
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