NBA Offers To Build Indoor Full Court At White House

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Lootpac

Originally Posted by FeelMode

I swear to god, if this dude Obama has the NBA put a full court inside the White house.....

x 100000000000000000000
Seriously why would that be cool? Wouldn't it be 100000000000000000000x more
if he fixed the economy or stopped the war than got a god damn basketball court that is in no way relevant to anything other than Obama's recreational activities?

Some of you seem to be forgetting that hes not your cool new step dad, and that hes the president and whether or not you like him should be based more on what he does for the country more than his extracurricular activities. Though I have a feeling the only reason some people voted for him was because he played basketball.
Quite possibly one of the most moronic statements I've ever read on NT.
Let me flip it on him real quick. So what if that's the only reason they voted for him? The purpose of DEMOCRACY is to give the people theindividual right to cast a vote to elect an official based on their priorities. So by all means, if the only reasonyou vote for a candidate is because you like their suit, that's still your right. With that said Lootpac,that was "quite possibly one of the most moronic statements I've ever read on NT."
A coalition of bowling manufacturers got together and offered to refurb the bowling alley. This would be pretty cool.

Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by Lootpac

Originally Posted by FeelMode

I swear to god, if this dude Obama has the NBA put a full court inside the White house.....

x 100000000000000000000
Seriously why would that be cool? Wouldn't it be 100000000000000000000x more
if he fixed the economy or stopped the war than got a god damn basketball court that is in no way relevant to anything other than Obama's recreational activities?

Some of you seem to be forgetting that hes not your cool new step dad, and that hes the president and whether or not you like him should be based more on what he does for the country more than his extracurricular activities. Though I have a feeling the only reason some people voted for him was because he played basketball.

Yall are acting like Obama asked the NBA to install a court in the White House. The NBA offered. Cool your jets. Now quote that for truth.
^That's so thoroughly on boss status right there. Dude got crisp seals over hardwood floors. That's king ##*#.
Nah this isnt racist or stereotypical for him to have a basketball on other hand if dude sets up a KFC in the white house Saturday Night Live wouldbe so happy
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Lootpac

Originally Posted by FeelMode

I swear to god, if this dude Obama has the NBA put a full court inside the White house.....

x 100000000000000000000
Seriously why would that be cool? Wouldn't it be 100000000000000000000x more
if he fixed the economy or stopped the war than got a god damn basketball court that is in no way relevant to anything other than Obama's recreational activities?

Some of you seem to be forgetting that hes not your cool new step dad, and that hes the president and whether or not you like him should be based more on what he does for the country more than his extracurricular activities. Though I have a feeling the only reason some people voted for him was because he played basketball.
Quite possibly one of the most moronic statements I've ever read on NT.
Let me flip it on him real quick. So what if that's the only reason they voted for him? The purpose of DEMOCRACY is to give the people the individual right to cast a vote to elect an official based on their priorities. So by all means, if the only reason you vote for a candidate is because you like their suit, that's still your right. With that said Lootpac, that was "quite possibly one of the most moronic statements I've ever read on NT."
You're right, you can vote for someone, or not vote for someone for whatever reason you want, that doesn't make it smart it just means welive in a free country. Voting for someone only on the basis of that person being cool, or that persons suit color, or even their skin color is stupid. Look atit from the other side, how many people do you think voted for McCain because of the fact that Obama is black? Its their choice, its 100% legal, but thatdoesn't make it right. Thats exactly like voting for Obama just because he plays ball, 100% legal and its your choice, but its not right. I did overstatemyself on the basketball point, but I really do think that some people voted for him not on his merits to be president, but more on the fact that he was cool,or black, or any other number of reasons that shouldn't be reason enough to cast a vote in an election. With that said, I do think he will do some greatthings for this country, but we need to use an objective eye when looking at our leaders and not allow personality to overshadow the political side of things.
so was it out of line that GW put a baseball field on the whitehouse lawn. Some of yall act like he is gonna be practicing 8 hours a day. how many of you neverexercise and do your job 24/7. every person needs a hobby to clear their mind from work every now and then. let the man hoop every now and then. was GW a badpresident b/c he liked baseball? no! there was other reasons for him being a bad president...
I'm sorry, but Barack being the first black president is going too far... I wish more people paid attention to the issues. I think he was a great elect because he's actually down to earth, and trying to better our country.

So because he has a hobby, he's not going to be trying to better the country?

Do you see George Dubya trading baseball cards? Did Bill add a bed shaped as a heart?
I don't know. Did they have hobbies? Yes.

Slackers. What's with these Presidents and their... hobbies? Freaking lazy, unfocused bums.

Wait, no... just Obama is a lazy, unfocused bum for having a hobby, right? You want to believe that Dubya and Clinton were overachievers to the core, focusingon nothing other than running the country, giving up all hobbies as soon as they were sworn in, right?

I don't know about him trading baseball cards, but here he can be seen doing something other than focusing on improving the country:


And I don't know about him having a heart-shaped bed, but what's this about?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'm sorry, but Barack being the first black president is going too far... I wish more people paid attention to the issues. I think he was a great elect because he's actually down to earth, and trying to better our country.
So because he has a hobby, he's not going to be trying to better the country?

Do you see George Dubya trading baseball cards? Did Bill add a bed shaped as a heart?
I don't know. Did they have hobbies? Yes.

Slackers. What's with these Presidents and their... hobbies? Freaking lazy, unfocused bums.

Wait, no... just Obama is a lazy, unfocused bum for having a hobby, right? You want to believe that Dubya and Clinton were overachievers to the core, focusing on nothing other than running the country, giving up all hobbies as soon as they were sworn in, right?

I don't know about him trading baseball cards, but here he can be seen doing something other than focusing on improving the country:


And I don't know about him having a heart-shaped bed, but what's this about?

he won't accept

they were just showing the white house yesterday on history and said they love it for its historic feel and how everything including the bowling alley is ofhistoric value

what are they going to destroy or add a room to the white house for a b-ball court lol
Joe Billionaire:
he won't accept

they were just showing the white house yesterday on history and said they love it for its historic feel and how everything including the bowling alley is of historic value

what are they going to destroy or add a room to the white house for a b-ball court lol
Which Prez added the bowling alley?
Do you see George Dubya trading baseball cards? Did Bill add a bed shaped as a heart?

Clinton added a putting green - well, there was one already (I think it was Eisenhower who put it in) but it was on the lawn and he didn't think it wasright that people could see him play - just made him look like a slacker.

Don't know what Dubya did - was he there enough?
^ I think it was Nixon.

Anyways, this would be pretty cool. I do hope Obama goes ahead and builds a full court basketball court inside the White House. It just adds to the history ofthe White House in that it evolves with littles touches from each presidency. What's wrong about that? Have him host a fundraiser with NBA players shellingout $1000 a pop and he can easily fund this.
nice at least if there are any more black presidents they can enjoy part of it too but thats if we dont have a fat black president haha Obama chea
Which Prez added the bowling alley?

I think it went in in Truman's time - but he wasn't a big bowling fan - a birthday present if memory serves me right. Nixon was a keen bowler and addeda new one.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Obama is like the most Black... Black guy ever
... Dude was on one when he had ARETHA FRANKLIN singing My Country tis of Thee...
... we got one my black people. We got a real brother in office
. If dude gets a basketball court in the Grey House, I bet a stack he's gonna throw some alpines in he back of that armored Caddy truck he's pushing. Black people and cadillacs...ah man I'm loving this
If I was Obama, I would get an NCAA sized court. I mean slightly smaller. You know he aint in tip-top shape anymore so it might be harder to get up and downthat court.
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