NBA on ESPN: Celtics @ Hawks .. 7pm

Originally Posted by outacontrol music


The Cs disgust me.

But they are old and they are wearing themselves out in this regular season...

Fine by me.

those old and worn out C's whooped your Cavs.
KG haters suck it down,dude was CLUTCH in the 4th as much as i hate to admit it. this atlanta team is something else though,great job by management to turnthis team around.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

did kg just walk by big baby and call him 'cryin *** !$+!%' comin out that last time out?


He said clown #$$ N...and he was talking about someone under the basket.

Mike Tyson was sitting behind the basket but I know damn well KG wasn't talking to him
Originally Posted by knightngale

the refs could have called it fair...on the road

do the celtics really need all the ref help? this is the 1000th time I've asked this

Give it a *!#*$$ rest. The Hawks shot more FTs than the Celtics did. You guys need to stop crying about that. Seriously.
Originally Posted by SA AMG

who saw KG mouth something to the fan like "keep talking! say it to my face ++*!$!" and point at his face?
Originally Posted by outacontrol music


The Cs disgust me.

But they are old and they are wearing themselves out in this regular season...

Fine by me.
Originally Posted by ussjme

KG haters suck it down,dude was CLUTCH in the 4th as much as i hate to admit it. this atlanta team is something else though,great job by management to turn this team around.
This performance was rarer than a solar eclipse, but KG did ball down the stretch. Now we gonna have to see him go into overload mode for the nextcouple games, verbally abusing old ladies and young children who are just wanting some popcorn.
Originally Posted by DeeNyce

Originally Posted by outacontrol music


The Cs disgust me.

But they are old and they are wearing themselves out in this regular season...

Fine by me.

those old and worn out C's whooped your Cavs.

Stop living in the past. Right now.
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by knightngale

those 2 3-point point plays not called in favor of the hawks and pierce's beng called= game

Give it a %%%$!# rest. The Hawks shot more FTs than the Celtics did. You guys need to stop crying about that. Seriously.
so that means those were not bad calls?
Originally Posted by outacontrol music


The Cs disgust me.

But they are old and they are wearing themselves out in this regular season...

Fine by me.
Do you ever stop?
great game, even if the celtics got this one. the jam by jsmoove was
.if only JJ hit that freethrow...great game nonetheless
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by knightngale

those 2 3-point point plays not called in favor of the hawks and pierce's beng called= game

Give it a %%%$!# rest. The Hawks shot more FTs than the Celtics did. You guys need to stop crying about that. Seriously.
so that means those were not bad calls?

Who said that? Show me an NBA game when there are 0 bad calls. There were some bad calls for both sides, like any other NBA game. Anyone who's blaming thisgame on the refs is a sore loser. Period.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by outacontrol music


The Cs disgust me.

But they are old and they are wearing themselves out in this regular season...

Fine by me.
Do you ever stop?

Dude comes in every Celtics thread claiming were old and itll show in the playoffs
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by EzFlash26

this is what the *!$% NBA basketball is about cant beat this !%%!.

As much as I cant stand the KG-era Celtics, these dudes are entertainment...they bring the best out of everybody, the team their facing, the crowd is 100% into it...

Boston has become that team you love to hate. Hasnt been a team like that in the league in a WHILE...

True that.

They are talking the talk and walking the walk. I don't hate Boston though. Always been a PP and KG fan. And who here doesn't like Jesus?

But I've been saying all year... Atl is the future. I love the way their team is constructed.

Great game.

all three of them dudes was prolly my favorite player at one point of time over the past 10 years...but the way Boston acts, KG and his ways (his wholefalse-hardbody act) is now disgusting to me
...that and they beat my twohometowns (The D & Cali).

I was glad KG, Ray, & P2 got they rings, but now, eh, $#%$ 'em...

and Im beating a dead-horse, but if ATL had CP3 or D-Will on this damn team...tsst, they will never live that down.
why do people keep complaining about the refs? celtics out-fouled ATL 22-20 and that's including the fouls made to stop the clock in the final seconds....
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

Originally Posted by outacontrol music


The Cs disgust me.

But they are old and they are wearing themselves out in this regular season...

Fine by me.

those old and worn out C's whooped your Cavs.

Stop living in the past. Right now.

living in the past?? Try this season tough guy. We whooped you all 3 times we played.
10/10/08 W 96-94

10/14/08 W 90-86

10/28/08 W 90-85

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

Originally Posted by outacontrol music


The Cs disgust me.

But they are old and they are wearing themselves out in this regular season...

Fine by me.

those old and worn out C's whooped your Cavs.

Stop living in the past. Right now.

living in the past?? Try this season tough guy. We whooped you all 3 times we played.
10/10/08 W 96-94

10/14/08 W 90-86

10/28/08 W 90-85


What the heck are you talking about dude?

The Celtics have played the Cavs ONCE....

You are buggin. Log out immediately.
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