NBA Rookie Watch

Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

^ you can add jeff green, thad young, aaron brooks, wilson chandler, nick young, and al thornton to that sophmore list
yeah out of all those mentioned, thornton was the one who was robbed last year.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

^ you can add jeff green, thad young, aaron brooks, wilson chandler, nick young, and al thornton to that sophmore list
yeah out of all those mentioned, thornton was the one who was robbed last year.
yea they did him dirty
Mike might as well be a small forward if he keeps playing like this. Dude is looking soft as hell out there. He doesn't wanna bang down low on D...hedoesn't wanna rebound...he doesn't wanna post up on offense...he just wants to shoot long jumpers all day. He IS knocking them down tho...
Quite the homecoming for Beasley....16 minutes...6 points/3 boards.... he's turning into Lee Nailon 2.0
One thing I will say about B is a teeeeerible defensive player. For someone that athletic he shouldn't get burnt by 7 ft tall Bargnani off the dribble.
Luc doing work.
11 pts - 4 reb - 1 ast - 1 stl, and .800% from the field.

He was only on the floor for about 1/3 of the game tonight.
Oden and Rose had very good games tonight.

Rose's speed is ridiculous (but we all knew that) and Oden was getting a bunch of easy dunks on the Warriors.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

As highly as I thought of Pooh...

He has gone WAY beyond my expectations.
Dude is seriously playing like a vet. As bad as my Bulls may be, Pooh is definitely a joy to watch.
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

Originally Posted by allen3xis

As highly as I thought of Pooh...

He has gone WAY beyond my expectations.
Dude is seriously playing like a vet. As bad as my Bulls may be, Pooh is definitely a joy to watch.
Gotta Co-Sign with this. He has exceeded any and everybody's expectations.
Rose is ridiculous. Watching him tonight against the lakers was pretty amazing.

Lot of great rookies in this class, and some that I thought were going to ride pine are contributing greatly.

Mbah a Moute, Chalmers, Rudy, Westbrook, Love, Gasol, Augustin... all contributing to their teams.

If Anthony Morrow keeps putting up numbers the way he is, I'd throw him into the ROY discussion.
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

Originally Posted by allen3xis

As highly as I thought of Pooh...

He has gone WAY beyond my expectations.
Dude is seriously playing like a vet. As bad as my Bulls may be, Pooh is definitely a joy to watch.
thats the only thing worth watchin on this team
You think the Blazers weren't doing that tonight? Just imagine if he played the 4th and the team didn't ignore him in the 1st
^portland was well aware of morrow's presence. even when guarded tightly in certain situations, morrow found a way to create his own shot (baseline shotagainst Rudy was smooth). what's encouraging about morrow is that he doesn't have to create his shot 95% of the time. it all comes in the flow of thegame.
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