NBA Rookie Watch

When is the next Warriors nationally televised game? I really wanna see this guy Morrow play .. All I've gotten to catch so far have been highlights
Originally Posted by daprescription

December 12th against the Rockets.
Wow .. Gonna be interesting to see how he does against a good defense, thanks for the info though.
He's acting like a little $**%$ right now because the coach is picking on him trying to get him to rebound and play D and I don't think he likes hisrole in the offense right now. Son just wants to stand around and shoot jumpers. He'll be fine though...he's still one of the top 2 talented rookies.He's just on his period right now...which he tends to do sometimes.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

He's acting like a little $**%$ right now because the coach is picking on him trying to get him to rebound and play D and I don't think he likes his role in the offense right now.

How dare the coach ask him to play D or Rebound.

Son just wants to stand around and shoot jumpers. He'll be fine though...he's still one of the top 2 talented rookies. He's just on his period right now...which he tends to do sometimes.
SMH, Getting his Rasheed Wallace on I see. Hopefully he breaks out of his little funk soon...
So since Oden was officially horrible and a bust after 13 minutes, what does it say about him when he's averaging 15,9 and 3 over the last 3 games?

I mean, if we're gonna be completely overreacting here . .
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

He's acting like a little $**%$ right now because the coach is picking on him trying to get him to rebound and play D and I don't think he likes his role in the offense right now. Son just wants to stand around and shoot jumpers. He'll be fine though...he's still one of the top 2 talented rookies. He's just on his period right now...which he tends to do sometimes.
That's probably the reason why he only played 16 minutes last night...IN DC....
People still debating this topic? Pooh with another "typical" day in the office same result on both ends.

I rest on my previous statement... head and shoulders above the rest.
Why is this thread still hanging around.... Derrick Rose is clearly above the rest of his class.

We need to start talking about him Starting on the East AllStar team back court with D. Wade!
/\ cause it's a rookie watch thread....not a who's above the rest post. And son ain't starting on no all star team. Allen Iverson has not passedaway yet.
Honestly.. Greg Oden.. I don't even have to make a comment.. But, all those claiming he was going to be a bust (which was 3/4 of this board) come andexplain why he has been putting in work.. In limited minutes by the way.. The guy is still Raw as well.. .. As you can tell with the amounts of times hecommits turnovers or getting his shot blocked.. I mean he is a rookie..

So if ya'll can overreact and claim he is a bust without stepping foot on the court.. I can make a claim that he will be a top center.. Which is noquestion in my mind.. EASILY a 18 and 10 guy.. 2.5 blocks a game Probably more..

Derrick Rose.. ROY

Rookies 132
Sophmores 125 - Al thornton with 30
/\ People were calling him a bust because of his injury problems...whether he can actually stay healthy remains to be seen so slow down on all that"explain why he's been putting in work" talk. Holla at me if he makes it through the season without breaking something.

As for the Rookie/Sophomore game...history has told us that no matter how talented the rookies are...the sophs always will win. I see no reason why things willbe different this year.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ People were calling him a bust because of his injury problems...whether he can actually stay healthy remains to be seen so slow down on all that "explain why he's been putting in work" talk. Holla at me if he makes it through the season without breaking something.

As for the Rookie/Sophomore game...history has told us that no matter how talented the rookies are...the sophs always will win. I see no reason why things will be different this year.
Well that doesn't really label you as a bust if it's because of injury problems.. That's something you just can't predict..That's like saying NENE is a bust.. I can't predict that Oden will re-injure something in the future either.. But if he does not, then I see nothingbut excellence in his career..

And the rookie game.. I really see the rookies taking it.. The big men on the sophmores are just not seeing the rookies.. Oden/Gasol/possibly Jason Thompsonor Mcgee/Beasley vs. Horford/Hawes/Jeff Green
But hey, even the 03 class lost.. But, the Soph's big men were so much better..Boozer/Amare/Yao lol.. So yeah.. It's either Experience with the win, orthe skills and athleticism for the rookies.. Some of these rookies though are playing fearless..
Originally Posted by kidoopz

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ People were calling him a bust because of his injury problems...whether he can actually stay healthy remains to be seen so slow down on all that "explain why he's been putting in work" talk. Holla at me if he makes it through the season without breaking something.

As for the Rookie/Sophomore game...history has told us that no matter how talented the rookies are...the sophs always will win. I see no reason why things will be different this year.
Well that doesn't really label you as a bust if it's because of injury problems.. That's something you just can't predict.. That's like saying NENE is a bust.. I can't predict that Oden will re-injure something in the future either.. But if he does not, then I see nothing but excellence in his career..

And the rookie game.. I really see the rookies taking it.. The big men on the sophmores are just not seeing the rookies.. Oden/Gasol/possibly Jason Thompson or Mcgee/Beasley vs. Horford/Hawes/Jeff Green
But hey, even the 03 class lost.. But, the Soph's big men were so much better..Boozer/Amare/Yao lol.. So yeah.. It's either Experience with the win, or the skills and athleticism for the rookies.. Some of these rookies though are playing fearless..

Actually it does....He signed a $100 mil contract and Injury or not Grant Hill has been a bust since he signed with Orl in '00. No one can deny that.
You cant compare greg oden to Nene because he has no where near the hype or potential that Greg Oden has...

SO FAR, Oden has Been a bust....But that can all change
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ People were calling him a bust because of his injury problems...whether he can actually stay healthy remains to be seen so slow down on all that "explain why he's been putting in work" talk. Holla at me if he makes it through the season without breaking something.

As for the Rookie/Sophomore game...history has told us that no matter how talented the rookies are...the sophs always will win. I see no reason why things will be different this year.

Please . . . there were A LOT of people questioning Greg's game whether he was injured or not, you can't deny that. He's slow, he has no post game,he's soft etc . . You guys are acting like you completely expected him to have the impact that he's had the last 4 games . . sorry, not buyin it.What's that phrase they use about hindsight?
The Warriors rooks have just been amazing so far. I can't believe it. But it is
to see. I'm lovin' it.
My defintion of bust is this.. This guy was hyped up to be the next Allen Iverson in high school.. Dropped about 35 pts a game.. Went into the college ranks..Lived up to the hype.. But, once he got into the NBA..He not once lived up to the potential.. His necessary skill set and awareness of the game was malignant,and later on faded into oblivion.. Traded from team to team, and was bumped to the 9th man off the bench..Not once did an injury hamper his game nor threatenhis career.. He just flat out sucked.. That is a bust to me.. Jay Williams is not a bust.. Dajuan Wagner is not a bust..Jonathan Bender is not a bust.. ShaunLivingston...Those guys just suffered injuries which cut their development time a bunch.. and later on ended their careers..

Now Guys who had the opportunity to play.. And just was flat out garbage.. basura.. trash! Or just didn't live up to the hype..And not once did an injuryplague their career... Eddy Curry Bust.. Kwame.. Bust.. And sorry to hurt half of Niketalk's feelings.. but Telfair.. Bust! Most of y'all didn'teven give Greg Oden a chance to step on the floor before labeling him as a bust.. How can you judge a person's game when they haven't even stepped footon the court..Let alone even play a year of basketball.. It's like everyone knew what he was going to be off appearance alone..
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