NBA Rookie Watch

Mayo w/ 32 4 4
Originally Posted by henz0

Mayo w/ 32 4 4
His field goal percentage has improved the past few games as well. 13-20 tonight and 10-15 against Utah. Rudy is starting to learn his role bygoing inside to score rather than shooting jumpers. Mayo outside, Rudy outside is dangerous.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

[table][tr][td]LA Clippers[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Starters[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Min[/td] [td]FG[/td] [td]3Pt[/td] [td]FT[/td] [td]http://[/td] [td]Off[/td] [td]Reb[/td] [td]Ast[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]Stl[/td] [td]BS[/td] [td]BA[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]Pts[/td] [/tr][tr][td]E. Gordon[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]41:44[/td] [td]8-14[/td] [td]4-9[/td] [td]4-4[/td] [td]-14[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]24[/td] [/tr][/table]
The Clippers might want rethink that possible Kaman for J-Rich swap when Eric Gordon plays like this.
So the Clippers were -14 whne he was in the game? EG still put up good numbers though...
It seems like every game I'll look at the MEM box score in the first half- Juice will have like 6-9 points with a few TOs and not much else. Then,I'll look at the end of the game and hes got 25, 26, 32 points.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Juice making the team proud

BEasy lately

the heat coach is an idiot.... it was a smart move not starting him vs the suns because of the major size difference..
but he benches beasley because he doesnt play defense?? first he's a rookie, he undersized in the position.. you dont learn how to play defense on thebench... i dont think the coach is using beasley to his full potential... its hard for beasley to post up against these bigger dudes... beasley needs the ballin his hands and a open floor so he can use his quickness to his advantage.. or take the open shot... dude ahs a mean mid range shot... stupid coach....
This is one of the best rookie classes in years.

I know im going to get a few blasphemy comments, but how does this compare to the 03 draft? The 03 draft class is really putting in work this year with Bron,Wade, Bosh, Melo, but im wondering in 5 years if this draft class is going to be just as good.

Regardless, these rookies are something else.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Juice making the team proud

BEasy lately

the heat coach is an idiot.... it was a smart move not starting him vs the suns because of the major size difference..
but he benches beasley because he doesnt play defense?? first he's a rookie, he undersized in the position.. you dont learn how to play defense on the bench... i dont think the coach is using beasley to his full potential... its hard for beasley to post up against these bigger dudes... beasley needs the ball in his hands and a open floor so he can use his quickness to his advantage.. or take the open shot... dude ahs a mean mid range shot... stupid coach....
Word, I said earlier in the season most of BEasy's points were coming from mid-range jump be wise to let him get mid-range post ups(15-18 feet) and let him create.
i actually thought the coach was gonna do something different witht he type of rookies the heat have with d wade but i guess not...
Yeah Spolestra is an idiot...dude's easily the second best offense option on the team (yes better than Marion) but he keeps trying to prove some point bybenching him.
Spolestra has the heat at 8-8....considering how bad they were last season, I don't think there is any room for complaints. Beasley will comearound...he's not even a quarter into his rookie year. I would almost guarantee that things will be different for him by the time the All-Star break comesaround. It's only a matter of time before everything starts to click for Beasley on the court.
spolestra does not have the heat at 8-8... d wade and the team have the heat at 8-8...d wade looks like nothing from last year... when they are out on thefloor it doesnt even look like they are running any types of plays....
seems beasley looking good tonight vs the clippers.. i cant really watch the game..
@ work... so espn will do for now
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Spolestra benching BEasy in the fourth when he has 24 points

tell me about it.. beasley was getting hot too... i dont see why the hell he's on the bench.. and cook is a certified chucker
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

spolestra does not have the heat at 8-8... d wade and the team have the heat at 8-8...d wade looks like nothing from last year... when they are out on the floor it doesnt even look like they are running any types of plays....
If the Heat were 4-12, you'd be blaming the coach....they are 8-8, and NO credit goes to Spolestra?
please tell me what do you think spolestra has done to make the heat better this year??? benching beasley in the 4th was a good move?? he had 24 points and waslighting it up...
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

please tell me what do you think spolestra has done to make the heat better this year??? benching beasley in the 4th was a good move?? he had 24 points and was lighting it up...
How much did Beasley play in the 4th? I know that his defense has been in question, and in a close game, he is probably looked at as a liabilityin the crunch on the other end of the court. Who was he defending? Thornton and Randolph had big games. I know it's not all on Beasley, but he has toearn that trust in the 4th quarter. Beasley NOT playing in the 4th is nothing new. I'm not defending Spolestra's decision, but I'm sureBeasley's defensive play is the reason why he wasn't out there.
I just saw that Marion is on the trade block...this could be the move that the Heat makes that opens things up for Beasley....
From the numerous games I've seen of the Heat, Marion isn't much of a factor.

It'd give more opportunities for BEasy to get rebounds though.
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