NBA Will Start Imposing Fines For Flopping Next Season

--Bowen...tsk tsk...
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

All the comments directed toward a player like Manu Ginobili are overblown. He's takes it to the hole and isn't afraid of contact. There are players who get away with lots more, but rarely ever get called on it, but yet he's the posterchild. The whole stereotype that some players have while others are guilty of much worse doesn't make sense.

you obviously dont watch basketball
I just came about this satirical Manu Ginobili article that I've just read recently. Thought I'd share it.

[font=Arial, Helvetica]LOS ANGELES, Calif. (Sportsman's Daily Wire Service) -- Just days after the NBA announced it would institute fines in cases of "clear" flopping, Manu Ginobili came perilously close to losing his life as a result of his reputation as the league's most frequent -- and arguably most accomplished -- flopper.[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica]The afternoon following the Spurs' elimination from the Western Conference finals, Ginobli consoled himself with a tuna melt at a popular bistro in downtown L.A. when a piece of his sandwich lodged in his throat, causing a violent coughing fit. According to witnesses, annoyed diners pretended not to notice even as Ginobli desperately thrashed about and crashed into a neighboring table, dramatically collapsing to the floor, wide-eyed and aghast, as though catching a phantom elbow to the back of the head.[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica]"We've seen it too many times before, no one was buying," said Mitchell Reiner, an actor between roles. "Plus, you've got to understand, here in L.A. a flop is a movie that tanks. An over-emoting basketball player known for reacting to a stiff breeze like a circus clown shot from a cannon isn't going to get anyone's attention." Reiner was shocked to learn that Ginobli was actually choking and was moments away from certain death if it weren't for NBA ref Joey Crawford, in town for a meeting with the officiating crew tapped to work the NBA Finals, who happened by to apply the Heimlich maneuver. Ironically, Crawford was the ref who blew the call in the final seconds of Game 4.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]"I'll admit, my first thought was, oh man, give it a rest Ginobli," said Crawford. "The guy's a real drama queen. Players on his own team give him the business, even Duncan, who likes to imitate Ginobli manufacturing a fake orgasm. It's hilarious. He writhes on the floor and shouts 'si, si, si ...' ... and one! ... then rolls over and snores."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Crawford hopes that by saving Ginobili's life, the Spurs will forgive his controversial non-call. "What call?" asked a still-seething Spurs coach Gregg Popovich. "If anything warrants a non-call it's Crawford choking on a ham sandwich. The right thing to do is just let it play out."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Director Quentin Tarantino, witnessed the entire scene from a nearby table. "It all kind of happened in slo-mo, which is how I would have shot the scene. Other than being about 9 inches too short, Andy Garcia would be perfect."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Detroit's combustible Rasheed Wallace, known around the league as a technical foul waiting to happen, is no fan of floppers and is looking forward to playing without all the "make believe bull(bleep)" that gets him so worked up.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]"It's bull(bleep). The cat's been flopping all over the place since he came into the league. But if there's anything that gets me more pissed than flopping it's them cats that make bull(bleep) faces like you just cut the cheese. The refs call it all the time ... when anyone over the age of 6 knows that if you smelt it, chances are you dealt it."[/font]

if it really happened
Originally Posted by rhugghed114

I just came about this satirical Manu Ginobili article that I've just read recently. Thought I'd share it.

[font=Arial, Helvetica]LOS ANGELES, Calif. (Sportsman's Daily Wire Service) -- Just days after the NBA announced it would institute fines in cases of "clear" flopping, Manu Ginobili came perilously close to losing his life as a result of his reputation as the league's most frequent -- and arguably most accomplished -- flopper.[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica]The afternoon following the Spurs' elimination from the Western Conference finals, Ginobli consoled himself with a tuna melt at a popular bistro in downtown L.A. when a piece of his sandwich lodged in his throat, causing a violent coughing fit. According to witnesses, annoyed diners pretended not to notice even as Ginobli desperately thrashed about and crashed into a neighboring table, dramatically collapsing to the floor, wide-eyed and aghast, as though catching a phantom elbow to the back of the head.[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica]"We've seen it too many times before, no one was buying," said Mitchell Reiner, an actor between roles. "Plus, you've got to understand, here in L.A. a flop is a movie that tanks. An over-emoting basketball player known for reacting to a stiff breeze like a circus clown shot from a cannon isn't going to get anyone's attention." Reiner was shocked to learn that Ginobli was actually choking and was moments away from certain death if it weren't for NBA ref Joey Crawford, in town for a meeting with the officiating crew tapped to work the NBA Finals, who happened by to apply the Heimlich maneuver. Ironically, Crawford was the ref who blew the call in the final seconds of Game 4.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]"I'll admit, my first thought was, oh man, give it a rest Ginobli," said Crawford. "The guy's a real drama queen. Players on his own team give him the business, even Duncan, who likes to imitate Ginobli manufacturing a fake orgasm. It's hilarious. He writhes on the floor and shouts 'si, si, si ...' ... and one! ... then rolls over and snores."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Crawford hopes that by saving Ginobili's life, the Spurs will forgive his controversial non-call. "What call?" asked a still-seething Spurs coach Gregg Popovich. "If anything warrants a non-call it's Crawford choking on a ham sandwich. The right thing to do is just let it play out."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Director Quentin Tarantino, witnessed the entire scene from a nearby table. "It all kind of happened in slo-mo, which is how I would have shot the scene. Other than being about 9 inches too short, Andy Garcia would be perfect."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Detroit's combustible Rasheed Wallace, known around the league as a technical foul waiting to happen, is no fan of floppers and is looking forward to playing without all the "make believe bull(bleep)" that gets him so worked up.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]"It's bull(bleep). The cat's been flopping all over the place since he came into the league. But if there's anything that gets me more pissed than flopping it's them cats that make bull(bleep) faces like you just cut the cheese. The refs call it all the time ... when anyone over the age of 6 knows that if you smelt it, chances are you dealt it."[/font]

if it really happened

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