NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

lamekilla lamekilla i think it's more essential to teach our sons or friends to not be taking advantage of intoxicated or drugged out women tbh

Because at the end of the day, even if a woman were to leave themselves susceptible to a situation where they could potentially be raped, a man with morals would and should not take advantage of it.

I agree with this but at the same time, having a daughter I've already started to teach her about weird situations dudes can and will put her in. You have to teach women at a young age that some guys are really just bad people and to be careful where you go, with who, and what you do.

This obviously doesn't apply to every situation, majority of sexual assaults against teens and children are committed by people they know and trust. But you gotta remember not everybody is a man with morals, and alcohol is proven to effect judgement tremendously. And then some people are just ****** people and that's why this thread exists in the first place. Ignoring reality isn't gonna help anybody.
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lamekilla lamekilla i think it's more essential to teach our sons or friends to not be taking advantage of intoxicated or drugged out women tbh

Because at the end of the day, even if a woman were to leave themselves susceptible to a situation where they could potentially be raped, a man with morals would and should not take advantage of it.

I agree with this but at the same time, having a daughter I've already started to teach her about weird situations dudes can and will put her in. You have to teach women at a young age that some guys are really just bad people and to be careful where you go, with who, and what you do.

This obviously doesn't apply to every situation, majority of sexual assaults against teens and children are committed by people they know and trust. But you gotta remember not everybody is a man with morals. Some people are just ****** people and that's why this thread exists in the first place. Ignoring reality isn't gonna help anybody.
See I have no problem with this context.

However, from reading the responses from lamekilla where he goes on to blame the victim for "messing with a married man" or "she should have been smarter" doesn't justify the event of rape at all. That's where I draw the line.
Gloria Allred being involved makes it look suspect

and the prosecutor is wasting their time and the states money trying to retry the case
There isn't a single person saying women shouldn't be vigilant, that's just common sense. It's just an insincere reach on lames part to make it seem that way so he doesn't look that bad. Either way making a poor decision doesn't make you to blame for rape. Asking about if a family member found themselves in that private setting what would you think. If your first thought is about how immoral they may have been as opposed how they were just violated you're a piece of ****. There's no scenario that makes rape the victim's fault (hence why it's rape, you know, against their will), you should be embarrassed for making excuses.
lamekilla lamekilla i think it's more essential to teach our sons or friends to not be taking advantage of intoxicated or drugged out women tbh

Because at the end of the day, even if a woman were to leave themselves susceptible to a situation where they could potentially be raped, a man with morals would and should not take advantage of it.

I agree with this but at the same time, having a daughter I've already started to teach her about weird situations dudes can and will put her in. You have to teach women at a young age that some guys are really just bad people and to be careful where you go, with who, and what you do.

This obviously doesn't apply to every situation, majority of sexual assaults against teens and children are committed by people they know and trust. But you gotta remember not everybody is a man with morals. Some people are just ****** people and that's why this thread exists in the first place. Ignoring reality isn't gonna help anybody.
See I have no problem with this context.

However, from reading the responses from lamekilla where he goes on to blame the victim for "messing with a married man" or "she should have been smarter" doesn't justify the event of rape at all. That's where I draw the line.

I didn't think he was justifying rapes from the start. His wording was all kinds of ****** up but I felt like I got the gist of his points :lol:
Dude said that they share some culpability in getting raped, because they drank alcohol in private with a married man.

That alone earned him all the blowback he got. He has just been talking in circles a ton.

Let us no try to act like all he was saying is women should be cautious.
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lamekilla lamekilla i think it's more essential to teach our sons or friends to not be taking advantage of intoxicated or drugged out women tbh

Because at the end of the day, even if a woman were to leave themselves susceptible to a situation where they could potentially be raped, a man with morals would and should not take advantage of it.

I agree with this but at the same time, having a daughter I've already started to teach her about weird situations dudes can and will put her in. You have to teach women at a young age that some guys are really just bad people and to be careful where you go, with who, and what you do.

This obviously doesn't apply to every situation, majority of sexual assaults against teens and children are committed by people they know and trust. But you gotta remember not everybody is a man with morals. Some people are just ****** people and that's why this thread exists in the first place. Ignoring reality isn't gonna help anybody.
See I have no problem with this context.

However, from reading the responses from lamekilla where he goes on to blame the victim for "messing with a married man" or "she should have been smarter" doesn't justify the event of rape at all. That's where I draw the line.

I didn't think he was justifying rapes from the start. His wording was all kinds of ****** up but I felt like I got the gist of his points :lol:

No sir, no.

He did it. He did it to multiple women. They were into it. They got older. They regretted. They see him still immensely relevant decades later. He speaks from a high horse. They know he has skeletons in the closet along with power and money. They come forward. Profit??

Are you saying that a woman having a drink with a married man should share some part of the blame if she's raped?

Or am I misunderstanding?

You left out private setting.
Dude said that they share some culpability in getting raped, because they drank alcohol in private with a married man.

That alone earned him all the blowback he got. He has just been talking in circles a ton.

Let us no try to act like all he was saying is women should be cautious.
Dude said that they share some culpability in getting raped, because they drank alcohol in private with a married man.

That alone earned him all the blowback he got. He has just been talking in circles a ton.

Let us no try to act like all he was saying is women should be cautious.

i think if ya would've let him elaborate he would've eventually got there..... maybe :lol:
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Yeah that "profit?" part was some ********, you not wrong :lol:

I agree with the marriage thing. Not in the "you might get raped" context but my assumption is a married man inviting a single woman over at night for drinks when his wife is gone is just weird to me. I don't care what your business/celebrity level is. That's just me personally though, I'm not bout to feel some type of way if anybody disagrees.
The marriage/single woman context is a whole other conversation than the giant elephant made out of pudding in the room.
Married is mentioned bc it provides context.
What does being married have to do rape?
That's an irrelevant context.

not to women, broads will be da first to tell other broads "you doing dirt with a married men, you already knowingly running risks"

that married qualifier ain't really for dudes to digest like that, its a woman to woman gem.
Yeah I hear that from women telling other women this when the situation deals with cheating and having a child out of wedlock most of the time.

I don't see how that still applies to rape though.
lamekilla lamekilla i think it's more essential to teach our sons or friends to not be taking advantage of intoxicated or drugged out women tbh

Because at the end of the day, even if a woman were to leave themselves susceptible to a situation where they could potentially be raped, a man with morals would and should not take advantage of it.

And of course I agree with this. Rape culture is at an all time high and it's up to each and every person to police each other and look out for the next person. This isn't just a situation on women, men need to step up and assume culpability for any injustices they see occurring around them as well as it pertains to something like rape. We should make it a habit to not only shun sexual predators but also encourage men and woman to be very aware of their surroundings and to think twice when accepting drugs and/or alcohol in a not so familiar environment and without close friends/family around.

Why is "married" so important that y'all feel the need to include it?

Do y'all think men are naturally inclined to sleep with any kind of woman if they are drinking? Why are the women being chastised for making bad choices but the men who are sleeping with these same women ignored? It's accepted that sleeping with a drunk woman is socially accepted as rape so why aren't these men being asked to make better decisions and not sleep with women that have been drinking?

How many situations have you heard of a woman raping a man? You could probably count on your fingers but the reality is that men more often than not are the sexual predators and women more often than not are the prey. My whole point is that you preach accountability to BOTH and to avoid any situation that could lead to that or could be perceived as that. It's not a situation where men exercise all precaution and woman walk around aimlessly or vice versa.

Married is mentioned bc it provides context.

Thank you.

You soft b.

And none of this story justifies your bull **** reasoning.

Coming off like a real piece of **** scumbag in here. Low key blaming rape victims cuz they were in a situation you have a clear warped bias on because in an experience you had you failed and feel guilty.

I'll be all the way clear, it doesnt matter if its a known trollop with a married man in a private setting who is known to be aggressive.

None of that puts the blame on the rape victim. I don't care if all the women intended gonna be sex with a married man or a dude with a gf. None of that changes that the blame for rape is on the rapist.

Sounding insanely stupid in this thread.

I mean c'mon we talking about women who were raped by a serial rapist and your response is lets acknowledge the women who put themselves in that situation with a married man and their accountability. The **** for?

One is rape and the other is some seedy lowlife implication that because they may have wanted to have an affair they deserved to be raped.

**** all of yall on that bull ****.

You can make a point without having to hurl insults. When did I imply that the women wanted an affair and deserved to be raped? I'm not understanding why me saying a woman making a bad descicion in drinking with a married man in a private setting is causing so many feelings to be tugged on. You get in a car with a drunk driver and the car gets into a wreck, it's not your fault. You weren't driving. You didn't intend to get into a wreck, you weren't the one driving. It's the driver's fault, they shouldn't have drove while intoxicated. They will be punished accordingly. But I will ask you, "why did you get in the car with someone that was drunk at the wheel?" Why is this situation any different? Because they were suppose to trust Cliff Huxtable? Or because men are obligated to be chivalrous gentlemen and should never even think of something so vile? This is the real world, when you choose to live in it you'll realize that there are people out there that can harm you and take advantage of you and you should avoid any compromising situation at all costs. You constantly assess every scenario, situation and person that is UNFAMILIAR to you. This goes for both men and women.
Just because it's "not moral" to be sleeping with a married man doesn't make the act of rape any better.

I don't get where's the hangup on that.

You guys are literally arguing two separate ideas of morality and trying to combine them as saying it's a cause and effect thing. That's a logical fallacy.

A lot of married men cheat, but they don't rape the woman. That's alright in my book because it was consensual.

When the woman is looking to have sex with a cheating husband, but ends up getting raped unwillingly, part of the blame is the woman for getting raped.? You lost me there guys.
You didn't say they deserve to be raped...true

But you are still insistent that they should share the blame with the rapist

It's a lot like the "he didn't deserve to die, but he should have just complied" nonsense that we hear when a cop murders a civilian
You didn't say they deserve to be raped...true

But you are still insistent that they should share the blame with the rapist

It's a lot like the "he didn't deserve to die, but he should have just complied" nonsense that we hear when a cop murders a civilian

Forreal, we are seeing the same type of counter arguments in the police brutality threads out there in the internet.

"He was a thug anyway", "he shouldn't have been walking around that area during the day", or "the cop didn't know any better, it's not his fault, it was so-so fault for not complying", etc.

I've seen it more than once in here and I don't think it's fair to use policy brutality and murder to make a point in this situation.
I've seen it more than once in here and I don't think it's fair to use policy brutality and murder to make a point in this situation.

How is it not fair?

Practically some of the posts here are saying "Oh if she wasn't being a **** and was looking to sleep with wealthy married men, this wouldn't have happened", like how? Do all wealthy married men who cheat on their wives drug and rape their mistress?

It mirrors the same type of logical fallacies that is done in those threads.
I've seen it more than once in here and I don't think it's fair to use policy brutality and murder to make a point in this situation.

How is it not fair?

Practically some of the posts here are saying "Oh if she wasn't being a **** and was looking to sleep with wealthy married men, this wouldn't have happened", like how? Do all wealthy married men who cheat on their wives drug and rape their mistress?

It mirrors the same type of logical fallacies that is done in those threads.

Bill Cosby has no sworn duty to protect and serve citizens. Dudes just a serial rapist.

You can point to whatever posts in here you want, I'm not going to make the connection in my head that those situations should be compared that way. Again you don't have to agree, I'm not bout to feel any type of way about how you feel. Just stating I don't think it's a fair point to make.
It's really not even close lol Dudes pulling scenarios out of anywhere bc they can't handle differing opinions. Classic NT
Yes I can't handle an opinion that trivializes why rape happens and who's at fault for the rape. :rolleyes
Get real.
Get out your feelings. Multiple posts have been made that state the contrary. You dudes act like women when you face opposition. It's hilarious.
I agree with this but at the same time, having a daughter I've already started to teach her about weird situations dudes can and will put her in. You have to teach women at a young age that some guys are really just bad people and to be careful where you go, with who, and what you do.

This obviously doesn't apply to every situation, majority of sexual assaults against teens and children are committed by people they know and trust. But you gotta remember not everybody is a man with morals, and alcohol is proven to effect judgement tremendously. And then some people are just ****** people and that's why this thread exists in the first place. Ignoring reality isn't gonna help anybody.

I just want to thank you for one being a black father and two instilling real world information in your daughter. The world desperately needs more of you.

There isn't a single person saying women shouldn't be vigilant, that's just common sense. It's just an insincere reach on lames part to make it seem that way so he doesn't look that bad. Either way making a poor decision doesn't make you to blame for rape. Asking about if a family member found themselves in that private setting what would you think. If your first thought is about how immoral they may have been as opposed how they were just violated you're a piece of ****. There's no scenario that makes rape the victim's fault (hence why it's rape, you know, against their will), you should be embarrassed for making excuses.

No excuses being made. You're content with things the way they are after they happen and I would want to know each and every detail to make sure that nothing like that could happen again. When did I ever say it was the victims fault for being raped? They made a couple bad choices which is what I've been saying. A women CAN AND SHOULD make better choices.

Dude said that they share some culpability in getting raped, because they drank alcohol in private with a married man.

That alone earned him all the blowback he got. He has just been talking in circles a ton.

Let us no try to act like all he was saying is women should be cautious.

So is drinking alcohol with a married man in a private setting an exercise in being cautious? No one is talking in circles Rusty.

i think if ya would've let him elaborate he would've eventually got there..... maybe :lol:

I feel like I do a decent job of conveying my thoughts on here and I'm always open to conversation and a change in ideology. I don't understand why my position is so hard to grasp. You analogized pretty well earlier.

Yeah that "profit?" part was some ********, you not wrong :lol:

I agree with the marriage thing. Not in the "you might get raped" context but my assumption is a married man inviting a single woman over at night for drinks when his wife is gone is just weird to me. I don't care what your business/celebrity level is. That's just me personally though, I'm not bout to feel some type of way if anybody disagrees.

I say profit because I have a hard time believing that none of these women are out for a check. But that's another conversation. You do however understand that a man that is married drinking with a single woman in a private setting is questionable and you are right in acknowledging that because that's EXACTLY what it is. Questionable.

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