NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

The person making an unjust comparison is complaining about an "unjust comparison :lol: :smh:
No I read that dumb **** and I'm specifically speaking to you taking exception with that.

There's no ******* difference.

But it doesn't even have to be police. It could be any time a white person "stand their ground", kills a black person and we get those bull **** excuses all the same.
Irrelevant deflections due to faulty assumptions.

This aint emotions or about comprehension. You can't control these facts. Doesn't matter how my ch you plead for it.

You are what you are.
First off explain why you think what you condone or don't condone ******* matters?

I wouldn't give a **** enough to condone it or not either way.

This is what happens when you live life like a coward.

You see drinks with a married man as a potential dangerous situation based off of ignorance or a couple of terrible personal experiences. So those are triggers for YOU.

There is nothing inherently bad or wrong about drinks with a married man but I do see the glaring sexism in this view by you.

Tell us lame how many drinks with married men you've had that you didn't think twice about? Or do you also have a story where you almost got raped as well?

**** outta here with this bull **** man. You too soft.

You out here trying to shift blame to women who were raped and cover it up with women should be more cautious and know better but the inherent problem here is you're trying to paint married men as rapists and Don't see how stupid that is to compare to a drunk driver. The driver is already drunk dumbass.

Why would you "not give a **** enough"
My mother is a grown woman and a responsible adult.

Never known her to to be a person of poor judgement. So if she was having drinks with a married man its probably with a relative or a friend of the family but then again my mother rarely drinks. So ya hypothetical require more reaching than usual.

Regardless I am in no position to condone my mothers action. Nor are they ran by me before she commits said actions.

But the main reason I do not care is because I have no reason to believe that drinks with a married means you're going to get raped especially if the person having drinks is a female.

Terrible world, bad **** happens, yards yards but the key thing about that is bad **** can happen to you anywhere at any time whether you're doing the right or wrong thing according to anyone else's morales or judgement.

Thats just common sense I thought everyone had though.

Guess not.

And to be clear you continue to be the soft one. You couldn't prevent a chick you were crushing on who also made you jealous of being raped after you tried and prevent that from possibly happening. You now have a warped view on women and how they conduct themselves instead of on the rapists.

You probably should seek therapy.
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You can always point the suckas out.

Thread starts off talking about whether or not Cosby raped these women. After you get past the conspiracy theories about wanting to purchase NBC and the victims are doing this now for a come up and they're jealous Cosby is still famous in come the sucka clowns that say instead of talking about if he raped them or not lets talk about the blame these women share for getting raped cuz they agreed to have drinks in private :smh:

No I read that dumb **** and I'm specifically speaking to you taking exception with that.

There's no ******* difference.

But it doesn't even have to be police. It could be any time a white person "stand their ground", kills a black person and we get those bull **** excuses all the same.

Oh yeah I don't care. People got what I meant and if they disagreed or whatever we hashed it out, that's good enough for me. If you think that makes me similar to WS and racists, I'm not worried about that either.

I made it pretty clear that I don't agree with victim blaming in the first place if you read my other posts.

Calm down guy.
I said what I said.

Whether you care about it doesn't matter in general.

Its not that serious guy.
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My mother is a grown woman and a responsible adult.

Never known her to to be a person of poor judgement. So if she was having drinks with a married man its probably with a relative or a friend of the family but then again my mother rarely drinks. So ya hypothetical require more reaching than usual.

Regardless I am in no position to condone my mothers action. Nor are they ran by me before she commits said actions.

But the main reason I do not care is because I have no reason to believe that drinks with a married means you're going to get raped especially if the person having drinks is a female.

Terrible world, bad **** happens, yards yards but the key thing about that is bad **** can happen to you anywhere at any time whether you're doing the right or wrong thing according to anyone else's morales or judgement.

Thats just common sense I thought everyone had though.

Guess not.

And to be clear you continue to be the soft one. You couldn't prevent a chick you were crushing on who also made you jealous of being raped after you tried and prevent that from possibly happening. You now have a warped view on women and how they conduct themselves instead of on the rapists.

You probably should seek therapy.

You can always point the suckas out.

Thread starts off talking about whether or not Cosby raped these women. After you get past the conspiracy theories about wanting to purchase NBC and the victims are doing this now for a come up and they're jealous Cosby is still famous in come the sucka clowns that say instead of talking about if he raped them or not lets talk about the blame these women share for getting raped cuz they agreed to have drinks in private :smh:
I said what I said.

Whether you care about it doesn't matter in general.

Its not that serious guy.

Estrogen all in this post.
I don't think you know what estrogen is :lol: If this is a weak ad hominem attack, please do better. You still the soft one here. The entire mentality is that of someone ***** made the way you view the woman who is raped in that scenario.

You can't even full on answer my hypothetical without introducing a whole bunch of other variables
Thats real life *****. Get in touch with it.

and then conveniently ignore the daughter or girlfriend alternative as well because you know exactly how you would answer the question.
I don't have a daughter and can't really entertain that hypothetical with any conviction. I could say some **** about if I had a daughter but pretending to have one and actually having one is the difference between your bull **** soft *** reasoning and real life.

As for the gf part LOL. If my girlfriend is meeting up for drinks with a married man, guess what she's not my gf. That's a chick I was *******.

So in that hypothetical, I'm not worrying about her like that but even if you want to add other **** to your hypothetical where I loved the broad not condoning her meeting with a married man for drinks has nothing to do with a situation where she might get raped.

I don't normally think if a chick is out with a guy that rape is going to be high on the list of how that night is going to end. You can't go around thinking every single man is a rapist.

Plus you gotta explain why a female is more likely to get raped by a married man than she is to get raped by a "friend" that isn't married.
For someone who's so adamant about the onus being on the sexual predator and no one else when it comes to rape, this is the second time you've TRIED to be funny and insinuate that Im at fault in the girl I knew being raped because I couldn't prevent it from happening.
Bruh, did you not read what you posted?

I'm using your words.

Your soft *** felt like you failed her. I didnt blame you for that. You blamed yourself. You gotta deal with that guilt appropriately instead of blaming rape victims for being in situations that may be questionable on an infidelity level but have no barring on who is to blame for rape.
You coming at me like that
Nobody is coming for you.

I'm calling it how it is. You can't get offended cuz I used your own words b. Grow up.

This whole trying to play the victim, claiming your being stalked, constantly feeling insulted and attacked WILL NOT work when you out here talking about rape victims share blame cuz of the situations they put themselves in as if drinks with a married man in a private setting can only lead to rape.

Not buying it. There's nothing to debate or educational about that and if your real world life experiences have truly led you to believe that and not just cuz of that one sad story about the girl you like being raped, you being unable to stop it cuz she played you then I really feel sorry for you.

How ****** up and truly sad it must be to think that if a woman chooses to have drinks with a married man that one of the main outcomes you can expect from that is she will be raped and on top of that to think its her fault for taking part in it :smh:
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I don't think you know what estrogen is :lol: ir if this is a weak ad hominem attack, please do better. You still the soft one here. The entire mentality is it that of someone ***** made the way you woman who is raped in that scenario.
Thats real life *****. Get in touch with it.
I don't have a daughter and can't really entertain that hypothetical with any conviction. I could say some **** about if I had a daughter but pretending to have one and actually having one is the difference between your bull **** soft *** reasoning and real lI've.

As for the gf part LOL. If my girlfriend is netting up for drinks with a married man, guess what she's not my gf. That's a chick I was *******.

So in that hypothetical, I'm not worrying about her like that but even if you want to add other **** to your hypothetical where I loved the broad not condoning her meeting with a married man for drinks has nothing to do with a situation where she might get raped.
Bruh, did you not read what you posted?

I'm using your words.

Your soft ads felt like you failed her. I didnt blame you for that. You blamed yourself. You gotta deal with that guilt appropriately instead of blaming rape victims for being in situations that may be questionable on an infidelity level but have no barring on who is to blame for rape.

Nobody is coming for you.

I'm calling it how it is. You can't get offended cuz I used your own words b. Grow up.

This whole trying to play th3 victim, constantly feeling insulted and attacked WILL NOT work when you out here talking about rape victims share blame cuz of the situations they put themselves in as if drinks with a married man in a private setting can only lead to rape.

Not buying it. There's nothing to debate or educational about that and if your real world life experiences have truly led you to believe that and not just cuz of that sad story about the girl you like being raped, you being unable to stop it cuz she played you then I really feel sorry for you.

How ****** up and truly sad must it be to think that if a woman chooses to have drinks with a married man that one of the main outcomes you can expect from that is she will be raped and on top of that to think its her fault for taking part in it :smh:

All you did was read my post and make assumptions because I never said that an outcome you can expect from having drinks with a married man in a private setting is rape. I asked where is the culpability in a woman who went into a questionable situation. Because you clearly think the situation is questionable if you're saying if you had a girl that did that than she's not your gf and dismiss her as a chick you were just *******. There's nothing soft about me feeling at guilt for not snatching that girl away but you're persistent in letting everyone know you're a clown for trying to back pedal joking about something like that. You're soft b, can't even own up to your own ignorance. You're even more of a clown for reading a story I said happened 8 years ago and assuming I have had no other experiences with women or other life experiences since then. A super clown if you will. Everybody has checked out the conversation and yet you're still in here trying to prove a point to who? You've said nothing to change my views or educated me as to why you have your views. You're just in here "trying" to be funny and then even stalking me in other threads :lol: Super clown come perform at my nephew's birthday party.
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I don't think you know what estrogen is :lol: ir if this is a weak ad hominem attack, please do better. You still the soft one here. The entire mentality is it that of someone ***** made the way you woman who is raped in that scenario.
Thats real life *****. Get in touch with it.
I don't have a daughter and can't really entertain that hypothetical with any conviction. I could say some **** about if I had a daughter but pretending to have one and actually having one is the difference between your bull **** soft *** reasoning and real lI've.

As for the gf part LOL. If my girlfriend is netting up for drinks with a married man, guess what she's not my gf. That's a chick I was *******.

So in that hypothetical, I'm not worrying about her like that but even if you want to add other **** to your hypothetical where I loved the broad not condoning her meeting with a married man for drinks has nothing to do with a situation where she might get raped.
Bruh, did you not read what you posted?

I'm using your words.

Your soft ads felt like you failed her. I didnt blame you for that. You blamed yourself. You gotta deal with that guilt appropriately instead of blaming rape victims for being in situations that may be questionable on an infidelity level but have no barring on who is to blame for rape.

Nobody is coming for you.

I'm calling it how it is. You can't get offended cuz I used your own words b. Grow up.

This whole trying to play th3 victim, constantly feeling insulted and attacked WILL NOT work when you out here talking about rape victims share blame cuz of the situations they put themselves in as if drinks with a married man in a private setting can only lead to rape.

Not buying it. There's nothing to debate or educational about that and if your real world life experiences have truly led you to believe that and not just cuz of that sad story about the girl you like being raped, you being unable to stop it cuz she played you then I really feel sorry for you.

How ****** up and truly sad must it be to think that if a woman chooses to have drinks with a married man that one of the main outcomes you can expect from that is she will be raped and on top of that to think its her fault for taking part in it :smh:

All you did was read my post and make assumptions because I never said that an outcome you can expect from having drinks with a married man in a private setting is rape.
So I was right about what I said about pointing out the suckas.

This a thread about Cosby raping possibly 60 women or more. You talk about the culpability of rape victims in this thread because a woman having drinks with a married man in a private setting is in the same conversation of rapeto you.

You brought up this hypothetical not to support your bull **** stance but just to talk about females doing questionable things when it comes to infidelity.

Thats the problem here. A thread gets made about a female being raped and you're thinking what did she do to put herself in that situation. Enough info about the story and you're like why was she wearing that outfit or why was she alone with that guy for that long. You're thinking about the culpability of the woman in a situation where that woman gets raped :x :stoneface:


I'm not ******* with it, in not excusing it. I'm not even entertaining your bull **** "but no you don't understand" and "but no you assumed this" excuses.

Its ******* deplorable.
I asked where is the culpability in a woman who went into a questionable situation.
This is what you think about where the the situation ends in rape.

Yet you seriously think I'm the one trying to be funny :smh:

You've consistently an constantly insinuated that because the situation is questionable the woman has some blame to share. You do this by saying you're asking about culpability but you been on this bull ****. So don't pretend its some topic worthy of debate. You read the replies before I posted.

Like I said your experiences in life ****** you up and its very sad.
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So I was right about what I said about pointing out the suckas.

This a thread about Cosby raping possibly 60 women or more. You talk about the culpability of rape victims in this thread because a woman having drinks with a married man in a private setting is in the same conversation of rapeto you.

You brought up this hypothetical not to support your bull **** stance but just to talk about females doing questionable things when it comes to infidelity.

Thats the problem here. A thread gets made about a female being raped and you're thinking what did she do to put herself in that situation. Enough info about the story and you're like why was she wearing that outfit or why was she alone with that guy for that long. You're thinking about the culpability of the woman in a situation where that woman gets raped :x :stoneface:


I'm not ******* with it, in not excusing it. I'm not even entertaining your bull **** "but no you don't understand" and "but no you assumed this" excuses.

Its ******* deplorable.
This is what you think about where the the situation ends in rape.

You've consistently an constantly insinuated that because the situation is questionable the woman has some blame to share. You do this by saying you're asking about culpability but you been on this bull ****. So don't pretend its some topic worthy of debate. You read the replies before I posted.

Like I said your experiences in life ****** you up and its very sad.

Constantly going back and forth with me like the chicken head that you are. You don't have a problem with a woman going to drink with a married man in a private setting, but I do. I think that is a risky situation and something risky could happen. You don't think anything risky should happen and if the thought that something could happen crosses you're mind you're a "sucka", right? Cool, agree to disagree and get of my **** chump.
So I was right about what I said about pointing out the suckas.

This a thread about Cosby raping possibly 60 women or more. You talk about the culpability of rape victims in this thread because a woman having drinks with a married man in a private setting is in the same conversation of rapeto you.

You brought up this hypothetical not to support your bull **** stance but just to talk about females doing questionable things when it comes to infidelity.

Thats the problem here. A thread gets made about a female being raped and you're thinking what did she do to put herself in that situation. Enough info about the story and you're like why was she wearing that outfit or why was she alone with that guy for that long. You're thinking about the culpability of the woman in a situation where that woman gets raped :x :stoneface:


I'm not ******* with it, in not excusing it. I'm not even entertaining your bull **** "but no you don't understand" and "but no you assumed this" excuses.

Its ******* deplorable.
This is what you think about where the the situation ends in rape.

You've consistently an constantly insinuated that because the situation is questionable the woman has some blame to share. You do this by saying you're asking about culpability but you been on this bull ****. So don't pretend its some topic worthy of debate. You read the replies before I posted.

Like I said your experiences in life ****** you up and its very sad.

Constantly going back and forth with me like the chicken head that you are.
I know you're not good at it but how are you not a chicken head?

From the suck a **** you been on. The soft *** mentality that women are to blame for being raped to this clown **** where you really think by shifting the argument to that you're educating and debating?

You don't have a problem with a woman going to drink with a married man in a private setting, but I do.
That's irrelevant when trying to blame women for being raped.

I think that is a risky situation and something risky could happen.
Like I said you're ****** up.

I don't know what else happened but its sad. I do notice you never bothered to go on about all of the meetings with married men due to the risk of you being raped.

You don't think anything risky should happen and if the thought that something could happen crosses you're mind you're a "sucka", right?[/quote]
You're a suck a for trying to figure how much blame is on the woman for entering a situation you have subjectively decided is risky.

You can't seriously be confused about why I think you're soft and a sucka.

You've been on this clown **** all day and Don't understand why its clown ****?


Still waiting on the logic behind married men who drink with women IN A PRIVATE SETTING (can't forget that because it's very relevant) cannot control themselves and will definitely end up harming that woman with 0% chance of anything positive coming out of that situation.

If you have some scientific sources that explain this phenomenon that'd be great too.
Yeah, I don't see what a married man possibly cheating and having consexual sex with a different woman has to do with raping someone. Rape is rape; there have been many cases where husbands have raped their own wives, so this whole "she should not be drinking alone with a married man" deflection is idiotic
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Still waiting on the logic behind married men who drink with women IN A PRIVATE SETTING (can't forget that because it's very relevant) cannot control themselves and will definitely end up harming that woman with 0% chance of anything positive coming out of that situation.

If you have some scientific sources that explain this phenomenon that'd be great too.

its a cultural relativism thing.

you're also drinking alcohol (a drug that impairs judgement) with a Man that's claimed already by his wife. Certain culturals around da world would see it and read it as implied that da woman patronizing a man in that setting is "asking for it".

women in this Country will tell you that, its also in da same category as accepting gifts from a man, expectations come attached to those.

alot of this stuff is unwritten rules men & women operated on for centuries, so i can see where some of ya don't see why ya contemporary logic don't square with da scenarios.
There's no such thing as asking for rape (unless their both on some FetLife ****). That's a disgusting, prehistoric, barbaric notion. If you happen to be a part of a culture that perpetuates that, stop being a loser follower and rise above, redefine it for the better. It happens all the time.
No thread is complete with the most illiterate and ignorant poster of all time adding his two cents.

Drinking alone with a married man and possibly having consensual sex is not the same thing as her asking to be raped. Can't believe this has to be explained
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If you want to know how awful you look and where you lie on the issue of civil liberties, the answer lies in whether ninja is on your side or not.
its a cultural relativism thing.

you're also drinking alcohol (a drug that impairs judgement) with a Man that's claimed already by his wife. Certain culturals around da world would see it and read it as implied that da woman patronizing a man in that setting is "asking for it".

women in this Country will tell you that, its also in da same category as accepting gifts from a man, expectations come attached to those.

alot of this stuff is unwritten rules men & women operated on for centuries, so i can see where some of ya don't see why ya contemporary logic don't square with da scenarios.
So because of the implication? Even with it being cultural, it's goofy and as time goes on people are realizing how stupid it is to assume meeting with a married man implies something immoral. I get it, it's dumb, but I get it.

So if a woman has a glass of water with a man does that make it better? What about PowerAde? It's got electrolytes.

Women in this country will also tell you "No" when a man advances on them even if their drunk. But rapists don't care.

We are getting past this concept of "If I buy you a drink you owe me sex" mentality. A cranberry and vodka doesn't give you the right to what's in a woman's panty drawls. Again, I get it but it's dumb and it's a lazy excuse to defend a statement of nothing positive can come of having a drink with a married man in a private setting.

So why would the man put himself in that situation? Why aren't y'all wondering why men don't use common sense and avoid all of that instead of expecting the woman to do it?
Buddha's last pic was too real, society emphasizes women to not get raped over teaching men to not rape. I mean look at the focus of this discussion.
alot of this stuff is unwritten rules men & women operated on for centuries, so i can see where some of ya don't see why ya contemporary logic don't square with da scenarios.
I wonder how you feel about some of the Muslim countries laws that forbid women from being outside alone with no male escort? Or that women should cover the entire bodies?

Should women wear pants? Have jobs?

Since we are defending unwritten rules that the majority of the world have moved past let's see how far back we need to go in the time machine
You guys are arguing with a molester who justified Trump's sexual assaults with the following :

are we acting like da white house ain't been da slizzore house already? :lol:

all that tape did is to remind me to make sure i got cake at all times so i can pet [emoji]128049[/emoji] for a lonnnnnng time :pimp:

So because of the implication? Even with it being cultural, it's goofy and as time goes on people are realizing how stupid it is to assume meeting with a married man implies something immoral. I get it, it's dumb, but I get it.

So if a woman has a glass of water with a man does that make it better? What about PowerAde? It's got electrolytes.

Women in this country will also tell you "No" when a man advances on them even if their drunk. But rapists don't care.

We are getting past this concept of "If I buy you a drink you owe me sex" mentality. A cranberry and vodka doesn't give you the right to what's in a woman's panty drawls. Again, I get it but it's dumb and it's a lazy excuse to defend a statement of nothing positive can come of having a drink with a married man in a private setting.

So why would the man put himself in that situation? Why aren't y'all wondering why men don't use common sense and avoid all of that instead of expecting the woman to do it?

I'm just giving u da method to da madness on a cultural relativism norm.

as for your question, see Mike Pence with not being alone with a woman.

some of this stuff is just old world formalities that's still around on da under current of contemporary Western culture, and alot more prevalent when you go overseas.

I wonder how you feel about some of the Muslim countries laws that forbid women from being outside alone with no male escort? Or that women should cover the entire bodies?

Should women wear pants? Have jobs?

Since we are defending unwritten rules that the majority of the world have moved past let's see how far back we need to go in the time machine

that's why i said cultural relativism.

anybody here gonna go to Muslim land and tell them how they operate with their woman doesn't suit ya word view?
All humans, unless they have a mental disability (which is such a hard gray area to talk about), can control their own sexual desires. Therefore, it shouldn't be hard to ask a person regardless of gender to not rape anyone.
ninjahood ninjahood this is where I disagree with religion a lot, as there are very arcane concepts on relationships and morality. It may have worked centuries ago in maintaining order, but it's becoming more irrelevant as seen in most first world countries.
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