I'm just giving u da method to da madness on a cultural relativism norm.
as for your question, see Mike Pence with not being alone with a woman.
some of this stuff is just old world formalities that's still around on da under current of contemporary Western culture, and alot more prevalent when you go overseas.
The issue here is y'all are arguing what she should have done acting like she is the only one who could have prevented this from happening. And another problem is that you think because this is how folks used to think doesn't mean it still needs to be applied to today's society. I don't think I need to use an example.
that's why i said cultural relativism.
anybody here gonna go to Muslim land and tell them how they operate with their woman doesn't suit ya word view?
Even still, you are using a few cultures to defend a general situation. I was told that a married man having drinks with a woman in a private setting has a 100% chance that it's going to end badly for the woman. Your response is in some societies it doesn't look good. That doesn't prove that claim