NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

who said Community fell off?

one of the best episodes of the series, undoubtedly.
Th Jeff getting the pizza will be the accepted reality, right?

also, the group implodes without Troy but seems to have the most fun without Jeff, thought I heard something about a Troy/Jeff conflict, wonder if this is foreshadowing or something

2nd also, was britta always this annoying 
3 random takeaways after doing a quick rewind:
1. When Abed leaves, everyone gets hyper emotional. Jeff and Annie kiss, Pierce & Troy and Britta & Shirley have all out arguments. I guess his stoic and emotionless nature is good for the group. I know that's the point of this episode, how everyone interacts without that one person, I just found it worth reiterating.

2. Big surprise, the group is better off without Pierce or Jeff.

3. The vending machine cover they have on the Fridge is genius.. and also has Troy's face on it for some reason (possible a reference to the episode when Abed and Troy were stuck in the vending machine at the end of that one episode?).

Coincidentally, I just realized I had a couple slices of pizza while watching this episode. With that said...

Originally Posted by Big J 33

I want to immediately re-watch this episode... it was absolutely perfect.
That final scene in the study room

I hate my DVR for not fully recording the ending, this was a must-see.
 @ the 180 everybody in the thread took.
NO Chang
I really really wanna watch it right now, but waiting until tomorrow gives me something to do in the morning.
probably my favourite episode ever. i was disappointed last week.

i dont get the end though? troy and abed on the couch hearing stuff? im not aware.
Yeah, I'm with everyone saying it was one of the best episodes they've done. Hitting nonstop.
 Evil Jeff losing an arm.




Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

3 random takeaways after doing a quick rewind:
1. When Abed leaves, everyone gets hyper emotional. Jeff and Annie kiss, Pierce & Troy and Britta & Shirley have all out arguments. I guess his stoic and emotionless nature is good for the group. I know that's the point of this episode, how everyone interacts without that one person, I just found it worth reiterating.

2. Big surprise, the group is better off without Pierce or Jeff.
Definitely worth focusing on this episode, it was done so well. 
Todd VanDerWerff in his review tonight has a little breakdown of each character's impact on the group.

I think how the situation changes each time people leave subtly suggests their role within the group as a whole. It’s difficult to suggest Annie’s role, since her time away is mainly set up to let us know the various things that will be happening in each iteration of the timeline, but I guess I’d argue her role is caretaker (since Jeff tells her she’d be such a good nurse), even as she’s lousy at taking care of herself. Shirley, meanwhile, is the mother, but in a more nuanced way than this role is usually expressed on these ensemble comedy shows. Being the mother means she’s often just as angry with everyone as she is trying to guide them and nurture them. They refuse to take responsibility, and they mock her ideas for betterment, even as they secretly really like what she’s doing. (The mini-pies, after all, taste just like regular pies.)

Pierce is the sand in the oyster, the guy who keeps people rubbing up against each other in ways that push they away from each other, ultimately. Britta’s the one who works to negate the influence of someone like Pierce (or Jeff), always looking for ways to bring everyone together (and deciding to marry the pizza guy on a whim—loved Gillian Jacobs’ careful kissing of each of his fingers). Troy prevents chaos; he’s the stable one who is a better “father

crappy quality but one of my favorite Donald Glover moments on the show, right up there with "kettle corn, that's the fun time snack" and "prepare to meet the power of imagination"

Originally Posted by Big J 33

crappy quality but one of my favorite Donald Glover moments on the show, right up there with "kettle corn, that's the fun time snack" and "prepare to meet the power of imagination"

Along with "Is someone throwing it!?" or "Dont eat the crab dip, ey yey!!!"

Donald Glover never disappoints.

As for this episode, was confusing the hell out of me, but way to damn funny. Best episode of the season... but still doesnt come close to season 1 or 2 IMO.
Man, Community was fantastic tonight. The 6 parallel universes was a good storyline, whole show was entertaining throughout.

lol @ Britta's pizza dance // Troy's troll
Originally Posted by Big J 33


crappy quality but one of my favorite Donald Glover moments on the show, right up there with "kettle corn, that's the fun time snack" and "prepare to meet the power of imagination"

This moment still reigns supreme to me 
Donald's ability to be hilarious just with his eyes won't ever get old for me.

I've actually forgotten my favorite Donald moment ever... I laughed for 2 minutes straight, completely lost it.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Donald's ability to be hilarious just with his eyes won't ever get old for me.

I've actually forgotten my favorite Donald moment ever... I laughed for 2 minutes straight, completely lost it.
When levar burton sits next to troy(troy expression), and the secret garden trampoline(when they find out Josh is racist). 
great episode. i hope for more episodes like this so it stays on the air. such a smart show and i see a good plot involving Troy and Annie and Jeff having to break his guarded cool guy persona
Britta's "Pizza! Pizza pizza in my tummy. Me so hungy, me so hungy!" scenes were hilarious. I need to watch Season 1 and 2. I just started watching cause Michael K. Williams was going to be on this season and have only seen the paintball episodes, but damb this was too funnay
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

When Britta came out of the bathroom with that song/dance combo I lost it.

Great ep.

as annoying as the little song was, it really just made me want to bone her even more
anybody else thing this show has gotten progressively worse. I mean season one was dope: abed's chicken finger goodfellas episode, paintball ep, the debate episode, ended with the Jeff/ Annie kiss to amplify what had been the ever present sexual tension between those two. Then season two came along and they wrote it off in one episode. Episode 1 was still profoundly funny (blow darts and chloroform rags), but the rest of the season was lackluster. What's worse is even the writer's know it. There's an ep where Abed, I think, makes sweatshirts to memorialize the paintball game...and on the back you can see it says "it's all downhill from here". True story.
This show is so well thought out, written and cast. It'd be a shame if it didn't last. Ratings need to come up. This show is too good for it to fail.
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