NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

anybody else thing this show has gotten progressively worse. I mean season one was dope: abed's chicken finger goodfellas episode, paintball ep, the debate episode, ended with the Jeff/ Annie kiss to amplify what had been the ever present sexual tension between those two. Then season two came along and they wrote it off in one episode. Episode 1 was still profoundly funny (blow darts and chloroform rags), but the rest of the season was lackluster. What's worse is even the writer's know it. There's an ep where Abed, I think, makes sweatshirts to memorialize the paintball game...and on the back you can see it says "it's all downhill from here". True story.
Or the writers.. you know.. are comedy writers, and they recognize how great that episode was so that sweatshirt is a joke.
You might not like every season 2 episode, but the whole season was lackluster? I completely disagree. And no, they didn't quite write off the Annie/Jeff thing, because it's been re-visited many times since then, including tonight. If you didn't think tonight was funny, then I don't know what to tell you, check out the AV Club's website, this one episode has over 1500 replies, in less than a day, all saying how much they loved it (and considering how pretentious and critical the people there can be, that's saying something). I think a lot of people disliked season 2 because the show didn't do every thing they expected from it, this show has a lot of possibilities each episode, so people don't always get what they want. 






Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

anybody else thing this show has gotten progressively worse. I mean season one was dope: abed's chicken finger goodfellas episode, paintball ep, the debate episode, ended with the Jeff/ Annie kiss to amplify what had been the ever present sexual tension between those two. Then season two came along and they wrote it off in one episode. Episode 1 was still profoundly funny (blow darts and chloroform rags), but the rest of the season was lackluster. What's worse is even the writer's know it. There's an ep where Abed, I think, makes sweatshirts to memorialize the paintball game...and on the back you can see it says "it's all downhill from here". True story.
Or the writers.. you know.. are comedy writers, and they recognize how great that episode was so that sweatshirt is a joke.
You might not like every season 2 episode, but the whole season was lackluster? I completely disagree. And no, they didn't quite write off the Annie/Jeff thing, because it's been re-visited many times since then, including tonight. If you didn't think tonight was funny, then I don't know what to tell you, check out the AV Club's website, this one episode has over 1500 replies, in less than a day, all saying how much they loved it (and considering how pretentious and critical the people there can be, that's saying something). I think a lot of people disliked season 2 because the show didn't do every thing they expected from it, this show has a lot of possibilities each episode, so people don't always get what they want. 
Truth be told, this week's episode I haven't watched yet...and if people are saying its great, i'm sure it is....but it's not going to change my opinion of the show in general.  A couple of 50 point games don't make you a hall-of-famer.
Like I said, I'm not out to bash...it's just I think the writing has been really bad since season two...I mean, how many times can we make jokes on the same character traits/flaws.  Pierce is racist, Shirley is self-righteously pious, Brita is a self-righteous reactionary activist, Jeff is narcissistic...we get it already.  Now do something else.

Once again...not out to bash...just being the logical voice of dissent.  I loved the show at first and think it still has potential for greatness, but I can also remain critical.  I knew it was gonna be hard for me to find similar feeling in a thread dedicated to the show, but I thought maybe somebody out there was thinking as I was.
Top 5 favorite shows of all-time. But i will never get over the fact that Troy didn't "o o o o o o o o oh o" Annie.
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

Truth be told, this week's episode I haven't watched yet...and if people are saying its great, i'm sure it is....but it's not going to change my opinion of the show in general.  A couple of 50 point games don't make you a hall-of-famer.
Like I said, I'm not out to bash...it's just I think the writing has been really bad since season two...I mean, how many times can we make jokes on the same character traits/flaws.  Pierce is racist, Shirley is self-righteously pious, Brita is a self-righteous reactionary activist, Jeff is narcissistic...we get it already.  Now do something else.

Once again...not out to bash...just being the logical voice of dissent.  I loved the show at first and think it still has potential for greatness, but I can also remain critical.  I knew it was gonna be hard for me to find similar feeling in a thread dedicated to the show, but I thought maybe somebody out there was thinking as I was.

Those complaints are really just sitcom complaints in general, though. Those are primary character traits, should the show just ignore them and no longer attempt to develop the characters? I understand if you dislike, for example, if every one of Pierce's jokes is something ignorant or offensive, and while I can relate at times.. that's very much who he is, but the writers explain his reasons for doing that in the 2nd season finale, and we've seen moments of realization from Pierce that go beyond a simple trait (tonight shows one example of him being mean-spirited then changing his tune). So it's easy to have majority of jokes focusing on just one trait, but nearly every show uses character traits throughout the series as a source of humor.
I'm not offended and you're not bashing, and I've been critical of shows on NT before too so it's your right to explain your points. I just don't see a drastic decline in quality like I have for example, the Office. That show I think is vastly different than it's original premise and the writing/attitude/style is very contradictory to the original/"better" show. I don't see that for Community.

Season 2 might have had a few more OK/lower quality episodes than Season 1, but there was still tons of great episodes. "Anthropology 101", "Epidemiology" (zombie ep), "Aerodynamics of Gender" (Abed's Mean Girls/secret garden, "Cooperative Calligraphy" (bottle episode), "Conspiracy Theories", "Mixology", "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons", "Immediate Documentary Filmmaking", "Critical Film Studies" "Paradigms of Human Memory", "Paintball Part 2 episodes"

Probably a few episodes for me were truly bad. I get the complaints if people want more "normal" episodes and less high-concept ones, and I understand if people want the inverse... one thing I love about the show is you don't always know what to expect. Frustrating at times, but like last night's really rewarding when successful.

Like I said, by all means be critical and I'm not trying to convince you that it's great if you think it's bad, but hopefully season 3 improves for you.
I never watched this show until this season.  Why is this not on netflix instant que?  
 Last night's episode made me a fan of this show.  Truth be told I only started watching this season b/c I heard Omar coming, but I started watching every week to lead me into Parks and Rec, and now I really like it.
"Friendship........ Encarta it!"

My Community Power Rankings through S0304

1. Abed
2. Pierce
3. Troy
4. Jeff
5. Britta
6. Annie
7. Shirley
Community is up 13% in the ratings this week compared to last.

Cool... cool, cool, cool.
This show's versatility > *

It's the reason Community is the only comedy worth tuning in every week vs. skipping a few episodes/pushing it off until you can watch a marathon of episodes. It's worth scheduling 30 minutes every Thursday night just to see what they can come up with. Btw, as long as these ratings are consistent and don't dip, I think they'll be fine. NBC has made a bunch of mistakes over the years but they probably know that no matter what they put in that time slot, it's not gonna put a dent in The Big Bang Theory or X-Factor/American Idol.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

anybody else thing this show has gotten progressively worse. I mean season one was dope: abed's chicken finger goodfellas episode, paintball ep, the debate episode, ended with the Jeff/ Annie kiss to amplify what had been the ever present sexual tension between those two. Then season two came along and they wrote it off in one episode. Episode 1 was still profoundly funny (blow darts and chloroform rags), but the rest of the season was lackluster. What's worse is even the writer's know it. There's an ep where Abed, I think, makes sweatshirts to memorialize the paintball game...and on the back you can see it says "it's all downhill from here". True story.
Or the writers.. you know.. are comedy writers, and they recognize how great that episode was so that sweatshirt is a joke.
You might not like every season 2 episode, but the whole season was lackluster? I completely disagree. And no, they didn't quite write off the Annie/Jeff thing, because it's been re-visited many times since then, including tonight. If you didn't think tonight was funny, then I don't know what to tell you, check out the AV Club's website, this one episode has over 1500 replies, in less than a day, all saying how much they loved it (and considering how pretentious and critical the people there can be, that's saying something). I think a lot of people disliked season 2 because the show didn't do every thing they expected from it, this show has a lot of possibilities each episode, so people don't always get what they want. 

You can't call yourself a community fan if you think season 2 was lackluster.  The season 1 paintball episode was what got my friends hooked on this show, it was an amazing episode, immediately became everyone's favorite.  Then season 2 came and it was knocked down the list a few notches (advanced dungeons and dragons taking the top spot).  I don't know what this dude is talking about.
I gotta say though, you're one of the most logical dissenters i've seen, so i actually respectfully disagree

oh and for those that have never reddit:

IAMA Gillian Jacobs

AMA = Ask me anything
The reads Big J and MrO posted were
, and are the reasons why Community is one of my favorite shows (not even comedy after reading those two articles) out right now.

I need to buy season 2 on DVD, heading to Amazon right now.
Dan Harmon clarified, there isn't some crazy stuff going on... it was a simply explanation, this one was filmed before last week's and it was aired out of order, that's all. I suspected as much, still funny to speculate, though.
Fine, we’re geniuses but not EVIL geniuses.

(this is a post for Community fans, clarifying an odd rumor about a recent episode.  No need to read more if you’re not absurdly obsessed with our show).

I have been trying not to read reviews, and especially the discussions under them, this season, as I have become emotionally fused with our TV show in a way that makes it hurt every time someone says it’s not perfect.  However, there was so much discussion about this week’s episode that I have seen a few reviews, now, courtesy of provocatively captioned links sent to my twitter, etc.

There is this one particular pet theory circulating that, as a populist TV producer, I can’t allow to be out there without being on record firmly denying.  To tell you the truth, I’m not sure I fully understand the theory itself, but I know it’s not true at a glance, because it has something to do with the episode “Competitive Ecology
I don't think Harmon should have came out and acknowledging that the episode wasn't intended to be mind-blowing. It took away from the possibility, and he got/was getting enough attention from it already, which is always good publicity.

Why a re-run next week, simply because it was out of order? Can't wait for the Halloween episode.
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