NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

Re-run this upcoming week? Feels bad man
Re-run probably so the Halloween episode can fall closer to Halloween. I'm guessing they didn't know when they would premiere so it wasn't timed up right or they didn't have an episode/story to fill in between.
Easily one of the best episodes. Just finished watching the episode again. Troy's timeline was too much 
Damnit Dan Harmon...

I understand that in the world of PR youve gotta come out and say whats needed... But the man had all of the committed fans believing he was a TV show genius. As I read those two articles (which those that posted, huge props, awesome stuff), I really started to believe that there is something underlying going on that completely wows the viewer...

Maybe its just me, but I thought that was a great opportunity for Dan to come out and say "yeah, im %$%$*%+ awesome, what of it?"

Anyway, my mini rant... Cant wait for the Halloween episode. This Thursday was dull as hell without Community (or the office)... Heres to next week!
@ Abed. Just zoning out with the radio music.

Annie's cleavage
Her story

Looking at some posts a few pages back, I realize Shirley is my least fav character too. Not interesting and does not bring the lulz.
The whole rest of the season is gonna be an alt time line because two eps were swapped was never a sound theory and wasn't a good idea. Should've never addressed it imo. Let the fanboys run wild with speculation.

Anyway good ep. Lots of laugh.
LOVED tonight's episode from start to finish.

-Troy's story having Pierce have feet for hands and hands for feet
-Annie's breastestess

-I swear Britta looked her best in all 3-seasons in Abed's story. Something about her in that scene...
If this episode didn't follow "Chaos Theory" I think I would have loved it, but it was still very good, just too similar to the last episode with individual stories.

Still really enjoyed it, though. Each story throwing in characteristics of the storyteller plus issues/stories of them and the group. Again, it got a little repetitive with the whole "the group turning on one another", but that's just something crucial to the show, so I won't complain. Abed being the sane one to end the episode was an awesome touch.

My highlights:
Abed's logical story making a ton of sense, but being awful as a result. When Britta tells him "I love you" and he just shushes her

the reference to free taco meat from the Army, a nice throwback to the previous Halloween episode
Annie's story was pretty great, not only how disgusting and gory it was, but the shots at Britta were funny, and teaching Jeff how to read got a huge reaction out of me

Troy's story was good, I loved the knife being pulled out only to cut the sandwich
Pierce as Magnum and whipping it out to Troy
I hate Shirley, but her story was perfect for her

All in all, a really funny episode.
You can't air that show directly after chaos theory...

Did itself a disservice. Funny enough ep tho
Solid, but I liked the previous two Halloween episodes better. Thought the Halloween stories were good and some real gems.
And of course...


Have mercy.
Originally Posted by PO2345

More Annie gifs are needed!



Let page 50 be known as Annie's page. Idk how to post gifs
Troy's story had me ROLLING lmao. I almost kicked my girl off the bed laughing when Pierce had his !*# stitched to his chest and his feet for hands
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