NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

I thiught it was fine. The Jeff and dean stuff was hilarious. The britta Troy stuff is forced. But I didn't notice the apocalyptic dropp off you guys are saying
Episode was OK. It wasn't as bad as people are saying - of course it's not gonna be on par with some of Harmon's best episodes but at the very least, it was on par with some of the mid-season episodes over the years.

The only thing I was disappointed in was the Hunger Games parody. I thought it would be a full episode parody but it was just for Jeff's storyline. Could have been epic if the whole group was participating.
“For two seasons we wanted to do an episode where Jeff Winger pretended there was a class called ‘Nicolas Cage Appreciation,’ and then the Dean caught them and as punishment to them he was going to make that a real class and force them to watch all the Nicolas Cage movies in one night. The thing about Nicolas Cage movies is… unless you’re a total cynical ****, you have to embrace the fact that Nicolas Cage is a pretty good actor. He’s done a lot of weird, dumb movies, but that was supposed to be the point of the episode — that Nicolas Cage is a metaphor for God, or for society, or for the self, or something. It’s like — what is Nicolas Cage? What is he? Is he an idiot? Or a genius? Can you write him off, or is he inexplicably bound to your soul?”
[table][tr][td]—[/td][td]Dan Harmon[/td][/tr][/table]

Words can't express how much I want to see this episode. Damn you, NBC.
True anger over that.

Nic Cage is one of my favorite actors and I fully accept all of the bull **** and at times what appears to be purposely botched acting jobs for his own amusement.

An ep like that sounds like it would've been up there with My Dinner with Abed ep.
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I take that back, I actually don't know if NBC was telling him no... or if he just couldn't figure out the episode and it was just a mad rambling of an idea.

Either way, it would have been glorious. 

“Community’s lost episode: After the gang is enrolled in an Introduction to the Nicolas Cage Film Appreciation course, they scramble to watch all of his films in one night. The endeavor drives them steadily insane.”
[table][tr][td]—[/td][td]Talked to the show’s writers this weekend. This is an actualCommunity  episode that was considered but never shot[/td][/tr][/table]
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I didn't know they held a Community Convention!? Communicon :lol: . I'm in the Valley, I def could have made it out to this :frown:

Appearance from Dan Harmon and some of the cast. And fan interaction?! Must've been illy to be there,


Not too mention that it was organized by the fans, it was 400 people deep. I'm sure it would've been an amazing time. I gotta go next year.
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pierce created a panic room after seeing do the right thing :smh: :rofl:

that corny music at the end sucked, other than that it seemed pretty normal
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Definitely more laughs this episode. I still feel like the look and visuals are off, but I think I'm forgetting what last season looked like, because that's more the directors than Harmon.

Troy had some good moments, spending all his time in the walk in cereal closet... his happy face while riding on the sex swing.

They could only string out the development of Jeff and his dad for so long, so it's about time they started going down that road. 

I liked it better than last year's Halloween episode (where they all told stories). But it wasn't better than the first one and Epidemiology (the ABBA/zombie) is one of my favorite episodes from season 2. But the haunted house concept was done well enough and we got a nice Pierce moment so that worked.

Better than last week for sure.
good episode, i guess they can pull it off.. troy definitely provided the most laughs with his naivete.

the return of gilbert caught me off-guard, i really expected Chang to walk through that door.

i wonder who they'll get to play jeff's dad?
I dunno. I gotta say now the show defintely seems like a shell of itself. This had it's laughs but one thing Community was good at, really good was these concept themed episodes. Especially since they've specifically done so many Halloween eps now. This had laughs but it could've/should've been better.

Did Abed once again say "I remember when this show was about a community college" while watching everybody on the security cams?

I can rock with it but I'm noticing more and more what the show no longer has.

Troy brought the lulz though.
Just watched it...I swear...for the first few minutes I was hyped.
This show was identical to the show it used to be.
I thought...okay...they got all the suck out last week, and now they can act right. :smokin

Then the cold open ended...

This isn't Community. This is Scary Movie: The Series. But I guess even that's an upgrade from last week.

The dialogue just gets clunky and awkward. Nothing really flows, nothing's really sharp and more importantly. nothing feels like it's something these characters would say naturally. The punchlines don't really land. I mean, at least they're not trying to do too much like last week, but it's stiff and feels like the 2nd draft of the script. And you can hear one person saying every line of it. :\

But there were funny parts, and there weren't really last week. It had a point and it felt like a Community episode.

So that's a step in the right direction? Seems like the cast is trying hard to make it work. It won't ever be the same, but it can be something really good again. I hope. I think this show can work, cuz they're at least doing the simple things right now.

NBC has sucked so bad, that there's a good shot this show is coming back next year...
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