???Nebraska NikeTalkers???

Hey what up guys im in omaha. Just started buyin Js again a few months ago. Brand new to NT. Need, what size is the 11/12 CDP if you still have it?
It 8nt cold yet getns, believe me . . . . need2sell what you know about those space jams since you're on the payroll somewhere ? ? ? ? RD is what I'mlooking for . . . .

Space Jams for my whole family, if I'm still with them. I'm goin through some personal stuff but I'm mainly lookin for the Space Jams for myselfand my three kids. That's a size 10.5-11 Mens, two size 8 or 9C toddler, and a size 3 or 4C toddler. I kind of want to get two pair for my boys in a biggersize so they won't outgrow them so fast but IDK if I have the foresight to do so.... need2sell I'm tryna help you with that 11/12 CDP, size 10 might betoo snug for me on the Taxis. My Playoffs are size 10 and they fit alright, but lacc the maneuvering room I would like.

As a sidenote though, if you copped from your gig and are havin a little trouble gettin rid of the CDP, why not just take it bacc to work bro ? ? ?

If all else fails though this Christmas, I've got my '00 Jams and I'll just hit the mall with those on and style on the '09s as a personalinside joke
I think Im going to stay away from all those 12s. I might end up regretting it, but none of them are really worth the money to me right now. I want to get2 pairs of Space Jams. Im hoping to get those locked up, depending on if this dude I know decides to work while hes back from school. Otherwise, I haventbeen through any releases that were this hyped. Anybody want to let me know what exactly Im going to hafta do to make sure i get a pair or 2?
i wish i had money to get me a pair of space jams. i'm too busy with school work right now to get a job though.
just wondering, i want to cop some new shoes soon, so i was wondering if there were any other shoe stores in the omaha area to check out.
need I'll say this, you see a mixed guy with long hair and a mouth full of gold teeth saying "Cuz" a lot and "on my hood"
then that's RetroSniper bka Agent0024 so you've got to reveal yourtrue identity to us at some point . . . . anyways keep hitting us with that info in Regional here we really appreciate it.... I'm still trying to help withthe CDP its a bad time for folks right now, myself included....

Originally Posted by need2sell

A shoe store in the Omaha area, don't want to give out store name or details.

Any way you'd be willing to be my connect for the space jams?
It won't be easy I can tell you all from the last Space Jam release in December 2000... get at me guys we need to show strength in numbers and get what wecame for....
Need, what can you tell us about this RD? 23rd? What time is your spot opening? Can you help? Hold some pairs maybe?
Originally Posted by need2sell

well first off the release date is the 24th, the mall is opening at 8 am. I won't be able to hold them for long. I can tell ya that I am UNABLE to get discounts on the shoes (so don't ask) and that my store if we get them we will get at most 2 of every size. That being said we are one of the last stores that people come to to buy these types of shoes.

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