Nelly B Day bash Vol. Tip Drill 2?

Originally Posted by BkFreshkickz

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

its some fat kid from ISS. notorious for making gay comments... trying to be funny

So that makes you the questionable gay kid that jumps from forums to forums !+!$ riding?
I've never had such a mad fan as you
son i had 1000+ posts on ISS, i have around 1,500 post s on NT, and like 200 posts on FSF...

compared to the 11,000 posts you have on ISS...

common son. go outside!

you a lame kid.. you 20 living with ur mom.. posting on your prepaid sidekick

you fat

you resort to acting gay, because you dont have any actual humor.

you a virgin.. and dont even front.. be serious when was the last time you had any real interaction with a female? never

cuz u a lame.. and thats real talk
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by BkFreshkickz

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

its some fat kid from ISS. notorious for making gay comments... trying to be funny

So that makes you the questionable gay kid that jumps from forums to forums !+!$ riding?
I've never had such a mad fan as you
son i had 1000+ posts on ISS, i have around 1,500 post s on NT, and like 200 posts on FSF...

compared to the 11,000 posts you have on ISS...

common son. go outside!

you a lame kid.. you 20 living with ur mom.. posting on your prepaid sidekick

you fat

you resort to acting gay, because you dont have any actual humor.

you a virgin.. and dont even front.. be serious when was the last time you had any real interaction with a female? never

cuz u a lame.. and thats real talk
Originally Posted by BkFreshkickz

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

son i had 1000+ posts on ISS, i have around 1,500 post s on NT, and like 200 posts on FSF...

compared to the 11,000 posts you have on ISS...

common son. go outside!

you a lame kid.. you 20 living with ur mom.. posting on your prepaid sidekick

you fat

you resort to acting gay, because you dont have any actual humor.

you a virgin.. and dont even front.. be serious when was the last time you had any real interaction with a female? never

cuz u a lame.. and thats real talk

At least I stick to one forum
You go from forum to forum jocking
My posts prob will never surpass 1k on any forum besides ISS
Yeah I'm 20 living at home. So. . .
#%+$! not prepaid, get your facts straight
Also last time I checked you're not that fit yourself

Not all my posts are gay and I didnt mgically become "Bk" one day
people actaully had to think I was funny. . .

Virgin? Kid you know nothing about me
You're a f*cking herb in real life & thats fact
"I forget you're laying honeys on a daily. My bad pimp daddy ed"

Jock iss, fsf, nt whats next?
Made a f*cking BBQ on ISS to make friends
I'm a lame?

You're saying a whole lot of nothing.
Ive met no more than 20 people from NT/ISS... out of the hundreds of friends i have? While your life revolves around internet forums. Name 5 friends of yourswho don't use any type of forum.. oh wait.. you can't. because all your friends are from ISS.

quoting debby? have you ever even met her? lmao son you never come out your house. can your fatass even get out the door?
keep it real who all would have been throwing money with one hand and picking some up with the other
At the end of the day

Yea I was on ISS, I am on NT. I do check out FSF
But add up all my post on all forums and I have less than 3,000 posts

You have 11,000 posts on ISS.

I attend a University, your 20 and at most a freshman in a community college.

I pay my cellphone bill. Your mom pays for ur sidekick minutes

I've been with my girl for a couple of years and smash on the regular... You still a virgin.

I didn't make any bbq to make friends, I just made the thread because someone asked me to.

And don't even bring in any debby quotes,

Cuz I can say things about her that will make you look at her differently [/ beanie]
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