New Coldplay. on third page. update. 30 second clip of b-side 5/1 page 4

man, this song has been on repeat all day.
I'm really not trying to overdo it or anything, but this is the sickest song i've heard in a long time from ANYONE.
Damn I don't know what itis, but this song has me H O O K E D.
^you're not the only one man.
and IronManFitness is absolutely right...he owns the Bush administration and the whole state of the world today...
Violet Hill sounding good - like most of their stuff I like it the more I hear it. I really like Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head is amazing. Politik isa great song.

This is an amazing song too: I remember reading a quote from Annie Lennox saying she was on a plane when she first heard it. She was listening to it and tearsstarted streaming down her face.
^Love that song and the ending of the video. Does anybody know where it was shot when he's walking through the city? I'm assuming London, especiallyconsidering the finale is at Earl's Court...
I've been listening to this song non-stop. It's great. IMO 2nd best Coldplay song other than Clocks. Oh man, I love Clocks.
How'd all you guys listen to the song? I want to listen to some new CP...

EDIT: nvm I thought the title was "Violent" bad!
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