New Game Kids Are Playing Called " Knockout " Vol All Types Of Level Mad

Keep on s**ting on our uneducated youth fellas! Let's create less fathers and pack our county jails so Uncle Sam can tax us more! I'm in my mid 30's and have been in the bx field for over 10 yrs dealing with at risk adolescents...
I cringe when I hear both arguments of how we need to whup these kids or how we need to cater them. So f'n political...We need to implement both actions!
I look at kids on how their mind frame works. You can be 17 but think like a 7yr old due to many reasons that you had no control over. Again not condoning these actions, just trying to empower our youth with education.
so if a kid who goes around trying to knock random people out is caught, what do you think should happen to him?
so if a kid who goes around trying to knock random people out is caught, what do you think should happen to him?

Pay his dues and get accurate rehabilitation behind the walls. Too many bs professionals in the system that don't understand the mind frame of a youth that has nothing to lose
Pay his dues and get accurate rehabilitation behind the walls. Too many bs professionals in the system that don't understand the mind frame of a youth that has nothing to lose
By the time they are late teens, it's usually too late.
So what is the problem that we should be blaming? Assuming you have the experience to diagnose it...
Its dealing aggression. As kids we are not wired to make the best choices. Whether it be not having a + male role model around or viewing violent acts from a male, we act out on reason.
And don't let me throw out cultural identity. It's hard as "F" to turn your head when the homies you know from day one ask you if your down! Again not condoning these acts, just letting peeps know that a difference and change can be made...
There are always underlying problems that cause people to do bad things. I'm sure a lot of the criminals we have in this country would be better if they had perfect lives.

Assaulting random people for no reason can't be excused because you didn't grow up with a father. That's a ridiculous excuse I'm sorry.
Cant lie, I laughed when dude said "One time they got the UPS guy" :lol:

Stupid people will do stupid things.
Damn, a dead son, all because some kids were playing some idiotic game..

They need to spread this death around the local schools, and make sure every single parent and child is aware of this game and the dangers.. If any kid decides to play after being aware of the consequences, then there is no hope for that kid anymore..
This generation is so soft that they only pick fights with people who are defenseless 
By the time they are late teens, it's usually too late.

No it's not. Myself and a few in my circle have made huge transitions from doing dirt bad to helping empower those that have failed the system. Check out Jim browns Amer-I-can website to get a better insight on how change can make a difference.
There are always underlying problems that cause people to do bad things. I'm sure a lot of the criminals we have in this country would be better if they had perfect lives.

Assaulting random people for no reason can't be excused because you didn't grow up with a father. That's a ridiculous excuse I'm sorry.

When you come from a broken home, you're chances to be undeveloped in social-emotional development and adaptive functioning increase...Negative experiences make fragile foundations that can impact them throughout their lives. Major props and my hat goes off if you made it through those circumstances, but to s*it on another because of his faulty ways, I don't agree with.
When you come from a broken home, you're chances to be undeveloped in social-emotional development and adaptive functioning increase...Negative experiences make fragile foundations that can impact them throughout their lives. Major props and my hat goes off if you made it through those circumstances, but to s*it on another because of his faulty ways, I don't agree with.

I don't think it's sh*tting in someone to tell them it's their fault they decided to punch an adult and that adult died...who should be held accountable? Because there are kids that came from the same circumstances and didn't decide to senselessly murder another human being...I'm have no sympathy.

Like I said, if they were doing this for some economic gain, then I'd feel different, but out of pure pleasure? That's literally how you bread killers, I blame you for even thinking this particular action has absolutely any justification. This is different from gang violence, gang violence is understandable as a reaction to the lack of economic opportunity, but SNEAKING random people? Nah, them kids belong in jail. Inexcusable, and I came from those neighborhoods, not everyone is going to be 'me' but no one should be them.
I don't think it's sh*tting in someone to tell them it's their fault they decided to punch an adult and that adult died...who should be held accountable? Because there are kids that came from the same circumstances and didn't decide to senselessly murder another human being...I'm have no sympathy.

Like I said, if they were doing this for some economic gain, then I'd feel different, but out of pure pleasure? That's literally how you bread killers, I blame you for even thinking this particular action has absolutely any justification. This is different from gang violence, gang violence is understandable as a reaction to the lack of economic opportunity, but SNEAKING random people? Nah, them kids belong in jail. Inexcusable, and I came from those neighborhoods, not everyone is going to be 'me' but no one should be them.

The feeling of belonging outweighs any currency when your an adolescent.
I don't justify these acts bruh...what I do understand is that these lost minds need attention and help.
The feeling of belonging outweighs any currency when your an adolescent.
I don't justify these acts bruh...what I do understand is that these lost minds need attention and help.

Idk where you're from, but where im from currency outweighed currency.

These kids need jobs and opportunities to succeed, not some liberal trying to justify them murdering people.
Keep on s**ting on our uneducated youth fellas! Let's create less fathers and pack our county jails so Uncle Sam can tax us more! I'm in my mid 30's and have been in the bx field for over 10 yrs dealing with at risk adolescents...
I cringe when I hear both arguments of how we need to whup these kids or how we need to cater them. So f'n political...We need to implement both actions!
I look at kids on how their mind frame works. You can be 17 but think like a 7yr old due to many reasons that you had no control over. Again not condoning these actions, just trying to empower our youth with education.

I'm with you that other opportunities/outlets for testosterone need to be provided to adolescent males. Based on your avatar, I'm sure you'd agree that sports such as rugby are great opportunities for this.

That said, the (perhaps sad) reality is that resources are limited. I don't think it's reasonable to put effort into saving kids who are already participating in this sort of behavior. Rather resources should be focused on helping the borderline kids who could be peer pressured into this sort of behavior but having gone down that road yet. That make sense?
Idk where you're from, but where im from currency outweighed currency.

These kids need jobs and opportunities to succeed, not some liberal trying to justify them murdering people.

F politics... I'm on the south side of phoenix AZ putting in work. 06 I was on the north side of sac town (916) putting in work, 05 in east Oakland (510) , 03-05 in greater LA (inglewood&pacoima) where It all started with group home work and community college. Started off with a GED from Portland ore fresh off the boat from a third world island called TONGA where their is no opportunity..

It's individuals like yourself that make my job more difficult. I deal with caregivers on a daily
that expect their teens to be normal while having FAS, severe bipolar, RAD ....etc...
The trick is to put yourself in others shoes b4 you judge.
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