New Game Kids Are Playing Called " Knockout " Vol All Types Of Level Mad

Let it be known that Whoever participates in this knockout game gets a minimum 5 years in prison.

More depending on the severity of the victim.

Victim dies = You die. Srs.

The hell is this? Never heard of this until now. Is this an east coast thing? Never heard of this out here. Scary to think we live in a society that does this man wtf :smh:
I'm with you that other opportunities/outlets for testosterone need to be provided to adolescent males. Based on your avatar, I'm sure you'd agree that sports such as rugby are great opportunities for this.

That said, the (perhaps sad) reality is that resources are limited. I don't think it's reasonable to put effort into saving kids who are already participating in this sort of behavior. Rather resources should be focused on helping the borderline kids who could be peer pressured into this sort of behavior but having gone down that road yet. That make sense?

Had 2 15 yr old feral twin brothers as clients last year who were raised in cages and rescued at age 6. None of my colleagues wanted to work with these boys because of the severity of their physical aggression. Because of my size 6'2 285lbs, I was handed this case. I still see these boys 2x a week and improvements are being made yet cycles still occur. Helping others is the RIGHT thing to do! It don't matter what shape, color or size.
I'll crack a mf frame into a fetal position if you f with me or my fams, but I'll call an ambulance to come pick you up...
wayniac layin down the realness on all the keyboard commandos who are so quick to suggest a lynching rather than a solution.

F politics... I'm on the south side of phoenix AZ putting in work. 06 I was on the north side of sac town (916) putting in work, 05 in east Oakland (510) , 03-05 in greater LA (inglewood&pacoima) where It all started with group home work and community college. Started off with a GED from Portland ore fresh off the boat from a third world island called TONGA where their is no opportunity..

It's individuals like yourself that make my job more difficult. I deal with caregivers on a daily
that expect their teens to be normal while having FAS, severe bipolar, RAD ....etc...
The trick is to put yourself in others shoes b4 you judge.

Damn, every kid in the hood got a mental condition now? I ain't eem know.

Like I said, I grew up in those shoes, went back and worked with kids in those shoes. It's easier to label them than it is to push them. Your preaching pity I'm preaching responsibility. Two different approaches for the same goal. I like my 'hard nosed, get out there give them work' approach.
These kids have absolutely no morals. Growing up and in HS we did A LOT of crazy things but, never did anything to cause harm to someone who didn't deserve it. Well, at least I didn't and always tried my best to prevent it. No one is safe .. can you imagine something like this happening to a loved one?
all of them are straight ***** made...

theres a reason they didnt try a mexican, them boys FEAR them cleves.
wayniac layin down the realness on all the keyboard commandos who are so quick to suggest a lynching rather than a solution.


And this is coming from the number one keyboard commando that probably has never done any work in his community or even has taken the time to be a big brother, or feed the homeless, or helped a kid with homework because he is "So Hood"...
Damn, every kid in the hood got a mental condition now? I ain't eem know.

Like I said, I grew up in those shoes, went back and worked with kids in those shoes. It's easier to label them than it is to push them. Your preaching pity I'm preaching responsibility. Two different approaches for the same goal. I like my 'hard nosed, get out there give them work' approach.

Preaching pity? Nah player, I promote mental wellness so fools don't go out and commit acts such as the one OP order for that to happen you've got to know their HISTORY. Speaking of preaching responsibility, this part of the season is notorious for kids acting out due to abandonment and the holidays. I challenge you to volunteer at your nearest youth crisis center/treatment center and let me know how your responsibility speech goes.
Preaching pity? Nah player, I promote mental wellness so fools don't go out and commit acts such as the one OP order for that to happen you've got to know their HISTORY. Speaking of preaching responsibility, this part of the season is notorious for kids acting out due to abandonment and the holidays. I challenge you to volunteer at your nearest youth crisis center/treatment center and let me know how your responsibility speech goes.

Been doing it for years b. boys and girls club, big bro, worked at elem school since I was 16. Church groups, all that. Don't mean to burst your bubble, but you ain't the only one 'putting in work.'

Not all these kids have mental problems, some do, no doubt, but the vast majority don't. That's the thing about mental issues, it is statistically in the minority, It's dismissive to act as of every kid from the hood has some type of disorder; honestly it's kind of offensive.
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffff MENTAL WELLNESS 
EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE. of those teens knows it's wrong.  every one of those teens intereviewed in the original video know it's wrong.  they're doing it anyway.  that's their CHOICE.  they all got book bags, they all got homes to go to , they all know better and i bet they wouldn't tell they moms in a million years this is what they're doin, probably like 'yea ma at the mall with trevor and the guys, tee hee' and out here catchin poor innocents with a haymaker.  who the **** are you tryna fool wayniac, us or yourself?  abandonment at the holidays 

IT'S CALLED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.  I'm so tired of people hiding behind some lame excuse all the time.  just ******g man up and accept your role in your own life.  you choose to be a punk and get cut down because of it?  your fault, not 'the worlds' for not providing you with 'mental wellness'.  you know damb well what you're doin when you out there doin it.  my dad wasn't around long, but he was around long enough to teach me the difference between right and wrong and that nobody owes me nothing and i gotta EARN what i want.
It's quite a statement about minorities in poor neighborhoods that we can have a thread discussing how stupid it is for them to be so violent and two people from poor neighborhoods begin arguing about who is tougher.
This isn't new at all.
It really isn't,espacially to those select few who are from urban dwellings and come from the school of hardknocks where the things you did as a teenage weren't always that fluffy missed curfew,drinking a beer,skipping school or talking back to an adult.But one thing it shouldn't be is murder or rape nothing of the sorts but damn sure isn't always nice.

Kid's,teenagers,whatever you want to call them always grouped up and done mischievous things since people forever.In the 1900's is the introduction to reform school,boy's homes,youth judicial system and the likes,all of that wasn't put place just because they wasn't to punished good kids.

It's not about being crazy,poor,uneducated,or being from the hood.If you've worked with kids(like myself) in the system bad behavior crossed all lines,all colors,and all communities.Most just need to experience certain things for them to appreciated what they have and move on.

It's in the same vain as the "pass out game","the tampon soak alcohol" thing,,you ask yourself why would they do this? there is no real answer but hopefully they will learn from it even if it means that they do serious time.
Been doing it for years b. boys and girls club, big bro, worked at elem school since I was 16. Church groups, all that. Don't mean to burst your bubble, but you ain't the only one 'putting in work.'

Not all these kids have mental problems, some do, no doubt, but the vast majority don't. That's the thing about mental issues, it is statistically in the minority, It's dismissive to act as of every kid from the hood has some type of disorder; honestly it's kind of offensive.

If you're speaking truth than props to you. Regarding environment, never did I say it only happens in the hood. 30-40% of my caseloads are with middle income fams. It's not a money issue. It's people issues. You sound like someone who put in work but gave up too quick due to patience and figured out that it takes more than just the "responsibility" speech to help turn a kids life around.
:smh: Hope they hit the wrong person and the person does not get KO'd and that person KO's them.
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pffffffffffffffffffffffffffff MENTAL WELLNESS 
EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE. of those teens knows it's wrong.  every one of those teens intereviewed in the original video know it's wrong.  they're doing it anyway.  that's their CHOICE.  they all got book bags, they all got homes to go to , they all know better and i bet they wouldn't tell they moms in a million years this is what they're doin, probably like 'yea ma at the mall with trevor and the guys, tee hee' and out here catchin poor innocents with a haymaker.  who the **** are you tryna fool wayniac, us or yourself?  abandonment at the holidays 

IT'S CALLED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.  I'm so tired of people hiding behind some lame excuse all the time.  just ******g man up and accept your role in your own life.  you choose to be a punk and get cut down because of it?  your fault, not 'the worlds' for not providing you with 'mental wellness'.  you know damb well what you're doin when you out there doin it.  my dad wasn't around long, but he was around long enough to teach me the difference between right and wrong and that nobody owes me nothing and i gotta EARN what i want.
wholeheartedly agree.

these kids (not even kids, teens) know what they are doing is messed up. 

they just dont care, because a lot of teenagers think they're invincible
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffff MENTAL WELLNESS :rofl: EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE. of those teens knows it's wrong.  every one of those teens intereviewed in the original video know it's wrong.  they're doing it anyway.  that's their CHOICE.  they all got book bags, they all got homes to go to , they all know better and i bet they wouldn't tell they moms in a million years this is what they're doin, probably like 'yea ma at the mall with trevor and the guys, tee hee' and out here catchin poor innocents with a haymaker.  who the **** are you tryna fool wayniac, us or yourself?  abandonment at the holidays :rofl:

IT'S CALLED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.  I'm so tired of people hiding behind some lame excuse all the time.  just ******g man up and accept your role in your own life.  you choose to be a punk and get cut down because of it?  your fault, not 'the worlds' for not providing you with 'mental wellness'.  you know damb well what you're doin when you out there doin it.  my dad wasn't around long, but he was around long enough to teach me the difference between right and wrong and that nobody owes me nothing and i gotta EARN what i want.

If you've never put in the work to help another child's life out than excuse yourself. This ain't a laughing matter. Mf is getting killed out here, families being torn apart, kids getting there childhood taken away from them...etc .. But props to your pops for teaching you right from wrong...
It really isn't,espacially to those select few who are from urban dwellings and come from the school of hardknocks where the things you did as a teenage weren't always that fluffy missed curfew,drinking a beer,skipping school or talking back to an adult.But one thing it shouldn't be is murder or rape nothing of the sorts but damn sure isn't always nice.

Kid's,teenagers,whatever you want to call them always grouped up and done mischievous things since people forever.In the 1900's is the introduction to reform school,boy's homes,youth judicial system and the likes,all of that wasn't put place just because they wasn't to punished good kids.

It's not about being crazy,poor,uneducated,or being from the hood.If you've worked with kids(like myself) in the system bad behavior crossed all lines,all colors,and all communities.Most just need to experience certain things for them to appreciated what they have and move on.

It's in the same vain as the "pass out game","the tampon soak alcohol" thing,,you ask yourself why would they do this? there is no real answer but hopefully they will learn from it even if it means that they do serious time.

Well said! I always lean towards cultural identity.
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffff MENTAL WELLNESS :rofl: EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE. of those teens knows it's wrong.  every one of those teens intereviewed in the original video know it's wrong.  they're doing it anyway.  that's their CHOICE.  they all got book bags, they all got homes to go to , they all know better and i bet they wouldn't tell they moms in a million years this is what they're doin, probably like 'yea ma at the mall with trevor and the guys, tee hee' and out here catchin poor innocents with a haymaker.  who the **** are you tryna fool wayniac, us or yourself?  abandonment at the holidays :rofl:

IT'S CALLED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.  I'm so tired of people hiding behind some lame excuse all the time.  just ******g man up and accept your role in your own life.  you choose to be a punk and get cut down because of it?  your fault, not 'the worlds' for not providing you with 'mental wellness'.  you know damb well what you're doin when you out there doin it.  my dad wasn't around long, but he was around long enough to teach me the difference between right and wrong and that nobody owes me nothing and i gotta EARN what i want.
Thank you! Dudes in here preaching text book facts deigned to diagnose everyone with something. We live in a world where ADHD is an epidemic all of a sudden and everyone is sick. Being fat is also disorder today too.... Yeeeaaaahhhh.... Missed me with that one too.
It's quite a statement about minorities in poor neighborhoods that we can have a thread discussing how stupid it is for them to be so violent and two people from poor neighborhoods begin arguing about who is tougher.
Don't know if this is directed at me and old boy but as far as I am concerned I don't have to prove how tough I am for anybody. That's not why I volunteer during every year for thanksgiving and Christmas, I am a big brother on the weekends(in the process of picking him up right now), and when he needs me after work and school I am there for him, when I do go back to Fillmore, I spend time with the kids at boys and girls club, at local churches mentoring, etc.. This is a path I chose in life because I am tired of seeing young black males falling victim to the anger they have inside of them(I know because I am still one of them trying to become at peace with my dad not being in my life). I don't do this for a pat on the back, I do it because it makes me feel good to see somebody else smiling for that one second and if I can drop some kind of hope for them to see there is nothing wrong with being a nerd or being educated or not standing on the corner, they can make it as well but they have to be strong and know they can be vulnerable and think different and there is nothing wrong with doing something legit. I know it's hard growing in that type of environment, my mom got us out of Fillmore but for many years I had to live in Southpark/Sunnyside H-town until she could on her feet, ever hood is the same but you have choices but you also need people to guide you through this maze in life. I don't care if I am not hood enough or if my hood pass is acceptable, I am more concern about touching one person on this earth so we can break the vicious cycle. The lame I threw shots at was not on some arbitrary stuff. They were legit shots because dude wants to come out acting like snuffing people was cool but tried to backslide when he was called on his stuff( not to mention flagged one of my comments because he can't take the heat).
At the end of this tangent, I don't care where you are from or how hood you are because that doesn't mean anything in this life, as a matter of fact you are a lame if that is your only claim to fame, I know dudes(specifically my uncle) that has been in the prison system his whole life and he tells me every time he gets out"Glad you went down a different path, this life is tiring but it's all I know", that's sad because nobody should him different, nobody tried to rehabilitate him because that's all they know. As long as I am alive I will try to help anybody that wants it and wants to see a different world. You can have your Street King Tough Talk and Typing Skills on the Keyboard, I am in these streets trying to make a difference.
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