New Game Kids Are Playing Called " Knockout " Vol All Types Of Level Mad

If you've never put in the work to help another child's life out than excuse yourself. This ain't a laughing matter. Mf is getting killed out here, families being torn apart, kids getting there childhood taken away from them...etc .. But props to your pops for teaching you right from wrong...
shut up.  i am from west bmore homie, i know ****** is gettin killed out here, i know how rough it is, i know plenty dudes that would as soon as steal your mcdouble out your hands as look at you but nobody outchea would condone that kinda foolishness, it would end pretty quickly and never come back again.  some kids don't have the chance to be kids and that is awful but on the flip side, those kids mature must faster and know right from wrong just as much as kids who do have those chances so miss me with that woe is me bull.  people gettin clapped out THIS way are gettin it for being too close to the game but not this tomfoolery in that video.  i don't need to help another child's life (besides my own) in order to use common sense, logic and reasoning to figure out that these kids have homes, these kids have families, they just think they're untouchable.  that's their problem, not the worlds.  that's their problem, not societies.  you've said nothing in this thread regarding personal responsibility and that's pretty telling.  perhaps you should excuse yourself first.
These kids can drive, tell you when the next Jordan's are coming out, memorize every song on the radio, do a book report ........ But they don't know simple "what to do/what not to do" logic?...... Because nobody told them?? LOL.


All this kind of thinking does is empower them. It's an excuse to keep doing because it's "not their fault"

Not everyone thinks like you bruh. Children/teens will do ANYTHING to fit in. Yes, their smarter than what we think, but the challenge is to have them realize it instead of proving it.
shut up.  i am from west bmore homie, i know ****** is gettin killed out here, i know how rough it is, i know plenty dudes that would as soon as steal your mcdouble out your hands as look at you but nobody outchea would condone that kinda foolishness, it would end pretty quickly and never come back again.  some kids don't have the chance to be kids and that is awful but on the flip side, those kids mature must faster and know right from wrong just as much as kids who do have those chances so miss me with that woe is me bull.  people gettin clapped out THIS way are gettin it for being too close to the game but not this tomfoolery in that video.  i don't need to help another child's life (besides my own) in order to use common sense, logic and reasoning to figure out that these kids have homes, these kids have families, they just think they're untouchable.  that's their problem, not the worlds.  that's their problem, not societies.  you've said nothing in this thread regarding personal responsibility and that's pretty telling.  perhaps you should excuse yourself first.

Where over west u from. I'm on alameda
let me make sure i'm getting this correct...

some folks are saying its not the kid's fault? that we should blame society?

:lol: these dudes are like... 14-18... they know what they're doing it wrong.
let me make sure i'm getting this correct...

some folks are saying its not the kid's fault? that we should blame society?

:lol: these dudes are like... 14-18... they know what they're doing it wrong.

It's not their fault man.... Blame the parents.... Wait??? No no, blame the parent's parents.... Errrrr..... Hold on, blame the parent's parent's ahhhh.... Parents...... Wait wait.... It's society, and ahhh.... Blame Jesus?
let me make sure i'm getting this correct...

some folks are saying its not the kid's fault? that we should blame society?

these dudes are like... 14-18... they know what they're doing it wrong.
It's not their fault man.... Blame the parents.... Wait??? No no, blame the parent's parents.... Errrrr..... Hold on, blame the parent's parent's ahhhh.... Parents...... Wait wait.... It's society, and ahhh.... Blame Jesus?
jesus didnt know any better, god just raised him wrong
You have to factor in environment, parental influence, and socio-economics though. Those things can't be ignored. Knowing right from wrong and being trained (yes humans are trained) to implement what is right and wrong aren't the same thing. If given a quiz we all would be pure moral individuals but does the environment we live in and the other things I mentioned bring that out of you?

Yes, some people from the hood make it.
Yes, some people not from the hood fail.
But you can't dismiss environment as if knowing right/wrong alone will move someone into doing the right thing most of the time.
What does having nothing have to do with punching strangers in the face for fun? None of those kids seem angry at the strangers who they're punching. In fact, they're all laughing and seem to be filming for laughs. Kids are just punks

When you have nothing you have nothing to lose.
New Game Adults Are Playing Called "Pass the Buck" Vol No Types of Accountability
No not at all if anything it's parents that like to "pass the buck ",you hear these words all of the time,"Not my child","Not in my community","Not in my household";And I'm always quick to correct anyone who thinks and says such stupid things because yes it is your children,it's happening in your community and most likely when your not home in your household.
If you can't convince them of other wise even after something bad happened,like most their going to need a serious wake up call.

Some of you just have to realize that all that is going on now is nothing new,it has been done before in some form or fashion it's just that now we have the internet, the information, news and entertainment is instantly one click away when pre-internet we would of probably never heard about such a thing happening unless we lived in that city.Even when receiving news faster Americans Lynch Mob mentality is still pretty much the same especially when it comes to certain situation that isn't so black & white.
While in other news your 14yr old sister,neice,cousin or neighbor is twerking half naked and has al most a bigger following than the XXX star Heather Hunter,Miley Cyrus or whom ever you want to put in place of that image,it's not right but make sure it's not your family member first that's doing the wrong before you jump all the way out of the window when it comes to other's.I think if more people did this,it might curb a lot of the foolishness that we see on the news when it comes to younger people.

We have NTers who've actually done this? SMH
Probably so,I myself was a badass when I was younger for no other reasons other than just because I wanted to be.I didn't kill,rape or pillage a village,I wasn't that bad but I did something that after I look back on it now as an adult were stupid but at the time I thought it was fun and whatever came with having I thought I was ready to handle it good or bad.
That's the mentality of a child,that's what we tend to forget sometimes and for some to no fault of their own(maybe) they like to demonize certain individuals in certain situation from certain backgrounds for whatever reason and I won't blame that on anyone but now it is ingrained into our society.

A child that murders someone is dam-near monthly occurrence some where in America and sadly it's the norm with it comes to the headlines.We can't complaining about what the younger generation is doing when most of us adults aren't willing to change ourselves,it's really a brick wall.
You have to factor in environment, parental influence, and socio-economics though. Those things can't be ignored. Knowing right from wrong and being trained (yes humans are trained) to implement what is right and wrong aren't the same thing. If given a quiz we all would be pure moral individuals but does the environment we live in and the other things I mentioned bring that out of you?
All the more reason to castrate. End the damn bloodline to cutoff the cycle.
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And this is coming from the number one keyboard commando that probably has never done any work in his community or even has taken the time to be a big brother, or feed the homeless, or helped a kid with homework because he is "So Hood"...

you seem to have alot of assumptions about who I am based on the one period of my life(ages 14-17) you know about

Imagine how awkward it would be if you judged every person you met on things they've done as an adolescent...

I hope you don't take trips back to filmore and spit on people and think them to be unworthy savages because you dislike their misguided behavior...

and like I said before, you weren't really out in the street back then, I'm glad your mom kept you safe, I'm glad you didn't know this game existed or ever ran into anybody who was good at it.

I remember my friends mom suggesting i go with him to some type of street soldiers rehab/group therapy session/something in the city. Dudes were going around the room explaining what they've done and how they've improved their lives. Some dude was locked up at 16 for putting explosives under some deputy's house and trying to blow it up. He was glad he got a scholarship through the program and the arson beef he had was getting expunged. I'm sure you would have inserted *camron spitting gif* and gone at him for being the reason *insert bad neighborhood* has a terrible reputation.

I'll let you know whens the next time I take a business trip back to SF so we can meetup and discuss these issues in person.

Big Brother Big Sister program volunteer since my late teens, inactive since starting my own business.

*reference to writing too much*

*laughing gifs*

*passive agressive dismissal*

^There, you don't even have to respond now.
****** trippin​
Doing Too Much​
Who you talking bout bruh
The kids obviously

****** out here doing too much

These ****** skipped females and weed and went straight to sleeping out old ladies?

Have no mercy for these kids and it's a shame people are defending this . . . some things can be defended by the group mentality theory but not punching out random old people and UPS guys
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