New Girl Appreciation Thread Vol. I can't read a ruler


He should never leave the show. Elation, elation, elation!

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I can't give enough praise to these group of actors/comedians.

What makes someone funny is not only what they but how they say it & their delivery.

I love their mannerisms, man. 

Btw, am I the only one who sees glimpses of Eddie Murphy when Winston does certain stuff 

Ever since him & Coach did their impressions of Eddie that one episode, I've felt this way. 

 at Winnie pussying out at the last second with Aly. 

I want to see son swimming in those sweet Iranian yambs. 
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Dunstin :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He should never leave the show. Elation, elation, elation! :rofl:

1 2 3 4 5 6 :lol:

3 2 1 0 -1 :rofl:

Dustin going behind the bar to ask nick where the bathroom is :rofl: and then understanding nick was describing dude's Johnson :lol:

"What am I the only guy that's been flashed 300 time?" Nick :rofl:
I want to swim in sweet Iranian yambs too. Was close once but messed up big time.
Schmidt re enacting Drumline[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
Megan Fox still got it[emoji]128525[/emoji]

Just got back into this show after stopping after season 2. Megan's still definitely got it :evil:

And is it me, or is CeCe looking like a Kardashian? :lol:
They're up on netflix. I still have a few older episodes I have to watch plus some from last season.
I definitely see the slight Eddie Murphy mannerisms in Winston :lol: Some delivery as well.

:rofl: @ Nick. I forgot about his always getting flashed.
Winston is hilarious. Enjoying his character's consistent flourishing.
That was one of the best parts of the last episode...he has a foster cat that he's been hiding apperently :rofl:
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Schmidt's scream when he found out Jess made out with his dad... hilarious.

Schmidt freaking out about the wedding and all of the details and planning has been one of his best character plotlines. He's always so organized, has his insane beliefs and opinions, it's perfect opportunity for comedy.
Not even close. They've done so much more in 1 or 2 episodes with Schmidt than this entire wedding story line that's been dragging on and on.

I don't even think Schmidt has been to work since like season 3 :smh: :rofl:
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Not even close. They've done so much more in 1 or 2 episodes with Schmidt than this entire wedding story line that's been dragging on and on.

I don't even think Schmidt has been to work since like season 3 :smh: :rofl:

does he still work for that company? :lol:
According to the summary for next episode he has to give a presentation so I assume he does. He can't be making that much money from the bar :lol:

They're gonna drag this Winston/Aly thing out for awhile too. There's only 2 episodes left and his new chick will probably show up in the finale.

Hope they aren't as over the top with her as they were with Dunstin :nerd: :tongue:
Well they drew out Nick getting with Jess for like 2 seasons and Schmidt with Cece took a while as well. I remember when Winston might've had a shot.
Everyone you named are main characters...Aly isn't.

They haven't even let her character know that Winston is feeling her or even showed who Winston is competing against. They're dragging it out but not doing anything with the story :lol:
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Yeah but Winston is a main character.

From the jump he's been the odd man out as far as pairings go so he has to hook up with guest stars. They've done that every season for him. Now they're developing to something a bit more serious which is why they're taking their time with it. It's a sub plot for a main character on a show that has about 3-4 ongoing plots for the other 4 main characters.
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The others made sense but the Aly & Winston situation is all over the place...they should at least involve her more while they're dragging it on.

Dustin got more air time than she did...a few random characters have actually.

If you're going on what they've done in the past it won't be serious or go too far because Winston always takes the L relationship wise :lol:
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