New HBO series "Ballers" starring The Rock
thats the girl that was texting charles
Safaree still winnin
my gawd 

Reggie needs the fade soon.

I am bigger than my problems....woosah!
Last week was cool.
Tonight I'm officially in.
Show is dope.

Still liking Survivors Remorse quite a bit more but, they'll have to hit hard on Season 2 to stay ahead in my book, especially if this show continues to progress.

I thought Rocks role was forced and cheesy in the first few eps but his ending scene tonight, as well as the eps entire performance changed my mind.
show is good money to me. just wish it was longer than a half hour. I dig it though. doesnt even really need the rock. so far some of the best scenes, he wasn't in in.
Watched initially for the entertainment, wasn't pleased. But the last two episodes were entertaining. Wish Vernon was much more assertive, not more than Reggie, but had some semblance of influence
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