New iPhone 4 Verified: Vol.RIP Gray Powell UPDATE!: Gizmodo is being reckless now...



Originally Posted by Man E

And once again i will say this: the iPhone has something that can't be beat, no matter if the next proclaimed iPhone killer has a couple of better specs than the iPhone; OVERALL the iPhone is a better phone.

What they [competitors] don't have is the Operating System that people seem to love, enjoy, and stay loyal to. The seamlessness of how an iPhone functions. And quite frankly, as a manufacturer that is what you want, more customers. Now you can sit there and say that more sales doesn't mean a better phone, but you are wrong. People will always buy the better product, [given that they are the same price], and right now the iPhone is better not because it offers a better camera, or more memory. But because people have come to realize that the quality of the company, it's creativeness, and track record of making its customers satisfied can't be beat.
At one point this was true but its no longer holding weight. It's not that apple has something that cant be beats its that no one puts as much into as apple. But like I said thats not entirely true anymore. If you look at android their idea and platform is brilliant and they are showing that they are here to stay.

I'm not going to elaborate on why the so suppose "iphone killers" failed, all I'm going to say is apple has history in hardware and software integration and than you have mobile phone makers that dont have either of these trying to compete. I never believed in these "iphone killers" because if you have any true sense and know the history of these makers you would know.

Iphone OS is based on OSX technology and android is based on linux.

Iphone has a closed environment and android is an open environment.

Similiar in a sense but both have something different to offer to people.

Now if you want to know why apple controls the market its simple. Apple deserves to be called originators and great visionist. They definitely have something people like and want but this does not mean "perfect" and never will. Now the rest is pure marketing. If you look at apple in a marketing view is pure genius.
Originally Posted by STOPIT5

at whoever said they don't know how front facing camera would get any good usage ?

Common man don't you have any tech logic ?

Front facing camera has been a request for apple to do for a good while already, its a fact people want it. The fact apple has a app market means the usage are endless. You'll see it implemented in chat/conferences all the way to games and social networking. I know app developers are going to have a lot of fun with it.

This whole hate thing has got to stop, I'm Pro competition and that's that.
Thanks for actually answering the question though appreciate it.

I don't see myself ever using it for a conference call or face-face chat feature because once again i use my mobile phone when im on the go.  I already webchat/skype with people on my comp when im home 20 inch screen > 7 inch screen

If its going to be implemented into social networking im sure they will do it on the actual website as well.  So facebook chat will have faces on my comp as well as my phone which goes back to the on the go argument

The apps has some what potential but hell i had the eye toy for the ps2 and hated it.  All the games were terrible and hard to play and that was on a tv with an actual motion censoring.  So i don't see how they would do it and make it enjoyable

So again.... Front facing camera to me seems more like a gimmick then an actual plus.  And just saying "people want it" is not a real acceptable answer to me sorry.

But im not hating i own a 3gs and i think im gonna pass and just enjoy the 4.0 OS which im excited about.  That and i don't want another 2 years on att if this thing might make it to verizon....i hate att
Why the hell would I need a camera for videochat?  I don't see what's wrong with just regular talking on the phone.  I can barely get service to make calls on my 3G iphone.  How will the network handle video-calls? 
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by STOPIT5

at whoever said they don't know how front facing camera would get any good usage ?

Common man don't you have any tech logic ?

Front facing camera has been a request for apple to do for a good while already, its a fact people want it. The fact apple has a app market means the usage are endless. You'll see it implemented in chat/conferences all the way to games and social networking. I know app developers are going to have a lot of fun with it.

This whole hate thing has got to stop, I'm Pro competition and that's that.
Thanks for actually answering the question though appreciate it.

I don't see myself ever using it for a conference call or face-face chat feature because once again i use my mobile phone when im on the go.  I already webchat/skype with people on my comp when im home 20 inch screen > 7 inch screen

If its going to be implemented into social networking im sure they will do it on the actual website as well.  So facebook chat will have faces on my comp as well as my phone which goes back to the on the go argument

The apps has some what potential but hell i had the eye toy for the ps2 and hated it.  All the games were terrible and hard to play and that was on a tv with an actual motion censoring.  So i don't see how they would do it and make it enjoyable

So again.... Front facing camera to me seems more like a gimmick then an actual plus.  And just saying "people want it" is not a real acceptable answer to me sorry.

But im not hating i own a 3gs and i think im gonna pass and just enjoy the 4.0 OS which im excited about.  That and i don't want another 2 years on att if this thing might make it to verizon....i hate att
 I dont blame you, its way to early to make decisions. WAY WAY to early.
Originally Posted by shogun

Why the hell would I need a camera for videochat?  I don't see what's wrong with just regular talking on the phone.  I can barely get service to make calls on my 3G iphone.  How will the network handle video-calls? 

you can make that case for everything

why do i need to browse the web on my phone
why do i need to check my email on my phone
why do i need to play music on my phone

im not sure how at&t's network will handle video calls, but what im guessing is that most people will only video call at home, and usually at home theirs wifi, and they are just going to do it once or twice to try out the feature then forget about it within a month

plus if the iphone's screen like OLED similar to the n1, you wont be able to video chat outside because you cant even see your damn screen
Originally Posted by shogun

Why the hell would I need a camera for videochat?  I don't see what's wrong with just regular talking on the phone.  I can barely get service to make calls on my 3G iphone.  How will the network handle video-calls? 

   To answer your question its called "Progression"  and trust me we need it. Now as far how the networks will handle is based on the network and how their infrastructure is setup. But networks will always upgrade if need be.

I hope the iphone is not exclusive to one network that's also a factor in making a decision. Network exclusiveness can be a deal breaker.

Hopefully not AT&T, not really a fan of them.
Originally Posted by shogun

Why the hell would I need a camera for videochat?  I don't see what's wrong with just regular talking on the phone.  I can barely get service to make calls on my 3G iphone.  How will the network handle video-calls? 
It doesn't just have to be video chat... I'm sure developers will think of games to implement it, too.  Similar to the accelerometer
Originally Posted by STOPIT5

Originally Posted by shogun

Why the hell would I need a camera for videochat?  I don't see what's wrong with just regular talking on the phone.  I can barely get service to make calls on my 3G iphone.  How will the network handle video-calls? 

   To answer your question its called "Progression"  and trust me we need it. Now as far how the networks will handle is based on the network and how their infrastructure is setup. But networks will always upgrade if need be.

I hope the iphone is not exclusive to one network that's also a factor in making a decision. Network exclusiveness can be a deal breaker.

Hopefully not AT&T, not really a fan of them.

I hate ATT i drop calls "call failed" at least once a day.  No convo can last over 25 mins without it.  I think girls will love the front facing camera thats for sure
Originally Posted by TacC4

P.P.S. Still waiting for someone to give me a good example of how to utilize a front-facing camera on a phone.

Not saying it isn't a feature worth listing, but I wouldn't pay for it. And it appears to me that nobody else can rationalize paying for it either. Its just something nice to put in a commercial. Strip away the video and just look @what is being said and you'll realize Apple is the just best infomercial producer in the world. All they need is the dude to say "but wait, there's more..." and then he can mention pairing a camera w/a flash feature like it hasn't been around since the 1950s. No different than previous releases.

"If you're willing to drop anther $300 to go from a 3G to a 3GS, we'll upgrade your camera from 2MP, TO THREE WHOLE MEGAPIXELS OOOHHHH HAXORZ. And even throw in a complimentary compass."

Just curious, how many of you actually use the whole 32GBs? And even if you somehow did need 32GB, wouldn't it have made sense to buy a phone where you could upgrade your storage w/o buying a new phone? I'm sorry, I'll stop making sense now. Don't want to interject too much reality into this conversation.
whats not to understand about having a front facing camera on the phone? its self explanatory... a front facing camera allows not only easier self portrait shots, but also allows video chat capabilities.. people have been asking for ichat since the original iphone released, well simply put- you can't video chat if you cant see the person you are talking to AND stream yourself if theres only a rear camera. 
i don't get whats so hard to understand about the benefits of the front facing camera. people want it, therefore they will pay for it. just because YOU don't want it, doesn't mean theres no point to it. 

lets take this for example, you know how web cameras allow you to take photos of yourself, while seeing yourself? you can add little effects to your photos, add borders and frames to your images, etc etc... well with a front facing camera, you can do this. people ENJOY things like that (especially women). 

or lets take this for example, there may be an app that allows you to take a photo of yourself, and mix it with someone elses face. just a small app, but PEOPLE WILL ENJOY IT. 

maybe there will be more apps and games implementing the front facing camera, who knows, but we can put our money on it that there more than likely will be. 

im no apple fanboy, i just enjoy the phone. and i find it ******ed when some people try to find a flaw in everything that the iPhone has or doesn't have. especially when a lot of phone companies release multiple versions of the same phone pass it off with a few upgraded spec numbers, and people go stupid ga-ga over those.

the only phone that shows superiority over the phone market that I have seen is the EVO 4g.... everything else, is whatever. 

there are probably only 3 other phones I would consider getting over the iphone. and when I go to buy the new iphone this year and im not satisfied with the finished product, the evo 4g and 2 other phones will be the only phones I even think about considering. because in the end, there aren't too many other phones out there that are really THAT SUPERIOR to the iphone. half of HTC's lineup is trash, motorolla's new handsets suck, and nokia and blackberry deliver with the same handsets, every. damn. year. I skipped on the 3gs, why? becuase it was just a 3g wit han updated processor, the camera, i didnt give a flying !*$# about. im a fan of the iphone and everything, but i dont fall for their traps with marketing. which is why I find use in this new handset, because I skipped on last years due to it being the same thing. I can admit that, and its not, its time for my upgrade, and this handset is more of an upgrade from the 3g, than the 3gs was. 

ohyeah, and I have had a 120GB ipod... and i filled it up, 32 GB's of storage aint !%%*. but i dont need tons of storage for music and !%%* on my phone. i have playlists for when im out, and I have music that i listen to on my ipod/at home. 

i see your logic and how you think. but you aren't the only person that can make sense out of this whole thing. 
aaaaaaaaaaaannnnddddd.... im done with the long +%! replies in this thread. that !$+% i just wrote was too *#@%%@! long.
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by shogun

Why the hell would I need a camera for videochat?  I don't see what's wrong with just regular talking on the phone.  I can barely get service to make calls on my 3G iphone.  How will the network handle video-calls? 

you can make that case for everything

why do i need to browse the web on my phone
why do i need to check my email on my phone
why do i need to play music on my phone

im not sure how at&t's network will handle video calls, but what im guessing is that most people will only video call at home, and usually at home theirs wifi, and they are just going to do it once or twice to try out the feature then forget about it within a month

plus if the iphone's screen like OLED similar to the n1, you wont be able to video chat outside because you cant even see your damn screen

To be totally honest, the only reason I ever got my iPhone was b/c it has a ton of internal memory to store music and at the time it was the only phone i could sync to my Macbook.  I text a lot, listen to music and use the web browser when i'm bored.  I probably spend less than 8 minutes a month on calls so i'm a person who would never use a video call.  I guess a lot of people were demanding the front facing camera feature, we'll see if they actually use it.  The only things I wanted in the new iphone were a really good camera with flash, flash support, turn-by-turn navigation, better network and DURABILITY.  My second phone is dying already because the processor is almost burned out, which is what happened to my first phone. 
Some of you guys are posting whole essays. There are times when I wanna join in the discussion, but I simply don't wanna read paragraphs upon paragrahs.
P.S. @dude saying Android is only doing well because its got so many handsets: that's not a knock on Android, its a comment on their business philosophy. If each provider only had one phone running Android the handset sales would probably be fairly similar. Google is giving people flexibility and the market is responding positively. You think Apple offered their OS to HTC and HTC turned them down? You think they were forced to work exclusively w/at&t? Steve Jobs made these decisions consciously. Don't try to make excuses for him.

You and I aren't even talking about the same thing.

No one bought up sales and I plainly wasn't referring to sales. You just came up with that on your own.

In terms of online traffic, (you know, what I was posting about) Having a hundred or so different devices against maybe at most 4 isn't a valid measure of success. Especially if those hundred devices put together are under the 4. 

And who am I making excuses for? I don't see any names.
Originally Posted by OverGrinding

i hate dumb $+# people... how could not want an extra camera? if ur not gonna use it fine but dont act like they're $*%#+% the phone up by adding it

technology is the #*%% genius...

how the hell did this thread get outta hand like this?
i hate dumb $+# people... how could not want an extra camera? if ur not gonna use it fine but dont act like they're $*%#+% the phone up by adding it

technology is the #*%% genius...
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

i hate dumb $+# people... how could not want an extra camera? if ur not gonna use it fine but dont act like they're $*%#+% the phone up by adding it

technology is the #*%% genius...

how the hell did this thread get outta hand like this?
For this reason.  No one said it makes the phone dumber or worse.  We said it just isn't as revolutionary as people are making it out to be.  It all started when like page 1 someone was like OMG FRONT FACING CAMERA YESSSS and Tac and myself were like ummm.. whats so great about it.

Done talking about it but no need for people to be like "god you people are idiots" calm down kiddo
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Some of you guys are posting whole essays. There are times when I wanna join in the discussion, but I simply don't wanna read paragraphs upon paragrahs.
 i feel you, im guilty myself. i didnt even want to proof read my own @+@*
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

i hate dumb $+# people... how could not want an extra camera? if ur not gonna use it fine but dont act like they're $*%#+% the phone up by adding it

technology is the #*%% genius...

how the hell did this thread get outta hand like this?

um, because it's an Apple thread 

you have the same 4 fanboys and 2 haters w/ little to no tech knowledge battling it out.. every thread, it's the same thing
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

i hate dumb $+# people... how could not want an extra camera? if ur not gonna use it fine but dont act like they're $*%#+% the phone up by adding it

technology is the #*%% genius...

how the hell did this thread get outta hand like this?
For this reason.  No one said it makes the phone dumber or worse.  We said it just isn't as revolutionary as people are making it out to be.  It all started when like page 1 someone was like OMG FRONT FACING CAMERA YESSSS and Tac and myself were like ummm.. whats so great about it.

Done talking about it but no need for people to be like "god you people are idiots" calm down kiddo
guilty much? i was talkin about shogun... dude acting like the phone is gonna suck cuz of an extra cam...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

i hate dumb $+# people... how could not want an extra camera? if ur not gonna use it fine but dont act like they're $*%#+% the phone up by adding it

technology is the #*%% genius...

how the hell did this thread get outta hand like this?
For this reason.  No one said it makes the phone dumber or worse.  We said it just isn't as revolutionary as people are making it out to be.  It all started when like page 1 someone was like OMG FRONT FACING CAMERA YESSSS and Tac and myself were like ummm.. whats so great about it.

Done talking about it but no need for people to be like "god you people are idiots" calm down kiddo
guilty much? i was talkin about shogun... dude acting like the phone is gonna suck cuz of an extra cam...
No just i was like the second responder on this topic and just called a hater about 10000 times by the fan boys for saying i didn't care about the front facing camera.  Then some where in the middle people started going in about Droid and MAC and i was like eff this.  Popped back in to see if anyone gave a good reason to be excited about the front facing camera.  Hella Handsome (no +%#%) gave some good pretty good reasons i didn't think about.

But still excited about the keynote still thinking this could all be a ploy to conceal one big upgrade lol  setting my self up for more disappointment i know
"who needs to make videocalls"

what the hell is wrong with everyone... am i not the only one that sees true potential in this..

ring ring "hey whuddup ma im on this crowded bus... lemmee see u slap them tigolbitties"
her: "sure" *proceeds to slap, squeeze, and lick the tigolbitties through her front facing camera*

*boner on the bus*
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