New iPhone 4 Verified: Vol.RIP Gray Powell UPDATE!: Gizmodo is being reckless now...

Gizmodo 'breaking' this story is the eqivalent of TMZ breaking Michael Jackson's rush to the hospital. Their traffic will sky rocket. Their gravitas in the tech dork world will be unparalleled.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Wait so this is all we get

• Front-facing video chat camera DONT CARE
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS) DONT CARE
• Camera flash DONT CARE
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad) DONT CARE but don't really know what the difference is
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x460 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS. DONT CARE
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack CARE
• Split buttons for volume DONT CARE
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic DONT CARE AT ALL
 I've said it before, and I'll say it again, dudes hate on the iPhone just to hate. 
if these were upgrades to a blackberry or HTC phone it would be getting tons of 
's and 

but instead, these are improvements that people have been begging for from apple, and when apple gives the people what they have been asking for, you still arent satisfied.

go sit down

what the $%@+ do you want it to have? digital cable? a !$*%%@# toaster? want it to come with a bag full of money? 

hell, the phone can multitask, finally has a flash camera, front facing camera with video chat for ichat (which obviously will be apples answer to BBM... hence why ichat is only on apple products (duh...), removable battery, better battery life, new design (because everyone complained at the 3GS looking like the 3G), gamecenter which is like xbox live for iphone game apps, and a bunch of other upgrades in 4.0 firmware...

how much do you want to bet that after this phone drops, every one of apple's competitors will make phones with video chat capabilities with dual cameras for it? I give HTC 3-4 months before they come up with a new "killer" for this, and I give Google until December to upgrade that crappy Nexus One to the Nexus "Two" or some %$$# to compete. 

they made the candybar, all touch screen phone and everyone followed suit, this will be next. and all of the haters will eat up the competition, because thats all you care about, seeing apples competition "take them down"

ohyeah, but i can't sound like an apple fanboy... 

/exits thread. 

Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Wait so this is all we get

• Front-facing video chat camera DONT CARE
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS) DONT CARE
• Camera flash DONT CARE
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad) DONT CARE but don't really know what the difference is
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x460 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS. DONT CARE
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack CARE
• Split buttons for volume DONT CARE
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic DONT CARE AT ALL
 I've said it before, and I'll say it again, dudes hate on the iPhone just to hate. 
if these were upgrades to a blackberry or HTC phone it would be getting tons of 
's and 

but instead, these are improvements that people have been begging for from apple, and when apple gives the people what they have been asking for, you still arent satisfied.

go sit down

what the $%@+ do you want it to have? digital cable? a !$*%%@# toaster? want it to come with a bag full of money? 

hell, the phone can multitask, finally has a flash camera, front facing camera with video chat for ichat (which obviously will be apples answer to BBM... hence why ichat is only on apple products (duh...), removable battery, better battery life, new design (because everyone complained at the 3GS looking like the 3G), gamecenter which is like xbox live for iphone game apps, and a bunch of other upgrades in 4.0 firmware...

how much do you want to bet that after this phone drops, every one of apple's competitors will make phones with video chat capabilities with dual cameras for it? I give HTC 3-4 months before they come up with a new "killer" for this, and I give Google until December to upgrade that crappy Nexus One to the Nexus "Two" or some %$$# to compete. 

they made the candybar, all touch screen phone and everyone followed suit, this will be next. and all of the haters will eat up the competition, because thats all you care about, seeing apples competition "take them down"

ohyeah, but i can't sound like an apple fanboy... 

/exits thread. 


"KEEP GOING!"              -S.C.Carter

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Wait so this is all we get

• Front-facing video chat camera DONT CARE
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS) DONT CARE
• Camera flash DONT CARE
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad) DONT CARE but don't really know what the difference is
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x460 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS. DONT CARE
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack CARE
• Split buttons for volume DONT CARE
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic DONT CARE AT ALL
 I've said it before, and I'll say it again, dudes hate on the iPhone just to hate. 
if these were upgrades to a blackberry or HTC phone it would be getting tons of 
's and 

but instead, these are improvements that people have been begging for from apple, and when apple gives the people what they have been asking for, you still arent satisfied.

go sit down

what the $%@+ do you want it to have? digital cable? a !$*%%@# toaster? want it to come with a bag full of money? 

hell, the phone can multitask, finally has a flash camera, front facing camera with video chat for ichat (which obviously will be apples answer to BBM... hence why ichat is only on apple products (duh...), removable battery, better battery life, new design (because everyone complained at the 3GS looking like the 3G), gamecenter which is like xbox live for iphone game apps, and a bunch of other upgrades in 4.0 firmware...

how much do you want to bet that after this phone drops, every one of apple's competitors will make phones with video chat capabilities with dual cameras for it? I give HTC 3-4 months before they come up with a new "killer" for this, and I give Google until December to upgrade that crappy Nexus One to the Nexus "Two" or some %$$# to compete. 

they made the candybar, all touch screen phone and everyone followed suit, this will be next. and all of the haters will eat up the competition, because thats all you care about, seeing apples competition "take them down"

ohyeah, but i can't sound like an apple fanboy... 

/exits thread. 


"KEEP GOING!"              -S.C.Carter

well technically, htc & sprint already annouced the evo 4g with a front facing camera weeks before this iphone leak, but i see your point. I personally am glad to see that apple is finally giving the people want they want and not just half stepping it like they did with the 3gs
If that is the final model of the new iPhone. I actually like it and will stay with an iPhone when I can renew my contract. Looks promising.
Dude up there is right... If any blackberry or HTC would have came out with these features before this released yall would have came in and said

HTC and Blackberry>>>> iphone

Bragging about all the features and what not... but of course since apple does it first... they are just useless features that people don't care about

either way this phone is copped
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Wait so this is all we get

• Front-facing video chat camera DONT CARE
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS) DONT CARE
• Camera flash DONT CARE
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad) DONT CARE but don't really know what the difference is
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x460 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS. DONT CARE
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack CARE
• Split buttons for volume DONT CARE
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic DONT CARE AT ALL
 I've said it before, and I'll say it again, dudes hate on the iPhone just to hate. 
if these were upgrades to a blackberry or HTC phone it would be getting tons of 
's and 

but instead, these are improvements that people have been begging for from apple, and when apple gives the people what they have been asking for, you still arent satisfied.

go sit down

what the $%@+ do you want it to have? digital cable? a !$*%%@# toaster? want it to come with a bag full of money? 

hell, the phone can multitask, finally has a flash camera, front facing camera with video chat for ichat (which obviously will be apples answer to BBM... hence why ichat is only on apple products (duh...), removable battery, better battery life, new design (because everyone complained at the 3GS looking like the 3G), gamecenter which is like xbox live for iphone game apps, and a bunch of other upgrades in 4.0 firmware...

how much do you want to bet that after this phone drops, every one of apple's competitors will make phones with video chat capabilities with dual cameras for it? I give HTC 3-4 months before they come up with a new "killer" for this, and I give Google until December to upgrade that crappy Nexus One to the Nexus "Two" or some %$$# to compete. 

they made the candybar, all touch screen phone and everyone followed suit, this will be next. and all of the haters will eat up the competition, because thats all you care about, seeing apples competition "take them down"

ohyeah, but i can't sound like an apple fanboy... 

/exits thread. 

HTC has never been concerned with making "iPhone Killers"......they've had phones with front facing cameras for years now. Over in Europe/Asian that's a standard and the already announced/revealed that the SuperSonic for Sprint will have a front facing cam last month. Hell, there are app that let you use your phone as a webcam....but I'm sure that Apple has something like that too.

Jking has an iPhone 3GS, so I wouldn't say that he's hating.

Wasn't PIN the answer to BBM?

Why wouldn't Google make a Nexus Two or another Google phone?

Apple wasn't the first to make a all touch screen phone, and I'm pretty positive about that.

Yes, I maybe an HTC fanboy but I acknowledge other phones....I recommend other phones besides HTC all the time.
Originally Posted by dopestop

Originally Posted by loskickking23

Originally Posted by dopestop

I got a 3gs last week!!!
is there anything I can do
u gotta a few days to return it!
do you know how many?I think its been 10 days..
I had to pay a $150 security deposit, will I lose it? 
yea but when I bagged you for copping the 3gs you said you didnt care and you couldnt wait right? nice try
This story just keeps getting better

[h1]A Letter: Apple Wants Its Secret iPhone Back[/h1]
Well, how can I explain this? I got some interesting calls today. It was Apple. And they wanted their phone back.

This phone was lost, and then found. But from Apple's perspective,it could have been considered stolen. I told them, all they have to doto get it back is to claim it—on record. This formal request fromApple's legal department is that claim. It proves—if there was anydoubt in your mind—that this thing is real.

Here's my reply:
Bruce, thanks.
Here's Jason Chen, who has the iPhone. And here's his address. You two should coordinate a time.

[Blah Blah Blah Address]

Happy to have you pick this thing up. Was burning a hole in ourpockets. Just so you know, we didn't know this was stolen when webought it. Now that we definitely know it's not some knockoff, and itreally is Apple's, I'm happy to see it returned to its rightful owner.

P.S. I hope you take it easy on the kid who lost it. I don't think he loves anything more than Apple.

And since this was the only missing piece of the puzzle, we have nowboth extinguished any doubts of its origin but also, we get to give thephone back. *warm, fuzzy, huggy feelings of legal compliance*

(Our legal team told us that in California the law states, "If it is lost, the owner has three years to reclaimor title passes to the owner of the premises where the property wasfound. The person who found it had the duty to report it." Which,actually, the guys who found it tried to do, but were pretty muchignored by Apple. )

I'm sad to see it go. We reasoned this pretty little piece ofhardware is probably something we'll see again some time soon, but whoknows exactly when. For some of us, that date can't come soon enough.

Send an email to the author of this post at /">">[email protected].

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by dopestop

Originally Posted by loskickking23

Originally Posted by dopestop

I got a 3gs last week!!!


is there anything I can do
u gotta a few days to return it!
do you know how many?I think its been 10 days..
I had to pay a $150 security deposit, will I lose it? 
yea but when I bagged you for copping the 3gs you said you didnt care and you couldnt wait right? nice try

30 days, if you're in california.

im sold on the supersonic/evo.

but im glad apple is finally give people what they want. if only it wasn't on at&t, and i could install apps from the net without breaking my warranty (jb) and they fixed their notification (to mimic webOS or android) i'd give the iphone another chance. but since it's never going to happen. i'll be trying my luck with the evo (always been a fan of HTC's Sense UI)
btw at least Im not the only one who lives the new design, it def has a solid feel to it, its a bit heavier and sharp

the curved edgy 3g/3gs models was too plasticy and feels like a toy to me
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Wait so this is all we get

• Front-facing video chat camera DONT CARE
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS) DONT CARE
• Camera flash DONT CARE
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad) DONT CARE but don't really know what the difference is
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x460 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS. DONT CARE
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack CARE
• Split buttons for volume DONT CARE
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic DONT CARE AT ALL
 I've said it before, and I'll say it again, dudes hate on the iPhone just to hate. 
if these were upgrades to a blackberry or HTC phone it would be getting tons of 
's and 

but instead, these are improvements that people have been begging for from apple, and when apple gives the people what they have been asking for, you still arent satisfied.

go sit down

what the $%@+ do you want it to have? digital cable? a !$*%%@# toaster? want it to come with a bag full of money? 

hell, the phone can multitask, finally has a flash camera, front facing camera with video chat for ichat (which obviously will be apples answer to BBM... hence why ichat is only on apple products (duh...), removable battery, better battery life, new design (because everyone complained at the 3GS looking like the 3G), gamecenter which is like xbox live for iphone game apps, and a bunch of other upgrades in 4.0 firmware...

how much do you want to bet that after this phone drops, every one of apple's competitors will make phones with video chat capabilities with dual cameras for it? I give HTC 3-4 months before they come up with a new "killer" for this, and I give Google until December to upgrade that crappy Nexus One to the Nexus "Two" or some %$$# to compete. 

they made the candybar, all touch screen phone and everyone followed suit, this will be next. and all of the haters will eat up the competition, because thats all you care about, seeing apples competition "take them down"

ohyeah, but i can't sound like an apple fanboy... 

/exits thread. 

HTC has never been concerned with making "iPhone Killers"......they've had phones with front facing cameras for years now. Over in Europe/Asian that's a standard and the already announced/revealed that the SuperSonic for Sprint will have a front facing cam last month. Hell, there are app that let you use your phone as a webcam....but I'm sure that Apple has something like that too.

Jking has an iPhone 3GS, so I wouldn't say that he's hating.

Wasn't PIN the answer to BBM?

Why wouldn't Google make a Nexus Two or another Google phone?

Apple wasn't the first to make a all touch screen phone, and I'm pretty positive about that.

Yes, I maybe an HTC fanboy but I acknowledge other phones....I recommend other phones besides HTC all the time.
phones in europe and asia have always been years ahead of the american market. but we are talking about the american market here, where everything is 2-3 years behind. 
but i get your point with that though, but lets also take this into consideration, the asian carriers have a much better connection than the US. their service is 3x as good as ours, and their data connectivity is years ahead of ours. so of course they have had television and video chat years before us. because they have had the connection speeds to handle it. 

but this rumored front facing camera has been in talks for over a year now almost. it started as a rumor (just as everything apple does) and its here now. 

and lets be dead honest here. who owned a full touch screen candybar phone before the iphone? sure, there were 2-3 weak ##+ touch screen phones out, but who made it right? who brought the multitouch? app stores? real web browsing? a real hard drive with gigs of storage for music and video?

you can't tell me the iphone wasn't the first real pioneer in this category of multimedia smart phones we have now. 

and if Jking has an iphone 3gs, why would he not be impressed with all of the flaws being fixed within the phone? does he not want a better product now? what does he want the phone to do? because at this point, with this new iphone + its new firmware + the upgraded processor (even more), + the amount of new apps taking advantage of the multitasking... the hell else could you ask for in a phone? more hard drive space? possibly, but then the phone would be more expensive... isn't this new iphone coming in 64gb hdd?
It's nice, but not spectacular. Not in love with it, but will upgrade first chance I get.

Would have liked a matte back (did I read correctly that the back is glass?) and a bigger screen. I liked the curved back of the 3G/3GS, so hopefully this one is comfortable. Screen resolution may not actually be much better if the screen is smaller. Not crazy about the volume buttons either. Like the chat cam and flash for the improved back cam.

Is this DEFINITELY the final product, and not a prototype/demo? Could be an elaborate hoax altogether, too.
So it was reported as fake now this letter by apple..

Anyways..dude shouldn't have revealed his identity
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

yall dont read at all huh?

people askin about pics of the OS the phone was disabled remotely...
This just might be bad writing on gizmodo's part, but it's a weird contradiction:

Thinking about returning the phone the next day, he left. When he woke up after the hazy night, the phone was dead. Bricked remotely, through MobileMe, the service Apple provides to track and wipe out lost iPhones.

Weeks later, Gizmodo got it. It was the real thing.

The screen
While we couldn't get it past the connect to iTunes screen for the reasons listed earlier, the USB cable on that screen was so high quality that it was impossible to discern individual pixels.

How exactly were they able to see this screen if the phone was bricked weeks before they got it?

Not that it matters.  I just find this whole thing interesting because it's never happened to apple before and it's not something that would really be worth the effort PR wise...they don't even need to do anything but announce a product to create the hype this whole thing has created.
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