New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

Deal probably won't be done until next week. Houston waiting on the Asik situation and I'm sure Orlando is waiting to see how that works out.

Michael Scotto ‏@MikeAScotto
"LA (Lakers) is ready to go. Dwight is ready to go. Bynum is ready to go. Cleveland is ready... Orlando it's your turn." (@JRudolphSports)
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Michael Scotto ‏@MikeAScotto
"Orlando is either going to take this trade or they're not. If they don't the intentions of trading Howard never existed" (@JRudolphSports)

Michael Scotto ‏@MikeAScotto
"LA (Lakers) is ready to go. Dwight is ready to go. Bynum is ready to go. Cleveland is ready... Orlando it's your turn." (@JRudolphSports)
Houston has no say so on what LA-CLE-ORL does

No say..but they can jump in the deal to be the third team to get Bynum, if they offer the right pieces. It's now a matter of who wants to offer the most ffor Bynum unless Magic wants to deal with Rockets directly. The Rockets feel that they can convince Howard to stay with them long term.
I was all excited about the news last night, I come and look at the different Laker forums and NT, I'm still disappointed. This damn thing is going to drag on forever..
man im working 8 hrs today and sucks because i wont know any updates til i go to lunch and get out of work
make it happen already lakers! i cant think straight at work now
couldnt sleep last night because of this and a thunderstorm going on here in chicago but mostly cause of the lakers lol

That's better than being at work and not being productive because you consistently check NT and Lakersnation for the latest development of this the Dwight situation...yeah, this sucks.

I feel you.
man i have mixed feelings, i need all the details.

if we give up Metta, there will be a huge hole to fill in the in the SF position.

Ebanks will have to make a huge leap for us to get out of that damn second round.

Nonetheless. Lets go Lakeshow!!!
if andrew bynum says no to clev, do they still risk trading for him. dude will be trolling and jacking up 3s all season, lol.
why would he want to leave la, though
if andrew bynum says no to clev, do they still risk trading for him. dude will be trolling and jacking up 3s all season, lol.
why would he want to leave la, though

He probably accepted that the Lakers would prefer Dwight over him. If he goes to a team like Cleveland, he will be in further spotlight, gain more looks, and be a consistent option. In LA, he has to fight the ball with Kobe and Pau. He probably feels his time to real superstardom is now.

Having Kyrie Irving on your team isn't too shabby either. I doubt he'll win any championships soon if he goes to the Cavs, but he sure will raise his stock by his next free agency.
if andrew bynum says no to clev, do they still risk trading for him. dude will be trolling and jacking up 3s all season, lol.
why would he want to leave la, though[/quote

to be the focal point somewhere else and not play second fiddle to anyone...

besides if bynum leaves he's no longer our problem, and we wouldnt care if he would jack up 3s all year long]
It will probably be a few days before Dwight Howard is traded. The Magic will hire a coach (likely Jacque Vaughn) and then weigh options.


Orlando isn't going to trade Dwight
You guys are so impatient.

It's still July, camp doesnt start for another 2-3 months?

Not worried at all.
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Boston got Courtney Lee....for JaJuan Johnson. 

Really thought we might be able to work something out for him.
The sooner common sense kicks in(regarding Orlando) the better this whole situation will be. They HAVE TO realize they're not gonna get everything they want for Dwight, and they're not gonna just hold onto him and let him walk at the end of the season. Bite the bullet, tone down the asking price and move on :rolleyes
That move for HOU just got them yet another young player....they're going to trade their entire draft and more for Bynum or Howard. That has to be the hold up. ORL wants what HOU can offer.
He not even gonna be playing at the start of the season still recovering from back surgery[/quote

so? at least we know he's a laker then.. just another problem we dont have to worry bout.. in the mean time gasol can play the 5 and jamison will be a 4..

a starting line up of


still looks good
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