New study finds racial wealth gap quadrupled since mid-1980s

Feb 1, 2002
New study finds racial wealth gap quadrupled since mid-1980s

interesting read, I found it on and I always look at the comments, here are sample:

1 hr 45 min ago

This is definitely a pretty racist and blanket statement, but:

Many Black and Hispanic families remain in the welfare cycle since government doesn't give incentive to get out, and they idolize rap artists and embrace their way of life. While the minority families were busy saving up every penny they earned to buy new rims for their Caddy, the white families were saving that money for their children's education, or investing it. There are people out there who have an Escalade out there who can't afford the gas, but they want the street cred. It's more important to them than gaining wealth legitimately.

Call it racism or whatever, but it's just as much a growing cultural divide as it is anything else, and government programs that are supposed to help these people just end up forcing them to say underfoot. (

1 hr 51 min ago
Maybe if the race baiters would teach self sufficiency rather than demanding more government handouts, this wouldn't be happening. (Not what the article was suggesting, purely pointing out facts)

1 hr 21 min ago

So, a culture that embraces violence, misogyny, and instant gratification while at the same time sorely lacking in male role models actually falls behind in the greater sheme? Shocking.(Sarcsam, but nonethless, a *!%%*%*!# who generalized the African American race on the whole)

1 hr 46 min ago

What is supposed to be the approach to fixing this instead of just guilt tripping rich white people? (Whats the guilt about?)

See heres my issues, the article did nothing but point FACTS, pure numbers as to where we stand wealth wise as opposed to our white counterparts, so why does this person as well as other white people feel guilt or are defensive when they are slapped with their advantages in society?

Those kinds of comments come from people

  • not willing to acknowledge the advantages white people have by default
  • far removed from black communities
  • who would rather blame the victim than recognize and correct the root problems
Those comments don't surprise me at all.
So...question...did they consider the amount of time blacks have had to accrue "wealth" with respect to their white counterparts?

I'm just saying...because that makes a whooollle lotta difference and certainly puts things into their proper perspectives...

Good points to the posters above me. It's sad how people like that comment without seeing the entire picture. Truth be told, there are more white people using and abusing welfare in this country. I believe that we (Black people) only comprise roughly 12% of the nations population. Not every Black person is on welfare. This is why I do not like when people who are not smarter than a 5th grader make assinine comments before they understand the total picture. Sometimes American thought patterns make me sick...
To make those comments even worse, this is from the article.

"Our study shows a broken chain of achievement. Even when African Americans do everything right -- get an education and work hard at well-paying jobs -- they cannot achieve the wealth of their white peers in the workforce, and that translates into very different life chances," said Thomas Shapiro, IASP director and co-author of the research brief.
Apparently the comments were made by people who didn't read the article.
Originally Posted by beh235

Good points to the posters above me. It's sad how people like that comment without seeing the entire picture. Truth be told, there are more white people using and abusing welfare in this country. I believe that we (Black people) only comprise roughly 12% of the nations population. Not every Black person is on welfare. This is why I do not like when people who are not smarter than a 5th grader make assinine comments before they understand the total picture. Sometimes American thought patterns make me sick...
"Blame Reagan for making me into a Monster, Blame Oliver North I ran contra"

Sums up all that needs to be said......

What most white people don't take into account is there is not a black and white thing on the subject (no pun intended) there are a lot of different factors, different reasons, and different policies that contributed to this.. But since they live free & privileged they don't acknowledge it.. They just assume everyone is treated fairly and go about their day because it doesn't affect them.. ( I'm white btw)
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Those kinds of comments come from people

  • not willing to acknowledge the advantages white people have by default
  • far removed from black communities
  • who would rather blame the victim than recognize and correct the root problems
Those comments don't surprise me at all.

This. Especially the first statement. However, im going into my 5th year living in philly, and i can cosign with something things OP cited. The description of minorities spending money on significantly expensive things is frankly true. Philly, for example, is a poor city. Period. North philly, where my college Temple University resides, is the poorer part of the city with almost all its residents being african american. with that said, i can't tell you how many times i see some of these fools crusin in some $400 car (mid 90s buicks, crown vic, reject taxi cabs) and throw on like 22-24s with fruity headlights. like cmon...i know these dudes is strugglin to make ends meet, yet they find money and waste on rims for a car that is worth less than a metrocard? cmonson. really. cmonson. i'm black so i can safely say i feel really set back by the residents of north philly. but its similar like that everywhere. hell in highschool im sure everyone here knew some kats that came from low income families but strolled into school rockin the latest jordans n %*!%.
Originally Posted by beh235

Good points to the posters above me. It's sad how people like that comment without seeing the entire picture. Truth be told, there are more white people using and abusing welfare in this country. I believe that we (Black people) only comprise roughly 12% of the nations population. Not every Black person is on welfare. This is why I do not like when people who are not smarter than a 5th grader make assinine comments before they understand the total picture. Sometimes American thought patterns make me sick...Agree
Agree. The problems are economic and political. The problem with these two reasons is that they will more often than not go above the heads of most Americans in which they will most likely become uninterested. Give them a good juicy racial debate and everyone is happy. I wonder which reason major publications will use to get the story out?
Originally Posted by beh235

Good points to the posters above me. It's sad how people like that comment without seeing the entire picture. Truth be told, there are more white people using and abusing welfare in this country. I believe that we (Black people) only comprise roughly 12% of the nations population. Not every Black person is on welfare. This is why I do not like when people who are not smarter than a 5th grader make assinine comments before they understand the total picture. Sometimes American thought patterns make me sick...Agree
Agree. The problems are economic and political. The problem with these two reasons is that they will more often than not go above the heads of most Americans in which they will most likely become uninterested. Give them a good juicy racial debate and everyone is happy. I wonder which reason major publications will use to get the story out?

This is definitely a pretty racist and blanket statement, but:

Many Black and Hispanic families remain in the welfare cycle since government doesn't give incentive to get out, and they idolize rap artists and embrace their way of life. While the minority families were busy saving up every penny they earned to buy new rims for their Caddy, the white families were saving that money for their children's education, or investing it. There are people out there who have an Escalade out there who can't afford the gas, but they want the street cred. It's more important to them than gaining wealth legitimately.

Call it racism or whatever, but it's just as much a growing cultural divide as it is anything else, and government programs that are supposed to help these people just end up forcing them to say underfoot. (

Biggest recipient of welfare in this country is white people.. So why are blacks and hispanics income so skewed from whites.. BOOM his argument done...

Also fraud cases of welfare more are done by white people..

Time for him to own up to his race but god forbid he does.

He's right he is pretty racist

1 hr 51 min ago
Maybe if the race baiters would teach self sufficiency rather than demanding more government handouts, this wouldn't be happening. (Not what the article was suggesting, purely pointing out facts)

The only race baiters I see are the Conservatives playing victim of some faux sheild of "Reverse Racism" because black people are "oppressing" them..

Living in a ghetto is the epitome of self-sufficiency.. They people are often forgotten, live in sub standard conditions, and are completely separated from any other people.. If you look at the way "ghettos" are created they are surrounded by a couple miles of business and then you get to the suburbs.. People have to be 100x more self- sufficient in these areas because they are the LAST to get help from the government for anything worth while.


1 hr 21 min ago

So, a culture that embraces violence, misogyny, and instant gratification while at the same time sorely lacking in male role models actually falls behind in the greater sheme? Shocking.(Sarcsam, but nonethless, a *!%%*%*!# who generalized the African American race on the whole)

Rock-N-Roll doesn't do all of this....  Country doesn't have these type of songs.. And every time the "black community" has a public role model they are always demeaned, slandered, and publicly torn apart... If you think the problem in the black community is Hip Hop and Single Parents and that is it. And that is what their culture is, you really know very little about black people, and have little to no ability to speak upon their problems.

See this is the problem with this topic.. You can't have an honest debate... You literally can smash their comments to pieces in 3-4 sentences..
This just shows how ignorant people are that they really believe this kind of %+%##%*# and don't research what they are saying.. They don't give a @$#% though because these issues never hit the suburbs.. Racism is still alive, people just be concealing it.
Barack Obama on the campaign joked a lot about how he and his wife just finished paying their student loans within the past 5 or so years, and they are in the mid 40s.  I don't know what other conclusion they would expect when the cost of education keeps rising and most minorities are footing the bill.  
The article didn't elaborate too much on inheritance taxes and how house values inflated over that period, but I'm hoping it was somehow factored into the research.  
Notably, IASP's analysis found that by 2007, the average middle-income white household had accumulated $74,000 in wealth, an increase of $55,000 over the 23-year period, while the average high-income African-American family owned $18,000, a drop of $7,000. That resulted in a wealth gap of $56,000 for an African-American family that earned more than $50,000 in 1984 compared to a white family earning about $30,000 that same year.
? what?
Notably, IASP's analysis found that by 2007, the average middle-income white household had accumulated $74,000 in wealth, an increase of $55,000 over the 23-year period, while the average high-income African-American family owned $18,000, a drop of $7,000. That resulted in a wealth gap of $56,000 for an African-American family that earned more than $50,000 in 1984 compared to a white family earning about $30,000 that same year.
? what?
Not surprising considering that since the Davis-Bacon Act and other Minimum Wage laws that have intentionally kept Blacks out of jobs and have enabled companies to give those jobs to illegals or send them overseas. Makes perfect sense, between 1890-1930 Blacks had a higher work participation than Whites until Minimum Wage laws and these laws have created a much higher disparity among Black and White youths between ages 16-24.

"The data suggests we need renewed attention to public policies that provide real opportunities for advancement by reducing barriers to mobility inherent in our tax system and increasing transparency, regulation and access in our housing and credit markets," said Laura Sullivan, another co-author.

Did this person just sleep through the latter half of this decade? Didn't we just see what happens when banks over supply the market with credit? Wait a minute, our current progressive tax system where 50% of people do not pay any Federal Income taxes, has too many barriers and not allowing minorities more opportunities? Wow who would've known?  Keynes continues to lose.
Rock-N-Roll doesn't do all of this....  Country doesn't have these type of songs.. And every time the "black community" has a public role model they are always demeaned, slandered, and publicly torn apart... If you think the problem in the black community is Hip Hop and Single Parents and that is it. And that is what their culture is, you really know very little about black people, and have little to no ability to speak upon their problems.

Are you saying that being a single parent is a custom of the Black culture or is this a from someone commenting on the article?
People are STILL on this
Nothing but a bunch of sheltered,ignorant and stupid @$$holes who THINK they know something.
People are STILL on this
Nothing but a bunch of sheltered,ignorant and stupid @$$holes who THINK they know something.
Just remember in high school, we were on a trip somewhere with my BBALL team. My coach said to me, "Yall just don't know how good these white folks got it out here." Didn't understand what he meant but I do now.
data can tell whatever story they want.

what about family lineages where money is passed down from family to family. With slavery, you literally held all of one race back many many many decades if not generations.
"when cats like lil wayne and soulja boy replaced men like Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X"
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