New study finds racial wealth gap quadrupled since mid-1980s

Well during the earlier 20th century there was a split in the black community about ways to acquiring wealth under their new status as free'd slaves. Dubois leaning toward education, and Garvey/Booker T leaning towards trade. Blacks at the time were looking for a niche, and they had one right under their noses. - Agriculture. Nobody knew how to farm like them, and inventions had been made by slaves all over in regards to the industry. But no, Dubois had to pluck and split the debate, and persuaded blacks to pursue education. All fine and dandy if blacks could actually get in to colleges at the time-which they couldn't.  So there you have it, the Jews had their businesses and have been merchants for years- where do their brightest go? Hollywood. Caucasion's have ran the financial institutions ever since America was founded (Along with the Jews) where do they send their bright kids out of college? Exactly. Blacks being essentially a potential monopoly on the market a century prior, now blacks have to look at BILLION dollar corporations such as Cargil, and think to themselves what could have been in the industry of Agriculture.
VERY interesting.I've never heard it put that way before.I need to look into that more.
racial wealth gap quadrupled since mid-1980s
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Those kinds of comments come from people

  • not willing to acknowledge the advantages white people have by default
  • far removed from black communities
  • who would rather blame the victim than recognize and correct the root problems
Those comments don't surprise me at all.
It's not too late in the game for a come back
I suggest Sou-Sous in these tough times
To my knowledge they are completely legal and when done properly the benefits are enormous
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Africa Americans don't keep African American money in the African American community.
Going off of what GTEK was stating, how can blacks keep black money in the black community if there are no black owned businesses to contribute to? I believe we need to establish businesses first before talking about keeping the money in the community.
It's the truth. We as blacks don't care enough to support black owned businesses. Most are too busy trying to get over on somebody. 
Originally Posted by raptors29

It's the truth. We as blacks don't care enough to support black owned businesses. Most are too busy trying to get over on somebody. 


    Stop that.

You sound like they have you brainwashed into believing that +%!$#$*# they're selling. And I'm not talking about "shiftless negroes" either...
kix4kix brought up some good points.

I was just wondering last night, what would happen if black folks COMPLETELY boycotted sports and entertainment for two generations? That means no watching, no listening, no participating...

Here's what I think would happen.

--People who profit from exploiting African Americans would lose a lot of money possibly go broke.
--African Americans would witness how much power we truly have.
--A lot minds would be "cleaned up" and focused on more meaningful endeavours.

Imagine a movement where the focus would be change for two generations and supported by wealthy African Americans who were promised a return on their investment.

I don't think this can take place on a large scale because there are too many greedy people out there in our own community who wouldn't want to lose out on the money they're making at the expense of their own community. And that's not to say that every actor or athlete is making money by exploiting their own people. They do however, bring in money to corporations and businesses that make money by exploiting our people directly or indirectly.

All that said, I've made it my goal to push myself as far as I can go academically and within my community and start spreading this idea to folks. We really need to take our power back and use it in a way that benefits us.

How much more negative music do we need to make? How much more music do we need to make for that matter? I think we have enough to be good for a while. We can afford to take a break from art that isn't positively changing our situation. What we can't afford is to stay on the current course. We really need to start focusing our attention on building self-sufficient communities NOT caking up and buying the lastest and greatest from people who don't give a !@@* about us.

My bad for the rant.

I think people are forgetting black wall street which was bombed by envious white Americans in 1921. We had black owned businesses that were thriving but taken from us overnight by envious white Americans after world war I.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

kix4kix brought up some good points.

I was just wondering last night, what would happen if black folks COMPLETELY boycotted sports and entertainment for two generations? That means no watching, no listening, no participating...

Here's what I think would happen.

--People who profit from exploiting African Americans would lose a lot of money possibly go broke.
--African Americans would witness how much power we truly have.
--A lot minds would be "cleaned up" and focused on more meaningful endeavours.

Imagine a movement where the focus would be change for two generations and supported by wealthy African Americans who were promised a return on their investment.

I don't think this can take place on a large scale because there are too many greedy people out there in our own community who wouldn't want to lose out on the money they're making at the expense of their own community. And that's not to say that every actor or athlete is making money by exploiting their own people. They do however, bring in money to corporations and businesses that make money by exploiting our people directly or indirectly.

All that said, I've made it my goal to push myself as far as I can go academically and within my community and start spreading this idea to folks. We really need to take our power back and use it in a way that benefits us.

How much more negative music do we need to make? How much more music do we need to make for that matter? I think we have enough to be good for a while. We can afford to take a break from art that isn't positively changing our situation. What we can't afford is to stay on the current course. We really need to start focusing our attention on building self-sufficient communities NOT caking up and buying the lastest and greatest from people who don't give a !@@* about us.

My bad for the rant.

I mean what's the point of going through this thought exercise when it is genuinely impossible.  I mean I know you said you don't think it's possible on the large scale but I don't think it's even possible on the community scale. 
Originally Posted by rashi

"Intergration killed Black business"

I'de like to see a logical, well thought exaplanation of this.
before: black communities with black-owned business

after: ______

not saying I agree with that statement wholly but it def has a degree of truth because in black neighborhoods the corner stores, food spots, housing, laundromats, etc. are owned by non-blacks with a smattering of our ppl in ownership

If there was a return of black nationalism, then we could start something

i happened to see some chick on true life in the hamptons she said something along the lines of:

"I try so hard to NOT be the black girl at these parties..i'm trying to blend in" etc

i was like
hell is you tlkn bout?

we're more concerned with conforming to whatever will get us accepted by the powers that be, who often are rich, old, and white

i think that boycott idea is a lil farfetched, although it would obviously work

if all of the black pro athletes joined together and demanded some change, the fates of two leagues would hang in the balance - the biggest sport in the country and the most global league

the black community has been content for a the 50s and 60s we were fighting for a seat at the table and our leaders got clipped

i feel like we're in the room at this point, but we have to go to the next level, to be discussing with these people instead of just accepting and abiding by their regulations

right or wrong, just what i was feelin at the time
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Well during the earlier 20th century there was a split in the black community about ways to acquiring wealth under their new status as free'd slaves. Dubois leaning toward education, and Garvey/Booker T leaning towards trade. Blacks at the time were looking for a niche, and they had one right under their noses. - Agriculture. Nobody knew how to farm like them, and inventions had been made by slaves all over in regards to the industry. But no, Dubois had to pluck and split the debate, and persuaded blacks to pursue education. All fine and dandy if blacks could actually get in to colleges at the time-which they couldn't.  So there you have it, the Jews had their businesses and have been merchants for years- where do their brightest go? Hollywood. Caucasion's have ran the financial institutions ever since America was founded (Along with the Jews) where do they send their bright kids out of college? Exactly. Blacks being essentially a potential monopoly on the market a century prior, now blacks have to look at BILLION dollar corporations such as Cargil, and think to themselves what could have been in the industry of Agriculture.
This is full of half-truths...
Originally Posted by rashi

"Intergration killed Black business"

I'de like to see a logical, well thought exaplanation of this.
In addition to what MeloVP stated above, the same can be said for integration leading directly to the deterioration of urban black communities as middle- and upper-class black folks often left the traditionally black communities as opportunities for housing in formerly all-white areas arose.  With them left much of the financial wealth of the communities and what was left in many black communities was essentially the working and lower-classes.  Many black businesses were forced (or chose) to close as the economic condition in the neighborhood deteriorated.  Larger single family homes were converted into duplexes and three-flats which were then rented out instead of owner-occupied and were often inadequate to house large families who had few other housing options due to financial circumstances.  Such inadequate housing creates living conditions which make spending time outside the home (in the streets) much more attractive as opposed to being crammed in a two-bedroom apartment with your parents and three siblings.  Being in the streets leads to...

And it goes on and on.

Combine this with deindustrialization which caused much of the working-class population to lose great jobs with essentially nothing to replace them...
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by rashi

"Intergration killed Black business"

I'de like to see a logical, well thought exaplanation of this.
before: black communities with black-owned business

after: ______

not saying I agree with that statement wholly but it def has a degree of truth because in black neighborhoods the corner stores, food spots, housing, laundromats, etc. are owned by non-blacks with a smattering of our ppl in ownership

If there was a return of black nationalism, then we could start something

i happened to see some chick on true life in the hamptons she said something along the lines of:

"I try so hard to NOT be the black girl at these parties..i'm trying to blend in" etc

i was like
hell is you tlkn bout?

we're more concerned with conforming to whatever will get us accepted by the powers that be, who often are rich, old, and white

i think that boycott idea is a lil farfetched, although it would obviously work

if all of the black pro athletes joined together and demanded some change, the fates of two leagues would hang in the balance - the biggest sport in the country and the most global league

the black community has been content for a the 50s and 60s we were fighting for a seat at the table and our leaders got clipped

i feel like we're in the room at this point, but we have to go to the next level, to be discussing with these people instead of just accepting and abiding by their regulations

right or wrong, just what i was feelin at the time

In the end it boils down to capitalistic society we live in. The European thrives in the system because he created that very system. Self interest or the"invisible hand" as Smith puts it, drives the ecnomy. Jews were able to rise up against this obvious dilemma by banding together (historically they are merchants dating back thousands of years). as stated in this thread, a jew would rather give 10 dollars to a jew than to a non-jew. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant amount of whites fell under the same thought process. Blacks however, have been brainwashed into capitalism so thoroughly, that they will run to the nearest Walmart before going to their black owned butchery down the street for the swine. We must break this out for ourselves nonsense that has desensitized us from realizing our commonhood, rather than focusing what side of the neighborhood we were raised on, we should worry supporting our businesses, churches, and other municipalities on any side of our neighborhood.

Divide and Conquer
In addition to what MeloVP stated above, the same can be said for integration leading directly to the deterioration of urban black communities as middle- and upper-class black folks often left the traditionally black communities as opportunities for housing in formerly all-white areas arose.  With them left much of the financial wealth of the communities and what was left in many black communities was essentially the working and lower-classes.  Many black businesses were forced (or chose) to close as the economic condition in the neighborhood deteriorated.

See, you guys have to understand something here. We can all agree that these urban neighborhoods are not the "little house on the prairie", right? Ok, since we can agree on that, now you have to talk about a few things that happen as a result of living and running a business in a high crime area. First, if you choose to open up a business on the South Side of Chicago, or on 139th and Lenox in Harlem, or in Overtown, Miami there is a very high chance that your rent will be higher in that area than in a Middle Class neighborhood, why? There is more risk, lack of structural vacancies, you will end up have to pay for higher insurance because you live in that neighborhood, and on top of it you will have to take into account security technology that all costs money. So what happens to the people who live in that neighborhood? They end up paying higher prices for goods, like food, because of the money that was invested. So a loaf of bread may cost $2.00 market in a Middle Class neighborhood, will have a higher cost in a bad neighborhood because the owner has to charge high enough to cover the extra expenditures he has to pay just to operate a business in that area. Since about of a quarter of Blacks in this country live under poverty levels, where is the personal capital for most them to invest in a business? Do you want to deregulate the banks (like the lady in the article elaborated on)...again, to expand credit to people who have no assets or anything to put down? You want the banks taking those huge risks...again?
Larger single family homes were converted into duplexes and three-flats which were then rented out instead of owner-occupied and were often inadequate to house large families who had few other housing options due to financial circumstances.  Such inadequate housing creates living conditions which make spending time outside the home (in the streets) much more attractive as opposed to being crammed in a two-bedroom apartment with your parents and three siblings.  Being in the streets leads to...

I agree that inadequate housing and poverty breeds crime. But who built those buildings and inadequate housing? Who created those price controls that discourages self-ownership? Your local and federal government.

In the end it boils down to capitalistic society we live in. The European thrives in the system because he created that very system. Self interest or the"invisible hand" as Smith puts it, drives the ecnomy. Jews were able to rise up against this obvious dilemma by banding together (historically they are merchants dating back thousands of years). as stated in this thread, a jew would rather give 10 dollars to a jew than to a non-jew. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant amount of whites fell under the same thought process. Blacks however, have been brainwashed into capitalism so thoroughly, that they will run to the nearest Walmart before going to their black owned butchery down the street for the swine. We must break this out for ourselves nonsense that has desensitized us from realizing our commonhood, rather than focusing what side of the neighborhood we were raised on, we should worry supporting our businesses, churches, and other municipalities on any side of our neighborhood.

What Capitalist society are you talking about? Our government spends the majority of federal revenue on public entitlements and socialized programs, that is not Capitalism. Government intervention has destroyed the Black neighborhood, family, and work ethic. Proof of this? Look at Black participation percentage rates between 1890-1930 (which it was higher than Whites) where there was no Minimum Wage Laws or the government involvement in organized labor. Look how these Minimum Wage Laws have taken away jobs from Black youths denying them a jump start and giving them the opportunity to save, make plans for themselves, and give them the opportunity to learn on the job experience. Instead, they're left out in the streets and looking to make money another way. The "invisible hand" only exists where there is a society without coercion of government, but in those neighborhoods government coercion and intrusion is so rampant is suffocating.

Biblically speaking you are right about the Jews being merchants and so forth, but their entrepreneurship has been trickled through generations because they have a history of living in a society where they did not have a government, hence why you have the book of Judges. People were free to do what they want, no oppressive taxation like other societies did at that time, and most of things were voluntarily privatized.

It's discussions like this that make me wonder why Frederick Douglass's "What the Black Man Wants" isnt more known as opposed to Lil' Wayne or Jay-Z lyrics.
Originally Posted by rashi

In addition to what MeloVP stated above, the same can be said for integration leading directly to the deterioration of urban black communities as middle- and upper-class black folks often left the traditionally black communities as opportunities for housing in formerly all-white areas arose.  With them left much of the financial wealth of the communities and what was left in many black communities was essentially the working and lower-classes.  Many black businesses were forced (or chose) to close as the economic condition in the neighborhood deteriorated.

See, you guys have to understand something here. We can all agree that these urban neighborhoods are not the "little house on the prairie", right? Ok, since we can agree on that, now you have to talk about a few things that happen as a result of living and running a business in a high crime area. First, if you choose to open up a business on the South Side of Chicago, or on 139th and Lenox in Harlem, or in Overtown, Miami there is a very high chance that your rent will be higher in that area than in a Middle Class neighborhood, why? There is more risk, lack of structural vacancies, you will end up have to pay for higher insurance because you live in that neighborhood, and on top of it you will have to take into account security technology that all costs money. So what happens to the people who live in that neighborhood? They end up paying higher prices for goods, like food, because of the money that was invested. So a loaf of bread may cost $2.00 market in a Middle Class neighborhood, will have a higher cost in a bad neighborhood because the owner has to charge high enough to cover the extra expenditures he has to pay just to operate a business in that area. Since about of a quarter of Blacks in this country live under poverty levels, where is the personal capital for most them to invest in a business? Do you want to deregulate the banks (like the lady in the article elaborated on)...again, to expand credit to people who have no assets or anything to put down? You want the banks taking those huge risks...again?
Larger single family homes were converted into duplexes and three-flats which were then rented out instead of owner-occupied and were often inadequate to house large families who had few other housing options due to financial circumstances.  Such inadequate housing creates living conditions which make spending time outside the home (in the streets) much more attractive as opposed to being crammed in a two-bedroom apartment with your parents and three siblings.  Being in the streets leads to...

I agree that inadequate housing and poverty breeds crime. But who built those buildings and inadequate housing? Who created those price controls that discourages self-ownership? Your local and federal government.

In the end it boils down to capitalistic society we live in. The European thrives in the system because he created that very system. Self interest or the"invisible hand" as Smith puts it, drives the ecnomy. Jews were able to rise up against this obvious dilemma by banding together (historically they are merchants dating back thousands of years). as stated in this thread, a jew would rather give 10 dollars to a jew than to a non-jew. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant amount of whites fell under the same thought process. Blacks however, have been brainwashed into capitalism so thoroughly, that they will run to the nearest Walmart before going to their black owned butchery down the street for the swine. We must break this out for ourselves nonsense that has desensitized us from realizing our commonhood, rather than focusing what side of the neighborhood we were raised on, we should worry supporting our businesses, churches, and other municipalities on any side of our neighborhood.

What Capitalist society are you talking about? Our government spends the majority of federal revenue on public entitlements and socialized programs, that is not Capitalism. Government intervention has destroyed the Black neighborhood, family, and work ethic. Proof of this? Look at Black participation percentage rates between 1890-1930 (which it was higher than Whites) where there was no Minimum Wage Laws or the government involvement in organized labor. Look how these Minimum Wage Laws have taken away jobs from Black youths denying them a jump start and giving them the opportunity to save, make plans for themselves, and give them the opportunity to learn on the job experience. Instead, they're left out in the streets and looking to make money another way. The "invisible hand" only exists where there is a society without coercion of government, but in those neighborhoods government coercion and intrusion is so rampant is suffocating.

Biblically speaking you are right about the Jews being merchants and so forth, but their entrepreneurship has been trickled through generations because they have a history of living in a society where they did not have a government, hence why you have the book of Judges. People were free to do what they want, no oppressive taxation like other societies did at that time, and most of things were voluntarily privatized.

It's discussions like this that make me wonder why Frederick Douglass's "What the Black Man Wants" isnt more known as opposed to Lil' Wayne or Jay-Z lyrics.

It's not as much about capitalism anymore as it is about consumerism

everyone is putting emphasis on material items and such, it's just that blacks can ill afford to

where do you think education falls into this? college costs are absurd and i feel like thats a major problem for the black race because most ppl just can't afford it and a college degree is almost the standard in the us today
Originally Posted by rashi

In addition to what MeloVP stated above, the same can be said for integration leading directly to the deterioration of urban black communities as middle- and upper-class black folks often left the traditionally black communities as opportunities for housing in formerly all-white areas arose.  With them left much of the financial wealth of the communities and what was left in many black communities was essentially the working and lower-classes.  Many black businesses were forced (or chose) to close as the economic condition in the neighborhood deteriorated.

See, you guys have to understand something here. We can all agree that these urban neighborhoods are not the "little house on the prairie", right? Ok, since we can agree on that, now you have to talk about a few things that happen as a result of living and running a business in a high crime area. First, if you choose to open up a business on the South Side of Chicago, or on 139th and Lenox in Harlem, or in Overtown, Miami there is a very high chance that your rent will be higher in that area than in a Middle Class neighborhood, why? There is more risk, lack of structural vacancies, you will end up have to pay for higher insurance because you live in that neighborhood, and on top of it you will have to take into account security technology that all costs money. So what happens to the people who live in that neighborhood? They end up paying higher prices for goods, like food, because of the money that was invested. So a loaf of bread may cost $2.00 market in a Middle Class neighborhood, will have a higher cost in a bad neighborhood because the owner has to charge high enough to cover the extra expenditures he has to pay just to operate a business in that area. Since about of a quarter of Blacks in this country live under poverty levels, where is the personal capital for most them to invest in a business? Do you want to deregulate the banks (like the lady in the article elaborated on)...again, to expand credit to people who have no assets or anything to put down? You want the banks taking those huge risks...again?

I am fully aware of everything that you stated as far as the potentially higher costs of running a business in the hood; the other factor about high prices for mom-n-pop shops in general is the fact that larger companies receive discounts on their goods as they are able to order in much larger bulk while small businesses are forced to pay higher prices for smaller quantities.

And I wasn't proposing any solutions in my post... just speaking on some of the root causes of some of these issues.

I guess I'm not sure the point that you're trying to make here...
Originally Posted by rashi

Larger single family homes were converted into duplexes and three-flats which were then rented out instead of owner-occupied and were often inadequate to house large families who had few other housing options due to financial circumstances.  Such inadequate housing creates living conditions which make spending time outside the home (in the streets) much more attractive as opposed to being crammed in a two-bedroom apartment with your parents and three siblings.  Being in the streets leads to...

I agree that inadequate housing and poverty breeds crime. But who built those buildings and inadequate housing? Who created those price controls that discourages self-ownership? Your local and federal government.

Please elaborate.  Yes, the government built the public housing projects which were a complete disaster but aside from that they didn't build the majority of the housing in any community.  And what price controls are you referring to that helped create conditions for widespread inadequate housing?
Originally Posted by rashi

In the end it boils down to capitalistic society we live in. The European thrives in the system because he created that very system. Self interest or the"invisible hand" as Smith puts it, drives the ecnomy. Jews were able to rise up against this obvious dilemma by banding together (historically they are merchants dating back thousands of years). as stated in this thread, a jew would rather give 10 dollars to a jew than to a non-jew. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant amount of whites fell under the same thought process. Blacks however, have been brainwashed into capitalism so thoroughly, that they will run to the nearest Walmart before going to their black owned butchery down the street for the swine. We must break this out for ourselves nonsense that has desensitized us from realizing our commonhood, rather than focusing what side of the neighborhood we were raised on, we should worry supporting our businesses, churches, and other municipalities on any side of our neighborhood.

What Capitalist society are you talking about? Our government spends the majority of federal revenue on public entitlements and socialized programs, that is not Capitalism. Government intervention has destroyed the Black neighborhood, family, and work ethic. Proof of this? Look at Black participation percentage rates between 1890-1930 (which it was higher than Whites) where there was no Minimum Wage Laws or the government involvement in organized labor. Look how these Minimum Wage Laws have taken away jobs from Black youths denying them a jump start and giving them the opportunity to save, make plans for themselves, and give them the opportunity to learn on the job experience. Instead, they're left out in the streets and looking to make money another way. The "invisible hand" only exists where there is a society without coercion of government, but in those neighborhoods government coercion and intrusion is so rampant is suffocating.

Well, in 1850, with NO government interference, people of African descent were held as slaves with no civil or human rights... things were much better without any government involvement, right?
Originally Posted by red mpls

Well, in 1850, with NO government interference, people of African descent were held as slaves with no civil or human rights... things were much better without any government involvement, right?

You are simply wrong when it comes to the facts. Slavery cannot exist without government, slavery is a kidnaping that is legally and physically perpetuated by the state.

In case of antebellum America, local sheriffs in the South spent most of their time tracking down slaves that escaped. Some slaves did get into free States or Territories and Southern elite demanded that Northern authority be used to recapture escaped slaves.

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Originally Posted by red mpls

Well, in 1850, with NO government interference, people of African descent were held as slaves with no civil or human rights... things were much better without any government involvement, right?

You are simply wrong when it comes to the facts. Slavery cannot exist without government, slavery is a kidnaping that is legally and physically perpetuated by the state.

In case of antebellum America, local sheriffs in the South spent most of their time tracking down slaves that escaped. Some slaves did get into free States or Territories and Southern elite demanded that Northern authority be used to recapture escaped slaves. 

No, YOU are simply wrong.

Slavery cannot exist without government?  What about the practice of the enslavement of prisoners of war and others by certain Native American tribes who had no form of official government?

Slavery is defined as kidnapping that is legally and physically perpetuated by the state?  What about those enslaved in the sex trade in the U.S. today?  The U.S. government does not condone or perpetuate this practice...

Your point that the government was in fact actively involved in perpetuating the slave trade in the antebellum U.S. is correct.  However, your argument that slavery cannot exist without government cooperation in general is simply incorrect as I've pointed out.  On the flip side, it could be argued that protection from slavery cannot exist without government....
Apparently I don't know how to post videos. Someone help me out  

"I Didn't realize how subjective comedy is...the point he was making with the joke was that these 4 black people who live in his neighborhood are argueably the best at their professions & are world renowned @ what they do.....while the white guy who lives next door isn't the best dentist in the world ..he didn't invent teeth he's just a regular dentist...that's how far ahead white people are in this world. Black people have to excel 10 fold to even compete with ordinary white ppl!!"

^^ That is one of the comments
Ruxxx wrote:
^Chris said a lot in that one joke.
He really did. I saw this like a year or so ago and it really got me thinking. He has another clip where he talks about how blacks still haven't acquired wealth. Even though it is funny
,  there is a lot of truth in what he says.

Originally Posted by rashi

"Intergration killed Black business"

I'de like to see a logical, well thought exaplanation of this.

not sure one is really needed...integration made assimilation the focus, and in that, the necessary insular community where there is the tendency to have a sort of common stake in said community that was born in forced segregation began to go to the wayside. so that once black people of accomplishment/merit/status had the means to, their goals and opportunities became "larger," for better or worse, than the black community; and as a result the communities began to crumble...of course, there are plenty of other factors like globalization & the move from being and industrialized to a service economy that continue to keep the status quo where it is today...
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