New study finds racial wealth gap quadrupled since mid-1980s

Originally Posted by rashi

Rock-N-Roll doesn't do all of this....  Country doesn't have these type of songs.. And every time the "black community" has a public role model they are always demeaned, slandered, and publicly torn apart... If you think the problem in the black community is Hip Hop and Single Parents and that is it. And that is what their culture is, you really know very little about black people, and have little to no ability to speak upon their problems.

Are you saying that being a single parent is a custom of the Black culture or is this a from someone commenting on the article?

I was commenting on the comments made on the article that OP posted... I was making the point that it is so hard to have a convo on this because suburbia has no idea what is going on in black communities.. And their comments can be refuted in 3-4 sentences...

I said "If you think the problem in the black community is Hip Hop and Single Parents and that is it. And that is what their culture is, you really know very little about black people, and have little to no ability to speak upon their problems." 
put the word think after and in the second sentence it is much clearer

Because the person was saying that because of single parents that is the problem... That and hip hop....I also said that Rock-N-Roll and Country also has misogyny materialism violenec and etc and no one cares.
1. F them comments.

2. These cats got a 400+ year head start off of our backs.

3. As long as whites have most of the power and control the majority of this country resources
its shall stay this way.

4. I'm surprised the the gap didn't octuple.

Every dollar my people get goes to the Caucasian/Asian/Arab hand.

We need BLACK businesses....and even that ain't good enough...
we need BLACK businesses on top of BLACK businesses.

How dare we say we don't have money.
My people work everyday. I see them drag themselves off to corporates
hanging on 5 hours of sleep every morning.
We're wealthy but we don't even know it...
because we allow others to profit off of our own sweat and our community!
All across the board I've seen nail shops, hair salons, clothing boutiques...etc..etc..
places in which the interest of our dollar weighs heavy in but yet none of which are owned by us. None.
Black women in the window displays, Jay-Z chilling on a project rooftop in Rocawear ads around the aisles of the stores but not
a black face in the corporate room gaining.

"Our study shows a broken chain of achievement. Even when AfricanAmericans do everything right (hmmm...whats right?) -- get an education and work hard (Ohh...educated in
what? Work hard where?) atwell-paying (White!) jobs -- they cannot achieve the wealth of their white peersin the workforce,
and that translates into very different lifechances," said Thomas Shapiro, IASP director and co-author of theresearch brief.

Fixed with ad-libs, now you do the math.... it's a gimme.

Don't really feel like going into demographics tonight but briefly said,
White psychology = White dollar.

We need to stop sending our children to school to work for someone else....
we cannot become rich or wealthy off of jobs that are controlled by and profitable to other races.

I've seen Mexicans set-up shop and take over a whole block in 5 years...
and they eating.

Every-time you walk into a Chinese restaurant you got a 5 year old ringing you up.
Business is implanted in their family heritage!
It seems as though working for others is implanted in ours.

Everybody is on there M.O. except us.
We are robbing ourselves!
Integration killed black business.
^Interesting rant, but lets be honest family.....Mexicans aint cakin, most small business are a Walmart away from being bankrupt. Its nice to own a business and all, but regardless of race, most businesses fail than they succeed. I do agree that we squander our money on material things WAY too much, but dont issh on education. Thats the only lifeline we have left. Most Black people (well I hope anyway) dont wish to be entertainers (Actors, Athletes, Rappers) to be comfortable in this life.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Those kinds of comments come from people

  • not willing to acknowledge the advantages white people have by default
  • far removed from black communities
  • who would rather blame the victim than recognize and correct the root problems
Those comments don't surprise me at all.

This. Especially the first statement. However, im going into my 5th year living in philly, and i can cosign with something things OP cited. The description of minorities spending money on significantly expensive things is frankly true. Philly, for example, is a poor city. Period. North philly, where my college Temple University resides, is the poorer part of the city with almost all its residents being african american. with that said, i can't tell you how many times i see some of these fools crusin in some $400 car (mid 90s buicks, crown vic, reject taxi cabs) and throw on like 22-24s with fruity headlights. like cmon...i know these dudes is strugglin to make ends meet, yet they find money and waste on rims for a car that is worth less than a metrocard? cmonson. really. cmonson. i'm black so i can safely say i feel really set back by the residents of north philly. but its similar like that everywhere. hell in highschool im sure everyone here knew some kats that came from low income families but strolled into school rockin the latest jordans n %*!%.

"the black is indolent and fanciful, he spends his money on frivolityand drink; the European comes from a tradition of working and savingwhich follows him to this corner of America and drives him to getahead.
^"Integration killed black business".
I don't think folks even realize that though.
Africa Americans don't keep African American money in the African American community.

I rather give $10 to another Jew than $5 to anyone else. Call me prejudiced but if you don't take care of your own, no one else will.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Africa Americans don't keep African American money in the African American community.
Going off of what GTEK was stating, how can blacks keep black money in the black community if there are no black owned businesses to contribute to? I believe we need to establish businesses first before talking about keeping the money in the community.

That obviously goes hand in hand with keeping money in the community.

On the other hand, there are Black businesses and nobody is preventingthe opening up of more. I can take you through large stretches ofBrooklyn where there are mostly African American owned businesses. ThenI can take you to Kings Plaza on a Saturday/Sunday and show you whereBlack Americans are (undoubtedly) spending millions every weekend atnon Black owned businesses.

There has to be a concertedeffort. There are enough black businesses out there. If more of thembecame successful as a result of Black Americans keeping money in thecommunity then more would be encourage to open up their own ventures.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

^"Integration killed black business".
I don't think folks even realize that though.

Been saying that.

We really need to start segregating again and no I don't mean that in a racist way. We need to build our own communities with schools ran by our own people, businesses ran by our own people, doctors' offices with black physicians in them and so on...

It's the only way things will change and I mean that. Our people need to see our people doing well and have them accessible in order for some to feel that they have a chance. But what do we do with our money? Go move to a white neighborhood because "it's safer and the schools are better."

$!%% will never change if we keep that attitude. Schools aren't going to improve and communities won't get safer until we start doing some tough work and stop looking for instant results.

I really wish I could get some like minded brothers to go in on this with me, when the time is right. We need drastic changes NOW!
I see some very vailid points made by other posters and I agree with the fact that slavery basically is the root of this problem mentally, financially, politically, and emotionally. This problem is so deep it's not even funny. At this point, I don't think it's even a fixable problem, (well it is, if it is recognized by America, which we know it won't). For our nation to recognize slavery and apologize for it, would be an unthinkable paradigm shift in American culture, and basically, White people ain't havin it. And just to put in some sort of a perspecive, the monetary value of a slave was about $20,000 in our money today.
Originally Posted by beh235

And just to put in some sort of a perspecive, the monetary value of a slave was about $20,000 in our money today.

That just scratching the surface. How many of these multi-billion dollar corporations and industries are offshoots of corporations that benefited directly from slavery? How many elite families are living the good life due to their families making their fortune off of slavery?
And if we really want to get into it, how is the prison system, where goods are made damn near for free, by people who have had so many laws formed against them to ensure that a good portion of their people end up in chains and different from slavery?

Did slavery really ever end?

Can't embed from this laptop. Someone help me out?

"They trade their stock on Wall Street, (private prisons) based on the number of people in jail..."

Need the assist on this embed. Thanks in advance.

honestly its cause the black generation doesn't really care about civil rights or malcolm x or none of that type of stuff

when you got the chinese selling it for 5 and the black businesses selling it for 15, your going to the chinese

slowly we are losing ourselves, i mean nowadays black women prefer to go to dominican salons than black salons
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Those kinds of comments come from people

  • not willing to acknowledge the advantages white people have by default
  • far removed from black communities
  • who would rather blame the victim than recognize and correct the root problems
Those comments don't surprise me at all.

This. Especially the first statement. However, im going into my 5th year living in philly, and i can cosign with something things OP cited. The description of minorities spending money on significantly expensive things is frankly true. Philly, for example, is a poor city. Period. North philly, where my college Temple University resides, is the poorer part of the city with almost all its residents being african american. with that said, i can't tell you how many times i see some of these fools crusin in some $400 car (mid 90s buicks, crown vic, reject taxi cabs) and throw on like 22-24s with fruity headlights. like cmon...i know these dudes is strugglin to make ends meet, yet they find money and waste on rims for a car that is worth less than a metrocard? cmonson. really. cmonson. i'm black so i can safely say i feel really set back by the residents of north philly. but its similar like that everywhere. hell in highschool im sure everyone here knew some kats that came from low income families but strolled into school rockin the latest jordans n %*!%.

"the black is indolent and fanciful, he spends his money on frivolity
and drink; the European comes from a tradition of working and saving
which follows him to this corner of America and drives him to get
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Africa Americans don't keep African American money in the African American community.

I rather give $10 to another Jew than $5 to anyone else. Call me prejudiced but if you don't take care of your own, no one else will.

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Those kinds of comments come from people

  • not willing to acknowledge the advantages white people have by default
  • far removed from black communities
  • who would rather blame the victim than recognize and correct the root problems
Those comments don't surprise me at all.

This. Especially the first statement. However, im going into my 5th year living in philly, and i can cosign with something things OP cited. The description of minorities spending money on significantly expensive things is frankly true. Philly, for example, is a poor city. Period. North philly, where my college Temple University resides, is the poorer part of the city with almost all its residents being african american. with that said, i can't tell you how many times i see some of these fools crusin in some $400 car (mid 90s buicks, crown vic, reject taxi cabs) and throw on like 22-24s with fruity headlights. like cmon.i know these dudes is strugglin to make ends meet, yet they find money and waste on rims for a car that is worth less than a metrocard? cmonson. really. cmonson. i'm black so i can safely say i feel really set back by the residents of north philly. but its similar like that everywhere. hell in highschool im sure everyone here knew some kats that came from low income families but strolled into school rockin the latest jordans n %*!%.
That's a strikingly harsh generalization, considering that spending income frivolously on luxury items is a facet of the American ideal. Blacks and Hispanics aren't the only ones spending too much money on cars, clothes and electronics. The only difference in the social stigmas attached to these racial groups is in the way that they are perceived:For example,when a white person is seen in a Lexus, it's considered that that person has a lot of money and could afford it, while if a black person is seen in the same car, it's considered that it was acquired illegally or bought with non-existent funds. 

The core issue of wealth stratification lies in extraneous socio-economic factors, not just race. When the top 20% holds 80% of the nations' wealth, the bottom 20% is in debt, having actually less than zero wealth. The problem that needs to be addressed is not why are minorities poor, but what and why social institutions inherently disadvantage minorities.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Africa Americans don't keep African American money in the African American community.
Going off of what GTEK was stating, how can blacks keep black money in the black community if there are no black owned businesses to contribute to? I believe we need to establish businesses first before talking about keeping the money in the community.

That obviously goes hand in hand with keeping money in the community.

On the other hand, there are Black businesses and nobody is preventingthe opening up of more. I can take you through large stretches ofBrooklyn where there are mostly African American owned businesses. ThenI can take you to Kings Plaza on a Saturday/Sunday and show you whereBlack Americans are (undoubtedly) spending millions every weekend atnon Black owned businesses.

There has to be a concertedeffort. There are enough black businesses out there. If more of thembecame successful as a result of Black Americans keeping money in thecommunity then more would be encourage to open up their own ventures.
Ding Ding Ding.

Jews climed out the ghetto through keeping the currency in the community. Black people don't do that, we wanna go to McDonalds, or to other chains. No support. Now I would diverge why we don't have industry if I felt it was worth my breath on here, lets just say it dates back to the dichotimization of the Dubois/Garvey era.
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

honestly its cause the black generation doesn't really care about civil rights or malcolm x or none of that type of stuff

when you got the chinese selling it for 5 and the black businesses selling it for 15, your going to the chinese

slowly we are losing ourselves, i mean nowadays black women prefer to go to dominican salons than black salons

The younger generation? Blacks haven't cared about civil rights since the 70's. AA was meant to passify us, and it worked.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Africa Americans don't keep African American money in the African American community.
Going off of what GTEK was stating, how can blacks keep black money in the black community if there are no black owned businesses to contribute to? I believe we need to establish businesses first before talking about keeping the money in the community.

That obviously goes hand in hand with keeping money in the community.

On the other hand, there are Black businesses and nobody is preventingthe opening up of more. I can take you through large stretches ofBrooklyn where there are mostly African American owned businesses. ThenI can take you to Kings Plaza on a Saturday/Sunday and show you whereBlack Americans are (undoubtedly) spending millions every weekend atnon Black owned businesses.

There has to be a concertedeffort. There are enough black businesses out there. If more of thembecame successful as a result of Black Americans keeping money in thecommunity then more would be encourage to open up their own ventures.
Ding Ding Ding.

Jews climed out the ghetto through keeping the currency in the community. Black people don't do that, we wanna go to McDonalds, or to other chains. No support. Now I would diverge why we don't have industry if I felt it was worth my breath on here, lets just say it dates back to the dichotimization of the Dubois/Garvey era.

Booker T as well.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Africa Americans don't keep African American money in the African American community.
Going off of what GTEK was stating, how can blacks keep black money in the black community if there are no black owned businesses to contribute to? I believe we need to establish businesses first before talking about keeping the money in the community.
the number 1 demographic for new small business owners prior to the recession- black women.

The issue isn't the number of businesses opened, the capitalist market is a supply/demand market. More demand- the more businesses opened, not vice-versa.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

^"Integration killed black business".
I don't think folks even realize that though.

Been saying that.

We really need to start segregating again and no I don't mean that in a racist way. We need to build our own communities with schools ran by our own people, businesses ran by our own people, doctors' offices with black physicians in them and so on...

It's the only way things will change and I mean that. Our people need to see our people doing well and have them accessible in order for some to feel that they have a chance. But what do we do with our money? Go move to a white neighborhood because "it's safer and the schools are better."

$!%% will never change if we keep that attitude. Schools aren't going to improve and communities won't get safer until we start doing some tough work and stop looking for instant results.

I really wish I could get some like minded brothers to go in on this with me, when the time is right. We need drastic changes NOW!
W.E.B. Dubois killed black business.
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