New vaccines to prevent future pregnancies? vol Bill Gates

pig love

Aug 13, 2008
New vaccines to prevent future pregnancies?

SHOOTING STRAIGHT By Bobit S. Avila (The Philippine Star) | Updated November 22, 2012 - 12:00am

As we promised our readers in our Tuesday column, today we will discuss the law that President Aquino signed last June 21 dubbed the “Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2012,” which sounds very innocent enough because infants and children are supposed to be inoculated for mumps, polio, diphtheria, TB, measles, German measles, Hepatitis B, Flu and others. Mind you, there was no howl against this law when Congress passed it and when the President signed it into law.

But during the Philippines for Life Congress held last Friday and Saturday at the Summit Circle Hotel in Cebu City, Dr. Ligaya Acosta of Human Life International told her nationwide audience that foreign organizations have apparently found a way to reduce the populations of 3rd world countries through vaccines! This in my book is highly worrisome!

Dr. Acosta showed us a report by Theodora Filis, a UK Progressive who wrote only last Feb. 16, 2012, “When Bill Gates, founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides vaccines to third world countries, promoted decreasing the population of the world and favoring the ‘death panel’, it shocked many people. Bill Gates believes that “instead of spending millions of dollars on old people who have three months to live, the money should be spent elsewhere, where it can benefit people.

Two years ago, the Microsoft billionaire unveiled his mission to reduce the world’s population through vaccines during the TEDx presentation. As Gates rambles on about CO2 emissions, and its effects on climate change, he injects without pause, that in order to get CO2 to zero, “probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero. The world today has 6.8 billion people, that’s headed up to about 9 billion. In January 2010, at the Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world.” For more information on this, I suggest you get in touch with Dr. Ligaya Acosta and she will give you a mouthful of info.

Now let’s ask ourselves, why is Bill Gates developing new vaccines for children in developing countries and talking about reducing the world’s population? Dr Acosta has an answer… “Because those vaccines will render many of our children infertile.” Apparently these new vaccines that is already made available for the Philippines will be used to immunize our children for the usual illnesses like small pox, mumps, polio, hepatitis, German measles, tuberculosis, measles, flu and tetanus. But in reality, their main purpose is for them not to be able to bear children when they grow up!

I find this development very alarming especially to parents and grandparents who someday would like to see their children having their own children. At least the One-Child Policy in China would result in your kid having only one legal child. But by injecting those vaccines, your child could never hope to bear any children when they are of child-bearing age. I’m writing this to sound the alarm to many Parents out there, including the doctors of the Department of Health (DoH) who may be unwitting accomplishes of this terrible plan hatched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

As we clearly point out, having your children inoculated sounds very ordinary except that, there is a serious deception here. Dr. Acosta showed us documents from a 30-year intensive study and research by Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD that vaccines are contaminated and that most of them are aimed to render the child infertile without their parent’s knowledge. Yes, before they force your kid to be immunized, I suggest you ask questions first where did they get those vaccines and what’s really inside them? Abangan!

We never knew who was this fellow Kazuo Okada when last February 2012, he made the headline news in our national dailies when Wynn Resorts Ltd accused him of violating US Anti-Bribery Laws when Okada’s Universal Entertainment Corp. made alleged improper payments of more than US$ 110,000 to Filipino gambling regulators…notable amongst them was Cristino Naguiat, Jr. where they were allowed to stay in a US$6,000 a day room in Wynn’s Resort in Macau. But these so-called “complimentary” stays were admitted by Mr. Naguiat as “acceptable” or “standard practice” where they also give the same complimentary to their foreign Casino guests.

But we heard nothing about this anymore… not even a Senate investigation was conducted as to whether this type of behaviour was acceptable or was it really a bribe as what other people insist it to be? Well, last Monday this issue hugged the headlines one more as an alleged “Bagman” got US$5 M for the US$2 Billion casino project. Again, all this information was taken not from any Senate investigation but from US Gaming Regulators investigating the activities of Kazuo. So why isn’t there any Senate or Office of the Ombudsman investigation into his humongous US$5 Billion bribe?
There's a reason the kids in Africa were forced to get vaccinated at gunpoint.
There's a reason the kids in Africa were forced to get vaccinated at gunpoint.

Oh really, only this article isn't about what this monster is up to in Africa.

That's a different discussion.
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You'd think China would've came up with this first given their more stern brutal and barbaric methods and views on pregnancies and overpopulation.
not sure what the last two paragraphs have to do with the topic of reducing fertile populations.

which vaccines would be reducing populations? There are many different kinds of vaccines that this article sounds way too speculative and appears to only be supporting Dr. Acosta's message (who supported use of contraceptives and birth control for 3 decades before becoming a hardcore pro-life activist in Human Life International).

Lots of people think Bill Gates is on some eugenicist scheme but in the TED talk, he is talking only about cleaner energy solutions that the world need which is innovating in cleaner transportation and energy. Getting close to 0 does not explicitly say 'REDUCE POPULATIONS.' No, he would have said in that talk, "we are going to need to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing 3rd world populations."

That article takes his statement out of context and then his speech on vaccinations as a way to amplify that pro-life message.

anyway, I don't take that article seriously, and neither should most people.
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7 billion people as of last year I believe.

3.5 billion in the 1960's. There were 6 billion people in the year 2000. We are on pace at almost 1 billion per decade.
They're enough resources to go around.

They're just aren't enough people to spread those resources.

This thread will expose a great deal of foolish comments.
Sterilization of the "undesirables". All empires that feel threatened make these kind of plans though.

Now whether they accomplish their goals is another story.

Others have said the true solution that will work at curbing population explosion is better education of women.
Makes some sense to me...
"No matter who tell it, real ****** always prevail Just like a fake ***** always fail" ~ Freddie foxxx

I aint worried. Their evil reign will end soon enough. They know what time it is. That's why they're in their hurry up offense.
You'd think China would've came up with this first given their more stern brutal and barbaric methods and views on pregnancies and overpopulation.

Da USA actually have a measure similar to this in a couple of states

California & north Carolina i believe... to control da "black population".

Scary ****.

Moral of da story? ALWAYS ask whats being put in yourself & in ur child if u have one.
oh, pig love topic. i can't ask for substantiating research or anything useful to validate claims.
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