[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

I understand its easy to dislike Castillo overall but he's showing me a lot this season, he's not slapping at the ball he's getting base hits theother way and even pulling the ball from the left side, he's hitting over .400 right now he's best in the # 2 because Schneider and Castillo 7 and 8makes no sense, putting Daniel 7 after Church keeps a THREAT going.

I don't blame Gado for taking that pitch, the ump called close pitches a ball yet calls that pitch above the belt and outside a strike, seems like he justmade up that strike zone for that at bat only.

Mets are 1-4 in one run games with the other loss being by 2 runs, YAY!

EDIT; By putting Church, Murphy and Schneider 6,7,8 makes the bottom lefty-heavy but Church/Murph can hit lefties so its not that big of a deal. Something hasto change.
Agree with everything you just said. Start to finish (Starting with "I' and ending with "only").

Heath Bell on Baseball Tonight poppin !#%@.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Agree with everything you just said. Start to finish (Starting with "I' and ending with "only").

Heath Bell on Baseball Tonight poppin !#%@.


forgive me. as a padres i have had very little to celebrate my entire life in regards to the team..
Bell was worthless in this organization for 3 years. Peterson wanted to change some things with him yet he was stubborn about it because he was used solely inmop up duty (in 2006), then goes to SD and implements those same changes Peterson asked from him in the 1st place and now he thinks he's hot @%*+.

Dude is a certified loser if you're going to go about your business like that for 2+ years. At some point you need to move on.

Phillies: 4-5
Yankees: 4-5
Red Sox: 3-6
Angels: 3-5

I knew the Yanks would get off to a slow start but I didn't think their pen would be this much of a problem.

Overall though......
Originally Posted by briannnnn

Bell must've been mad salty about his former team. What did he say?

"I can't believe I'm on Baseball Tonight. This is the coolest thing ever!"
Ravech: "You just saved a game for your team at the new Citi Field and this is the coolest thing ever?"
"Yeah... I came from nowhere. I got drafted by the Mets and they told me I couldn't be a closer. Well look at me now!"

Blah, blah, blah...
I understand the offense has faced some good pitching the past 2 series and are losing 1 run games, but this situational hitting has been a problem since the2nd half of 2007.

Reyes has regressed since the 1st half of 2007 in terms of his situational hitting. You knew when he came up to bat he was going to drive them in, now he'ssuch an easy out. David is a completely diff hitter from the start of the game to a situation with RISP. For his career he is hitting well over .250 with RISPbut i don't think his low avg last yr (despite the career highs) are a fluke, he needs to shorten up that swing. Its either a K looking, missing pitchesdown the middle he used to crush, or pulling to the short stop.

Its not easy to drive in runs if your 2 corner stone guys have gone backwards, I don't know if its too much pressure to AUTOMATICALLY have the "faceof the franchise" label or if they are trying to hard, but they need to get back to basics.

With Pelf hurt this is going to be tough to deal ith early on, I did like Maine working in his change up and slider more I think he will be fine in the longhaul. 2 losses came blowing 3 run leads early and another 2 from an error. Someone has to step up because this team is flawed, I would be shocked if a midseason trade is not done,
Aside from the negativity, some facts:

  • Six. The combined run differential in the Mets five losses this season.
  • David Wright has struck out 13 times in his first 35 at-bats and is on pace for 234 strikeouts this season. He has struck out 512 times in his six-year career.
  • The Mets have been outscored by their opponents 21-to-10 in the first three innings this season, but are outscoring their opponents 37-to-20 in the last six innings.
  • In his five appearances this season, Francisco Rodriguez has pitched three times in non-save situations. He pitched in six non-save situations in 76 games for the Angels last season.
  • Fernando Martinez in AAA (finally) has 8 extra base hits in 32 plate appearances, he will be our left fielder next year if he can stay healthy (and Murph will be in 1st base if we don't keep Gato).
  • "MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - The Minnesota Twins are addressing their bullpen needs, claiming pitcher Juan Morillo off waivers and designating Philip Humber for assignment. Humber has a 12.46 ERA over 4 1-3 innings this season. Against Toronto on Thursday, he gave up six hits, three runs and an intentional walk.
As schizo as the offense may be and all the issues, if the Mets get SOLID starting pitching when Pelfrey is healthy they should start to win some ballgames with this bullpen (so far the best in the National League).

Mets SHOULD win 2 of 3 this weekend.
I still think the Mets are the team to beat this year, they could have taken all of the previous series.
They started scoring early today, that's good.
Originally Posted by bussinessilicitos

I still think the Mets are the team to beat this year, they could have taken all of the previous series.
They started scoring early today, that's good.
That's the same thing we said the entire previous 2 seasons. This team lost the killer instinct after 06.
I mean, last year they beat all the good teams in the league and even dominated the Phillies ALL SEASON LONG, they just sucked BALLS vs the teams below .500.

If this pen is our strong point the team just needs the starters to be solid this year. the offense won't even be as important IMO.
Yeah but our pen is on point thus far, plus Wagner is coming back and like they said on Loud Mouths yesterday Wells might be available.
Always want to make things harder on themselves, but good job Louie.

Pen = automatic.
I swear it seems like they do these things on purpose sometimes to make things "interesting."
We needed that win though, they can't keep leaving so many people stranded though.
I had to watch on dvr, but great win.

- Los B led off the 6th with a single. Church up next. I don't understand why Jerry didn't hit and run right there. Or at least send Beltran to steal.I think Church tried to bunt, failed miserably, and that was that.
- Speaking of bunting.... Murphy at #2 obviously can NOT bunt. Once again, are the rest of you so sure you don't want Castillo at the 2 spot?? As Gary,Ron, and Keith said... You NEED your number 2 hitter to be a good bunter.
- Livan was gassed. Identical to his last start where he got off strong and then faded fast. Why did Jerry only have Feliciano up in the pen once Livan gotinto trouble? Score was 3-1, Mets up. It's not like he was going for long relief. He was setting up his lefty-righty matchups. And if that's the case,it was crazy to only have 1 pitcher warming up.

Other than that, no complaints.

Congrats to Sheff. I was watching saying how it looks like his timing is coming back. He was just barely missing pitches, fouling everything off.
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