[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

For the Fifth Starter that is not the same pitcher he once was.

Come on already.

You are telling me that Joba pitching the way he has this season is perfectly okay for a 23 year old that has all the talent in the world to be a greatstarting pitcher but he can not make it past the 5th inning in a game?

Joba is also the fifth starter on the yankees too but at his age and the"talent" that he has, he should be able to control the game like he did outof the Pen.

Look at what I posted on the last page. I said I gave the Yankees the advantage tonight becasue you still do not know what Livan you are going to get. he hasbeen very consistant this year with two bad outings. If we lose tonight, it is not his fault.
I will be good.
I may have to shut down soon anyway since my battery is going empty on my macbook
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

For the Fifth Starter that is not the same pitcher he once was.

Come on already.

You are telling me that Joba pitching the way he has this season is perfectly okay for a 23 year old that has all the talent in the world to be a great starting pitcher but he can not make it past the 5th inning in a game?

Joba is also the fifth starter on the yankees too but at his age and the"talent" that he has, he should be able to control the game like he did out of the Pen.

Look at what I posted on the last page. I said I gave the Yankees the advantage tonight becasue you still do not know what Livan you are going to get. he has been very consistant this year with two bad outings. If we lose tonight, it is not his fault.
Yes I am telling you that. You proved my point both times. He is 23, this is expected from young starters. They learn how to pitch in the majorleagues. How does this not make sense?

My original point was that the Yankees hit those home runs not because of the park, but because Livan isn't a good pitcher, a point you have conceded.

Where exactly am I wrong?
Yeah but who said any of those homeruns were because of the park? Only one I talked about was the Jeter one.

Enough of that please, this is gonna go nowhere.
D Wright...
Michael K was on some "David isn't up for the challenge" talk during his at bat vs Mo (after his K the prior at bat), and then he was quiet forabout 25 seconds during the Church AB.


Finish this K-Rod.

WHAT THE #$$+ WAS THAT?!?!?!?!

WHAT THE #$$+! WHAT THE #$$+! WHAT THE #$$+!

For those of you with dvr, rewind and listen to Gary's silence as the play unfolded. EXACTLY how I felt.
Shorthanded *$+ team fighting back these past few nights, once Castillo started walking funny I was ENVISIONING a dropped pop up but I thought yeah right, gameover.

I'm more upset that K-Rod gets a blown save and a LOSS.

There are no words that can describe what just happened.
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