New York YANKEES spring training thread......... 2 days until season starts: LETS GO YANKEES!

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Seriously who in the MLB is currently better than CC? Santana and then......who? Beckett when (rarely) healthy? Oh and I guess pitching on 3 days rest for like 2 straight weeks and getting his team into the postseason knowing that an injury might cost him 100 million dollars isn't coming up big?
Sign CC
Go after Lowe with a 3 year deal and a high AAV
Go hard after Texeria
Let Giambi, Abreu and Pudge go
Try and talk Moose out of retirment if not sign Pettitte
Explore the trade market for a CF or a coner OF if Damon can give us one year in Center

That should be out plan at this point.
Sounds pretty good to me.
A rotation of...


That'd set us up nicely for next year. SP wins... we have the opportunity to get a GOOD SP, get it done Cash.

And one thing about people saying Wang is already a "ace"...
Well if we get CC then I guess we can have TWO ACES.... 2 is better then 1, no??
Plus it moves everyone down a spot in the rotation.... Lowe/Moose to #3, Andy/Moose to #4, Joba to #5

I don't know.... I just see the Yankees spending a lot of money this year, of which they do have a lot to spend anyway, so they should.

And they're going to offer Abreu arbitration so really it's up to him whether he stays or not.... hopefully he accepts IMO.
Abreu's last two years have been the worst of his career and hos walk rate (which made him great) has taking a steep decline. His defense in Rf was alsoterrible this season bottom of the leauge actually. Hopefully Abreu signs with the Cubs and we get some picks from him.
Brian Cashman just met with the New York reporters who are here.

As you might imagine, it's not like he sits there and runs down the list of players he wants. But a few interesting things did come outof the session:

1. He does not consider center field a priority. With Brett Gardner, Johnny Damon and Melky Cabrera around and Austin Jackson on the way, theYankees are deep there.

2. The Yankees are out to acquire two starters. "We won't be one and done," Cashman said. You caninterpret that in a few ways. It could be one new player and Andy Pettitte, two new players or maybe two new players and Pettitte. Cashman said that right now,Wang and Joba are the only starters he has.

3. Joba will start the 2009 season as a starter and they'll come up with a plan to protect him as best they can.

4. Ian Kennedy will pitch winter ball in Puerto Rico. He is Tampa throwing now and is scheduled to start his first game on Friday.

5. Robbie Cano has been cleared to play one month in the Dominican Winter League starting Nov. 22. He'll DH only. Kevin Long will be inthe Dominican on Nov. 15 for a week to work with Robbie on the swing changes they incorporated at the end of last season.

6. The Yankees are close to naming a third base coach and it sounds like it will come from within. That could mean Luis Sojo.

7. Cashman said they were sorry to lose Rafael Chaves. But he was getting a promotion with the Dodgers.

8. Cashman hasn't spoken to Mike Mussina since calling him a few days after the season to congratulate him on winning 20 games. He claimsnot to know whether the Moose will retire.

9. Not that you care much. But Eric Milton and Victor Zambrano are free agents again. The Yankees basically paid them to throw bullpens inTampa last year. I would assume that gives them a leg up should they want to bring them back.
[h1]Peavy Approves Yankees, Angels[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 3 at 8:42pm CST]

Padres GM Kevin Towers recently spoke to the press,stating that Jake Peavy has now approved two AL teams in addition to his known five NL clubs. The Yankees and Angels are now possibilities. If there were to be any acceptable AL teams, it figured to be these two based on earlier rumblings.
i hope the yanks can land peavy. he would be

if the yanks do trade cano ( which right now don't seem like they will ) they can get a stop gap for this year and go after brian roberts who will be afree agent in 2010 .......
I'd rather have Peavy then CC.

I have to agree with onewearz on that about CC...I just got a bad feeling
Can someone please tell me what the argument is for Peavy over Sabathia? Some of you would rather trade players for a pitcher from the NL who has come up evensmaller than CC in big games than just sign a better pitcher outright?
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Can someone please tell me what the argument is for Peavy over Sabathia? Some of you would rather trade players for a pitcher from the NL who has come up even smaller than CC in big games than just sign a better pitcher outright?

its all about the expectations. ny and the media are unreal with their expectations. if we sign cc and give him 20 - 25 million a year his every move will bescrutinized. if he buys a hot dog it'll be a story in the papers. it's a matter of time before the stories about him being fat start. you'll seethem interviewing people at restaurants after he eats there, stories detailing what he ate, etc . why do you think arod's not working out. we'retalking about the best 5 tool player in the game and he's struggling here. true he does bring on the attention with some of the things he says and does butthis dude can't floss his teeth without the city knowing about it.

cc is a family man and i dont know what type of dude he really is but the first time he hits a strip club, yup you guessed it, " Yanks pitcher likes to ccthe tt's " . this city can ruin you or make you a legend ( ruth, dimaggio, mantle , reggie ), i just don't think cc will be able to handle theenormous pressure he'll be under. they will look to him to bring us back to glory and if he don't win 20 and put us in the series they'll becalling him a bust, fraud, fat, thief ,etc. this is the same city where met fans were sayin johan was washed up in july ! 4 months into his 7 year deal andthey were saying he was gutless, mistake, they wanted to trade him ! not all met fans , just the stupid ones. the irrational ones. unfortunatly the yanks havejust as many stupid fans if not more.

now if cc were to sign w/ the dodgers he'll be treated as a hero, hometown kid who made it . but ny fans will always say we should've got em, missedout on another one. what we don't realize is that he won't do it HERE. ny is the only place he wont be a good pitcher. i hope i'm completely wrongbecause i know the yanks are gonna get em. they're gonna give this dude the world and rename the major deegan after him.

now as for peavy if we get him it'll be through a trade. we won't pay him nearly as much as cc and that will keep him under the radar. the media willfind him boring and not really news worthy. the expectations wont nearly be as high because of what we're paying him. sad but true. i've lived in thiscity for all of my 32 years. i've been a yankee fan all my life. i've seen every controversy , failed trades, signing bust, steinbrenner tirade in thattime span. again this is just my opinion and i hope to god i'm wrong about cc ...........
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Can someone please tell me what the argument is for Peavy over Sabathia? Some of you would rather trade players for a pitcher from the NL who has come up even smaller than CC in big games than just sign a better pitcher outright?

its all about the expectations. ny and the media are unreal with their expectations. if we sign cc and give him 20 - 25 million a year his every move will be scrutinized. if he buys a hot dog it'll be a story in the papers. it's a matter of time before the stories about him being fat start. you'll see them interviewing people at restaurants after he eats there, stories detailing what he ate, etc . why do you think arod's not working out. we're talking about the best 5 tool player in the game and he's struggling here. true he does bring on the attention with some of the things he says and does but this dude can't floss his teeth without the city knowing about it.

cc is a family man and i dont know what type of dude he really is but the first time he hits a strip club, yup you guessed it, " Yanks pitcher likes to cc the tt's " . this city can ruin you or make you a legend ( ruth, dimaggio, mantle , reggie ), i just don't think cc will be able to handle the enormous pressure he'll be under. they will look to him to bring us back to glory and if he don't win 20 and put us in the series they'll be calling him a bust, fraud, fat, thief ,etc. this is the same city where met fans were sayin johan was washed up in july ! 4 months into his 7 year deal and they were saying he was gutless, mistake, they wanted to trade him ! not all met fans , just the stupid ones. the irrational ones. unfortunatly the yanks have just as many stupid fans if not more.

now if cc were to sign w/ the dodgers he'll be treated as a hero, hometown kid who made it . but ny fans will always say we should've got em, missed out on another one. what we don't realize is that he won't do it HERE. ny is the only place he wont be a good pitcher. i hope i'm completely wrong because i know the yanks are gonna get em. they're gonna give this dude the world and rename the major deegan after him.

now as for peavy if we get him it'll be through a trade. we won't pay him nearly as much as cc and that will keep him under the radar. the media will find him boring and not really news worthy. the expectations wont nearly be as high because of what we're paying him. sad but true. i've lived in this city for all of my 32 years. i've been a yankee fan all my life. i've seen every controversy , failed trades, signing bust, steinbrenner tirade in that time span. again this is just my opinion and i hope to god i'm wrong about cc ...........
Wow. First of all A-Rod hasnt worked out? Seriously? Two Mvps in 5 years isnt working out? If CC were to win 2 Cy Youngs would that be a failure?

How do you know CC cant handle the "pressure"? What does being a family man have to do with anything, Andy Pettitte is a family man making 16 milliona year and he can deal with the media. Santana makes a ton of money and htis pressure doesnt seem to bother him nor have I seen a story of him in a strip club.

Jake Peavy just recently put us on his list of teams he would accept a trade. That means he doesn't want to come here. You know why he changed his mind?Because his agent has said if he is traded here he expects to receive some sort of "compensation". That compensation would likely be in the range ofwhat we would be paying CC if we were to sign him. So you want to trade for a guy who doesn't want to be here, only if he receives a raise on top of whathe already has. Isn't that coming here for money just like everyone is saying CC will?

Jake Peavy has pitched in the worst division is baseball in the last few years playing in the best pitchers park in baseball in the NL. He would almostcertainly demand a raise to what CC and Santana will be signed for. He will also cost us players such as Hughes and/or Cano. There's no pressure on him ifhe signs for 25 million a year and Cano is batting .340 and an MVP candidate for the Padres?

It comes down to this, would you rather pay CC Sabathia maybe 7/180 or trade Robinson Cano and say Phil Coke for Jake Peavy and sign him for 5/130. I wouldrather pay CC and if that fails go after Peavy as plan B.
first of all , i love arod and appreciate everything he's done for the yanks. my point was that the media will cause cc problems and i don't know theguy well enough to know if he can handle them. everything you hear is that he's not crazy about media attention and some people say thats one of hisconcerns with signing with the yanks. the strip club thing was just an example. you can say the media had a big hand in arods divorce. they broke the storyabout him with that stripper and he was front page news for months. andy pettite is a dumb example , he's won 4 rings here, came up through theorganization and he himself was burned in the media for doin steroids .

you can't compare santana because no matter what he don't play for the yanks . he plays for the mets and the media seems to wanna pick on the yankeesocial lives more than the mets. when was the last time you seen any met names in the gossip sections as much as the yanks. arod's in the national enquirer!!! jeter's social life is always news in ny !!

my whole point is the media will make life difficult for cc. i did say repeatedly that i hope i'm wrong and if we got him i would'nt be unhappy..........
maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have CC just because you don't have to trade away any talent for him and he's a lefty. Also, Peavy was soanti-AL and anti-NY before his agent told him he could make money by keeping the yankees in the conversation, knowing that do u really think he'll besuccessful here? Neither of them have shown that they're a pefect fit, but at least CC has pitched successfully in the AL before....I'd be satisfiedwith CC, Wang, Joba, Petitte, Hughes...just my .02...
[h1]Yankees Rumors: Sabathia, Marte, Mussina[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 5 at 12:15pm CST]

It's about time we check in with Yankees links.
  • The Yankees will make their record-breaking pitch to C.C. Sabathia. If it fails, they'll move on to A.J. Burnett, Derek Lowe, and Oliver Perez.
  • Joel Sherman says the Yankees could get involved on Manny Ramirez, but only if they fail to sign Mark Teixeira and manage to trade Hideki Matsui.
  • Sherman says the Yanks are in on the catching market just to be safe, engaging the Rangers about Gerald Laird and Jarrod Saltalamacchia. They'll also "keep tabs" on Ivan Rodriguez. If the Yanks find another club that values Robinson Cano highly and offers pitching, he could be traded and Orlando Hudson signed. None of this stuff seems likely.
  • Peter Abraham believes the Yanks are working on an extension with Damaso Marte.
  • Buster Olney says some of Mike Mussina's friends believe that the longer it takes for him to decide on 2009, the more likely it is he pitches.
Cashman said he hopes to cut a deal with Pettitte. "Hopefully we'll be able to do something," he said. Meanwhile, the Yankees are a day or two away from announcing the addition of Mick Kelleher to the coaching staff. Cashman said Phil Coke's 2009 role will depend on how the roster shakes out. If the Yankees need starters, he could be developed as a starter. If not, he will be a reliever. "He's flexible," Cashman said. "It would be nice to be in the position to have the flexibility to choose what he does."

Cashman did have one funny quote on pursuing free agents.

"We're going to show a lot of love," he said. "We're going to need to have somebody to love us back. If somebody loves is back, we're going to have a deal."

[h2]Pavano files for free agency, thousands take to streets of Manhattan to celebrate[/h2]

At long last, is our nightmare over? Carl Pavano filed for free agency today.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Carl, you might get bruised.

The Big G, Mike Mussina and Damaso Marte (provisionally) also filed.

Now before you get all "Hey, Mussina filed" it's just a formality. Players have until Nov. 14 to file or otherwise they lose that right.


The Yankees will have a sit-down with Scott Boras tonight. The chat will center on Mark Teixeira and Derek Lowe. Boras would love to have the Yankees involved with Manny Ramirez, but the club seems to have little appetite for that. … is reporting the Red Sox have interest in LHP Billy Traber. Good luck with all that.

Hughes was throwing 95 in Arizona the other night and the Yankees were thrilled. They're also enthused about how well Hughes is throwing his cutter.

(As a side note, I was told that the radar gun on the scoreboard in Scranton is absolutely accurate. So when Chad Jennings was reporting on his blog that Hughes was throwing 95 over the summer, it was true.)


I wouldn't mind giving him a rotation spot..... if not he'll be a great #6 for when someone gets injured.
I rather not see Manny come to NY. He's a good player no doubt but he's also aging. Ive noticed a trend where all good aging players start theirdecline when they join the Yankees.
Originally Posted by onewearz

there's a rumor floating around that hughes will be traded in a 3 way deal to the rockies with seattle getting matsui and the yanks getting matt holiday......

source -
There's a growing likelihood that Matt Holliday will be traded at some point, given that the Rockies have conceded they won't be able to sign him long-term. When surveying executives about a possible landing spot, the Yankees continue to pop up. One scenario floated: Yankees trade Hideki Matsui to Seattle and land Holliday with a package focusing on starter Phil Hughes.
Hughes AND Matsui???
I'll pass.

The only way I'd even consider this is if it mean we would FOR SURE be getting Teixeira after losing Matsui's $$$ & DH/OF spot.

Pitching > hitting though

[h1]Hideki Matsui-Mariners Rumor[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 5 at 11:21pm CST]
From Yahoo's Tim Brown:

One source mentioned a potential three-way deal that would send outfielder Hideki Matsui from the New York Yankees to the Seattle Mariners for a pitching prospect, perhaps Ryan Rowland-Smith. The Yankees would package the prospect with second baseman Robinson Cano and another young player to the Rockies for Matt Holliday.

Matsui has a full no-trade clause. He's owed $13MM next year, the last of his deal. He hit .294/.370/.424 this year in 378 plate appearances, missing much of the season with knee problems. He now has two surgically repaired knees, so he's questionable to play the outfield.

At any rate, it doesn't seem like the Yankees would seriously explore a Holliday trade unless Mark Teixeira signs elsewhere first. And does it make sense for the Mariners to give up a young pitcher and take on a risky DH like Matsui?
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

I rather not see Manny come to NY. He's a good player no doubt but he's also aging. Ive noticed a trend where all good aging players start their decline when they join the Yankees.
that so true i love manny as a player but i really hope we spend that mountain of cash on something more needed
[h1]Yankees Rumors: Cameron, Melky, Pettitte, Lowe[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 6 at 5:06pm CST]

5:06pm: More on the Cameron situation: Ken Davidoff says Cabrera and Ian Kennedy have beendiscussed. However, the Brewers will probably wait to see if they can sign Sabathia,since he's good friends with Cameron.

10:26am: The latest Yankees hot stove buzz...
[h1]Yankees Decline Marte's Option[/h1]
By Cork Gaines [November 6 at 4:46pm CST]

The Yankeesannounced today that they have declined Damaso Marte's '09 option. Yesterday we learned that the Yankees were seeking to sign Marte to an extension. Marte is aType A free agent, so figure on at least an offer ofarbitration.

The option was for $6MM and was bought out for $250K.
[h1]Jake Peavy Rumors: Thursday[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 6 at 4:00pm CST]

3:03pm: Peter Abraham says that KevinTowers has told Peavy that he will be traded and that negotiations have been narrowed to three teams. The Yankees are not in the mix as all three clubs are inthe NL. Abraham speculates that in addition to the Cubs and Braves, the third team could be the Astros or Cardinals.

[h1]Heyman's Latest: Furcal, Jenks, Nats, Yankees, WhiteSox[/h1]
By Cork Gaines [November 6 at 2:54pm CST]

Here are a few of the latest notes from Jon Heyman...
  • Heyman says the Yankees may be serious about trading for Mike Cameron noting that they have even asked for Alex Rodriguez' opinion of his former teammate.
[h1]Mark Teixeira Rumors: Thursday[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 6 at 10:12am CST]

According to ESPN's Buster Olney, theNationals are preparing to make a significant offer to Mark Teixeira. Olney believes the Angels will make an offer in the $100-120MM range,but that offer will expire soon. If and when Scott Boras passes on that proposal, it might be the Yankees, Red Sox, Nationals, and Orioles competing forTex.
[h1]Yankees Rumors: Teixeira, Igawa, Sabathia[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 7 at 2:40pm CST]

The Yankees chatter died down a bit today, but here's what we've got.
[h1]Yankees Rumors: Sabathia, Pettitte, Mussina[/h1]
By Ben Nicholson-Smith [November 8 at 10:09am CST]

Some new Yankees rumors surfaced at Joe Torre's charity event in New York last night.
DJ trying to get CC
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