I think HG is done. I guess that was the movie leading the charge but the last one I saw was the first one.
That Maze Runner **** may cancel too given they almost killed their star.
Problem w/ these movies is that the acting is so lackluster and the protagonist is always so damn naive. I just saw Allegiant and shorty believed everything the bull said, find out he's lying and then ran back to 4 like "wow, he was evil"
I'll watch the final one since I'm already vested but won't watch the show.
Mazerunner is struggling too. They need more common sense realism to these post-apocalyptic movies, or at least give a precursor so we know how it came to be, not some random story that half explains everything.
I've been waitin for the new Pirates of the Caribbean, but Disney needs to give me my third installment of National Treasure.
Shrek 5 should not happen, the last one kind of gave a solid ending.