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Assassins Creeds Reviews (20% on RT)

Minus the material with Aguilar and Maria, Assassin’s Creed operates in cruise control. A similar sequence of events happens over and over again, and all you can do is just sit back and look at the pretty picture. And yes, Assassin’s Creed often does look fantastic, especially the costume design and the chase sequences that take place in the 15th Century. But all the riveting roof-top running and hand-to-hand combat in the world won’t make a movie worthwhile if you don’t give a damn about the characters. [C] - Collider

It’s rare to see a film quite so lacking in animus. It exists only to gouge money out of gamers. They might well want to stick to the game. [1*] - The Guardian

2016 has been full of surprises, so in some ways Assassin's Creed, Hollywood's latest attempt to mine gold from an industry that rakes in more dough than it does, is a reassuring tonic: Video game adaptations remain plodding affairs. Directed by Australian helmer Justin Kurzel, reuniting with his Macbeth stars Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard, Assassin’s Creed is resolutely stone-faced, ditching the humdrum quips that are par for the course in today's blockbusters. But this is almost two hours of convoluted hokum that might have benefited from a few self-deflating jabs. "What the f*** is going on," wonders Fassbender at one point. If only you could discern the shadow of a wink. - The Hollywood Reporter

Assassin's Creed has probably done the very best it can with the hand it's been dealt with and, really, this might be the best video game adaptation yet. Mind you, that's not saying a huge amount. [3*] - The Independent

Since the Assassins are painted as the heroes in this film, is “Assassin’s Creed” implying that maintaining free will means accepting man’s inherent violence? So what of Sofia’s mission to bring an end to violence in general? One suspects that none of the filmmakers gave such ramifications any thought. Instead, it’s all window-dressing for an ending that reveals this alternately goofy and self-serious big-budget Hollywood product to be little more than a two-hour prelude to a potential future franchise. [C-] - The Playlist

Michael Fassbender is a good actor who can carry a franchise, and the film serves as a compelling origin story for Sophia Rikkin, as well as Callum Lynch. Clumsy exposition didn’t ruin a film that had a strong visual identity, fantastic action sequences, and characters that I’m ready to spend more time with already. - Polygon

The 15th Century wasn’t a great time to be alive, and it’s not even such nice place to visit. We went all the way back in time with Assassin’s Creed and all we got was this lousy apple. It’s not even a real one. - Time

Of course, the set-up suggests a sequel may be forthcoming – but the very past/present nature of the Assassin’s Creed games suggests the difficulties that blight this adaptation would dog any future film. Still, credit Kurzel and his regular DoP Adam Arkapaw for recreating the spirit of the series. In an age when Hollywood has apparently little regard for video game tie-ins, Kurzel's team – along with Ubisoft – has tried admirably to protect fan interests. If only they’d had a better script... [3*] - Total Film

Maybe someday a distant relative of mine will be hooked up to one of these machines, then they can come back and watch me watch Assassin’s Creed. “Oh, look at this human being from 2016,” they will say about me as I watch Assassin’s Creed, “he looks so sad.” They won’t know the half of it. - Uproxx

There’s inevitably a hint of shameless money-grab to any film adaptation of a ludicrously popular video game franchise, especially one that specifically appeals to people who must uncover every secret in the mythos. Still, Assassin’s Creed’s creators have the courage to always take themselves seriously, even when they’re working with material that sounds fundamentally silly. There’s no great leap of faith in Assassin’s Creed, but a surprising amount of the time, it at least finds steady footing. - Verge

As in last year’s “Macbeth,” Kurzel fares best in battle sequences highlighting the ashen ugliness of imagined history in rich detail. When they finally come, sequences in which Fassbender bounds through antiquated environs and lives up to his oath provide a few spare thrills; a public execution, meanwhile, recalls the heightened reality of Ken Russell’s “The Devils” (minus the heresy). Elsewhere, though, “Assassin’s’ Creed” is like playing a bad game and longing for the sweet release of the “game over” screen. - The Wrap

How times have changed. “Assassin’s Creed,” in which Michael Fassbender plays some sort of leaping, fighting, time-tripping — but still moody and sullen — bare-chested historic warrior dude, is a mediocre video-game movie that has branded itself in a most revealing way. The film is coming off 20 years of soullessly trashy and forgettable video-game spinoffs (the “Mortal Kombat” and “Streetfighter” films, “Max Payne” and “The Book of Eli,” the “Lara Croft” series, this year’s “Warcraft”). But “Assassin’s Creed” isn’t fighting the junkiness of that pedigree — it’s using it to prop up its own pretensions. The hook the producers are selling is, “Here, at long last, is a video-game movie that’s a cut above the others.” - Variety
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Actors are just a piece of the puzzle, no one actor is immune to working in bad movies.

Resident Evil by far is the most successful video game movies of all time :lol:
RE games already had good stories and characters for movies to use but they chose to ignore most of it.

Uncharted could be just like other generic adventure / treasure hunting movies.
Resident evil found a formula that works and they stuck to it. I don't know why people keeping seeing those movies but they do and they make money
The movie could have been solid, most reviews say the problem is they spend half the movie in present instead of the past. If the whole point of the game is to run around killing people in the past, why the hell would anyone want anything in a movie?
Rocks Rampage and Vikanders Tomb Raider are next to take a stab at making a good VG film.

I believe Wahlberg has stepped down from the Uncharted film.
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Did not know The Book of Eli was based on a videogame.

What game? :lol:
I dunno. I just read this critic review listing other video game based movies.

How times have changed. “Assassin’s Creed,” in which Michael Fassbender plays some sort of leaping, fighting, time-tripping — but still moody and sullen — bare-chested historic warrior dude, is a mediocre video-game movie that has branded itself in a most revealing way. The film is coming off 20 years of soullessly trashy and forgettable video-game spinoffs (the “Mortal Kombat” and “Streetfighter” films, “Max Payne” and “The Book of Eli,” the “Lara Croft” series, this year’s “Warcraft”). But “Assassin’s Creed” isn’t fighting the junkiness of that pedigree — it’s using it to prop up its own pretensions. The hook the producers are selling is, “Here, at long last, is a video-game movie that’s a cut above the others.” - Variety
I'm gonna assume it was called Book of Eli :lol:
The movie could have been solid, most reviews say the problem is they spend half the movie in present instead of the past. If the whole point of the game is to run around killing people in the past, why the hell would anyone want anything in a movie?

Its has the same problem the games has. Most fans of AC don't really care about Desmond and his story. :rofl:

Book of Eli is probably the best Fallout but not Fallout movie I've ever seen.
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Playing the ac games, I don't even remember why desmond was going back to re-live his ancestors killing people. I played ac2 up to ac: brotherhood and then got so bored with the repetitive gameplay.
Playing the ac games, I don't even remember why desmond was going back to re-live his ancestors killing people. I played ac2 up to ac: brotherhood and then got so bored with the repetitive gameplay.

First game was to find The Apple (same as the movie)

Second game was to quick train himself as an assassin.

Third game.... I don't remember because I hated the 3rd game.
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