Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

I think the main problem is that Microsoft is forcing people to buy a Gold membership even if they aren't interested in playing online.

Not everyone plays online regardless of what you may think. It makes no sense to block so many features for those who have no interest in online play & just want to enjoy things that they already have subscriptions for or simple things like Internet Explorer.
No matter how you look at it Free to play games on Xbox aren't free to play. :lol:

But like I said earlier of you have an Xbox you SHOULD have Xbox live.
Nobody is picking fights with iYen, it just gets old when iYen continuously whines about things that aren't new.  If you don't like the fact that you need xbox live gold to access these services you already pay for then you can access them on a myriad of other devices, nobody is making you purchase an Xbox One just to use these services.

Its been like this for years, if you don't like it buy a ps4.
I think the main problem is that Microsoft is forcing people to buy a Gold membership even if they aren't interested in playing online.

Not everyone plays online regardless of what you may think. It makes no sense to block so many features for those who have no interest in online play & just want to enjoy things that they already have subscriptions for or simple things like Internet Explorer.

I feel like microsoft back when they first announced it before the 180...."you don't like, dont buy"

its as simple as that lol. I think the most but hurt folks are the ones who want xbox to do things like ps....uhh instead of complaining, just buy ps. I don't see the confusion
I think the main problem is that Microsoft is forcing people to buy a Gold membership even if they aren't interested in playing online.

Not everyone plays online regardless of what you may think. It makes no sense to block so many features for those who have no interest in online play & just want to enjoy things that they already have subscriptions for or simple things like Internet Explorer.
I feel like microsoft back when they first announced it before the 180...."you don't like, dont buy"

its as simple as that lol. I think the most but hurt folks are the ones who want xbox to do things like ps....uhh instead of complaining, just buy ps. I don't see the confusion
Thats how I feel, you don't like it don't buy it.  If I don't like a product or how a company conducts business then why even debate the merits of purchasing their product if I don't want their product.
Because I can sympathize with you guys. Being a PS3 fan back in 06 I know what you guys are going through. Kinda. Plus Rusty's gone, too easy to come in here and talk now.

What is there to sympathize with? Do you relate to my feelings of excitement for the new console? Or is this just an avenue to display the inherent inferiority complex that you have as a PS fan?
It's the principle. IMO m$ is saying, enjoy your console as long as you pay for gold. Whereas sony is saying, enjoy your console without silly restrictions.
In response to your last sentence, most of those features aren't made by m$.
So IDK what you were trying to get at.
I understand if that is something that irks you...I honestly do. But I'm not the type of consumer who holds grudges or thinks xyz company actually cares about their consumer. YES some really do, but myself as a consumer I don't care about that.
m$ lies about caring about it's customers, but I it's clear to me that their customers are #2 on their agenda. They even have a loyalty program now, so m$ cares about making it seem like they care about their customers. 
I'm not one for "brand loyalty" or anything, I buy whats best for me and what I like the most. simple as that..... MS could come out and say "we hate all of use people and you all can suck our (*##@" I wouldn't care. Obviously some people DO care, and thats their prerogative.
Don mattrick already did pretty much what you're talking about.

You do know the PS4 requires PLUS for online play right? (which i understand is better than LIVE for free games but thats about it, from what I hear)
Like I said, I have no problem no problem with paying to play online, regardless of which system I'm using. 
So IF one plans on playing PS4 online, they must PAY for it. Which makes the online set up as far as what you can access on ps4/xb1 basically the same thing.
From my understanding with ps+, you ONLY pay so you can play online. You aren't barred from free or paid services, FTP games, etc. Plus(pun) you get free on your ps3, ps4, and ps vita. When I compare ps+ to my xbl subscription, I realize that ps+ is way better.
OFCOURSE we all know, you can have a ps4 and use it as a media box for your netflixs and hulus and ufcs and internet for free... BUT W/O online play...why even bother?? Just hook your cpu to the tv
I don't have the exact numbers, but a lot of people use their ps3s for just netflix. Hell I even used my wii to access youtube. At that time, I didn't have a media player, so the wii did just fine. 

I'd rather use a media player, it's way more conveinent. 
Feel like people are just lookig to pick fights with iyen for no reason

I agree with him on the ms gold stance, why should i pay for something that you didn't create
i mean you don't have too. I find it. Silly that people would pay twice for Netflix when you can get a dedicated Netflix receiver for 20 bucks. So IMO its dumb to complain. Don't buy it.

As for the picking fights, I just find him trying to bring a negative vibe to the thread. Like you rarely see people post the shortcomings of the ps4 in that thread cause lets be real you'd get rebuked. But it's almost as if he purposefully seeks this stuff out just to complain. He's been saying the same thing for months. He doesn't like the pay wall we get it
Not everything I post in here is criticism towards m$. empire is the one who's mainly posting "negative" articles about the xb1, but somehow I might be "purposefully seeking this stuff out just to complain."
Nobody is picking fights with iYen, it just gets old when iYen continuously whines about things that aren't new.
plvn does. He keeps insulting me as if I hurt him in some way.

Posting criticism and replying to people who reply to you isn't continuously whining.
 If you don't like the fact that you need xbox live gold to access these services you already pay for then you can access them on a myriad of other devices, nobody is making you purchase an Xbox One just to use these services.
As I already said, I have no problem with paying for xbl to play online. 

So what was your point there?
Its been like this for years, if you don't like it buy a ps4.
Check the top posters in the ps4 thread.
^this dude PLVN taking things way to seriously

calm down, all you need to do is share your excitement and your opinion, no need to bash others for what they have to say

be helpful to those who are also looking to purchase an Xbox1 and enjoy the days approaching launch and the days after

i come in here to read good info and get insight on why people are excited i could care less about the bashing. If you have an issue with a policy xb1 has share it so we can discuss

I could careless about your need to lower others around you
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I think the main problem is that Microsoft is forcing people to buy a Gold membership even if they aren't interested in playing online.

Not everyone plays online regardless of what you may think. It makes no sense to block so many features for those who have no interest in online play & just want to enjoy things that they already have subscriptions for or simple things like Internet Explorer.
I feel like microsoft back when they first announced it before the 180...."you don't like, dont buy"

its as simple as that lol. I think the most but hurt folks are the ones who want xbox to do things like ps....uhh instead of complaining, just buy ps. I don't see the confusion
This isn't about making the xb1 like ps4. It's about being reasonable. From what I can tell, sony is being reasonable. m$ is reasonable, if you pay for xbl. 

"I think the most but hurt folks are the ones who want xbox to do things like ps....uhh instead of complaining, just buy ps."

Here's some irony.

The xbox now does varioius things that are like the ps(drm, not region locked, etc). I think m$ wants ppl to buy xbox not ps. I mean that's why they pay to have their logo in cross-platform game ads no?
Thats how I feel, you don't like it don't buy it.  If I don't like a product or how a company conducts business then why even debate the merits of purchasing their product if I don't want their product.
I will buy an xb1. I already own a 360 and I really like it. So it's a no-brainer as to whether I'm buying an xb1 or not. 
I don't think Iyen is purposefully trying to start the end of the GT is: Faint DJ3 see yall on 11/22 lol
15 minutes of new Watch Dogs gameplay. Multiplayer looks amazing. This looks like it will give The Last Of Us and GTA5 a run for their money as GOTY
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This isn't about making the xb1 like ps4. It's about being reasonable. From what I can tell, sony is being reasonable. m$ is reasonable, if you pay for xbl. 

"I think the most but hurt folks are the ones who want xbox to do things like ps....uhh instead of complaining, just buy ps."
Here's some irony.
The xbox now does varioius things that are like the ps(drm, not region locked, etc). I think m$ wants ppl to buy xbox not ps. I mean that's why they pay to have their logo in cross-platform game ads no?
I will buy an xb1. I already own a 360 and I really like it. So it's a no-brainer as to whether I'm buying an xb1 or not. 

MS did the 180 because of all the complaints and reported lack of pre orders compared to the PS. It was a good business move to do the 180, as you say, to do things that are like the ps.
but you already know just typing to be typing now lol.
plvn does. He keeps insulting me as if I hurt him in some way.
Posting criticism and replying to people who reply to you isn't continuously whining.

You've started more antagonistic exchanges with others than they have with you.

Then you want to play the victim when someone responds to you with the same tone. :rolleyes

I'm going to go ahead and block you now to avoid any further interactions. I hope you do the same for me.

^this dude PLVN taking things way to seriously

calm down, all you need to do is share your excitement and your opinion, no need to bash others for what they have to say

be helpful to those who are also looking to purchase an Xbox1 and enjoy the days approaching launch and the days after

i come in here to read good info and get insight on why people are excited i could care less about the bashing. If you have an issue with a policy xb1 has share it so we can discuss

I could careless about your need to lower others around you

Shut up.
Can we get the title updated with the release date, Nov 22nd?

Bank acct gone be hurting after those two weeks :lol:
Can we get the title updated with the release date, Nov 22nd?

Bank acct gone be hurting after those two weeks :lol:

OP hasn't posted since April 24th.

Maybe someone should start an official Xbone thread?
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