Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

Lol, just when I wanted to finally try an XBOX after being a Play Station user for the last 8 years, today proved to me why I should just stay true to the Play Station family!


[h1]Xbox One game discs are only used for initial installation, fee charged for second account[/h1]

By Sam Byfordon

May 21, 2013 01:47 pm

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Microsoft's Xbox One will use Blu-ray discs for games, but you won't be using them as frequently as you might have with your PlayStation 3. In a statement made to Wired, Microsoft said that all games are installed to the Xbox One's hard drive to play; you won't have to insert the disc to run the game after that initial process. The news confirms earlier information seen by The Verge.
Prior to the Xbox One's official unveiling, rumors had flown for months that Microsoft's latest console would contain a mechanism to block used games. While Microsoft has so far stayed quiet on this particular point, the mandatory installation would seem to suggest that there may have been at least some truth to the reports.
[rule]Microsoft will charge fee for secondary installation
Microsoft has said that a fee will be charged for any game disc to be tied to a second Xbox Live account after its initial installation. This is likely to limit the market for second-hand games, but would not eliminate the possibility altogether. The company is yet to confirm whether players will be able to play games from disc or run them on secondary accounts without paying for the installation, nor has it given any indication of what the fee may be.
As for the rumors that claimed the Xbox One would require a constant online connection to run games, Wired says the reality is not as overbearing. Developers will be able to create games that hook into Microsoft's Azure cloud services and are unable to be played offline, but there is as yet no requirement for them to do so.

Xbox One is gonna be a huge target for hackers. :lol:

But then again, if it does blow up in there face, the could abandon ship pretty easily. So I could see why MS would think "why not try"

Lol, just when I wanted to finally try an XBOX after being a Play Station user for the last 8 years, today proved to me why I should just stay true to the Play Station family!



You're gonna make a long term decision based on a 60 min presentation, which didn't even include what they have to offer on the gaming side.

-Can't wait for E3 when MS is unveiling a extensive line up of games, and Sony has to break the news that some of the awesome features you saw at the unveiling will be behind a pay-wall
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Xbox One is gonna be a huge target for hackers.

But then again, if it does blow up in there face, the could abandon ship pretty easily. So I could see why MS would think "why not try"
You're gonna make a long term decision based on a 60 min presentation, which didn't even include what they have to offer on the gaming side.

-Can't wait for E3 when MS is unveiling a extensive line up of games, and Sony has to break the news that some of the awesome features you saw at the unveiling will be behind a pay-wall
well it is a game system so yes, they messed up by even presenting a GAMING console without showing the gaming features... Microsofts focus is obviously NOT on the gaming experience, instead they want to show you all the features that people wont end up using.... 
Rusty you're wasting your time in here bruh... these dudes go hard for their console like they're being paid by the companies themselves :lol:

Ol bait and switch dudes man... they throw stones and hide their hands then when you put them in their place they run to the police and report you :rofl:

Ah man I gotta remember that most of this forum is teenagers so I expect no less.
Xbox One is gonna be a huge target for hackers. :lol:

But then again, if it does blow up in there face, the could abandon ship pretty easily. So I could see why MS would think "why not try"
You're gonna make a long term decision based on a 60 min presentation, which didn't even include what they have to offer on the gaming side.

-Can't wait for E3 when MS is unveiling a extensive line up of games, and Sony has to break the news that some of the awesome features you saw at the unveiling will be behind a pay-wall
well it is a game system so yes, they messed up by even presenting a GAMING console without showing the gaming features... Microsofts focus is obviously NOT on the gaming experience, instead they want to show you all the features that people wont end up using.... 

So what do you call a system unveiling when they don't even show the system... but but they showed real time gameplay.
It is one of Sony's main selling points, PS3 does everything and such.
PS1 was games + CDs
PS2 games + DVD/CDs
PS3 games + Blu/Ray/CD/Netflix/Web/Etc.

It really isn't that big a selling point, but a lot of those extras are just standard now, Xbox is trying to get a head of the game and have those extras available. For most it will just be available and never used, for others they will actual use it.

Point taken. I do agree that extras help make a system stand out, BUT they are just bonuses. Games will always be the key differentiators in this industry. People want a system that has the games to back up the grandiose hardware.

Look at the PS3, it came with a blue-ray player, free online, had the best version of Netflix, etc... but it initially lacked in games and suffered. Despite all the extras the system was basically a flop until the games started to really show some promise.

All these console play games, if they don't have any gameplay to show until E3, not much they can just talk in regards to it playing games. They can't just simply mention the TV integration and the Glass and not give some details, maybe too much like you said, but 20mins would be better than just a 2 minute mention where people are just left confused at what exactly it will be used for.

The point is Microsoft had months to plan this thing out. They should have taken a more balanced approach by showing some real game play of COD instead of just showing a game trailer. This would drive home their focus on innovation in the place where it counts most.... GAMES. It also allows for opportunities to talk about their new controller/Kinect and how it affects game play. These are small things that make a big difference and Microsoft lost out on a huge opportunity.

Lastly, I felt today's biggest announcement was an afterthought in the midst of the TV multimedia talk. No one is even talking about the fact that Microsoft will be having 15 exclusive games, 8 of which are new IP's. :nerd:

THAT is what is going to sell the XBox One. The exclusive titles and the new IP's. All this other TV/Kinect stuff could have been leaked through the gaming media.

At E3 Microsoft must focus on those exclusive games and make sure they differentiate themselves in that category.
Phil Harrison himself was the one who said there would be a fee and he's the VP of Microsoft.

This is becoming a mess, they need to get the proper info out there quick.
but im pretty sure some of those exclusives are those kinect exclusives which lets be honest are all pretty subpar, like psmove games.
Video game consoles have officially hit a ceiling. Seems the actual video games are on the bottom of every game developer/producers list, except Nintendo of course. You can say all the ignorant garbage you want about Nintendo but they're the only company STILL building hardware AROUND their software. Sony and M$ Touting all this useless tech, micro-transactions, achievements etc. Just say it, you want to milk the people for everything they've got. We don't even "own" video games anymore, we own "licenses". EA is notorious for pushing this agenda and HEY, look who they partnered up with. Once they decide to take a game offline, you won't get to play it anymore even though you own it. 

It's a just a no win situation for gamers. They're using your own laziness against you. You can build a PC for less than the cost of a PS4/Xbox One (what a terrible name) and run everything in higher resolutions and frame rate. Also, the discounts on games are RIDICULOUS. I find the older I get, the more I'm leaning towards this experience. It's effortless, cheap, and more personal than anything offered on consoles.

To each their own though. I just can't see myself buying into this garbage this time. It's just too expensive and underwhelming to justify a purchase..  Just my 2 cents.
I've read through the whole thread and it seems to me that people are just rationalizing the inherent faults of the XBox One.

The fact that the system does not allow used games is a HUGE drawback. This fact alone may keep many consumers from buying this machine.

Just like the PS4 keynote, Microsoft spent most of time talking about the non-gaming features. Where I'll give Sony credit is that they actually showed some real game play. Microsoft literally spend 34 minutes talking about the new Kinect/TV integration. The TV functionality and Smart Glass technologies are not casual friendly and are in most cases irrelevant on a video game console.

From a gaming perspective, there is absolutely nothing to be excited about other than "wait for E3". There is hardly anything "next gen" about this console beside graphics. They didn't show any new game play mechanics or even talk about how the XBox One will change the way consumers play video games. Instead we saw how Microsoft wants to change the way consumers watch TV. In short, the XBox One a multimedia device in a market that is all about GAMES.

This approach is largely why I feel the video game industry needs to get back to the basics. Video games should be all about FUN. Whichever company (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) can best convey this message will win this next generation. Its not about RAM, TV functionality, or some exclusive DLC... Its about who makes the best content that consumers can play and have fun with.

As of today it is safe to say the XBox brand is no longer synonymous with video games. I feel Microsoft has lost sight of what makes video games fun and will struggle in this very competitive marketplace moving forward if they don't shift their focus.

Serious question but why do you feel that developers and console makers need to change the way people play video games? Isn't sitting down in front of a viewing device, picking up a controller, and enjoying the software good enough?

You mentioned "Its about who makes the best content that consumers can play and have fun with." Nintendo did that with the Wii. Outselling everyone else, getting new people into gaming, pushing the entire younger consumer generation and families to have one. Then they get crucified by "the hardcore". But obviously they did something right, yet everyone casts them off like they didn't win the console war...
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Xbox One is gonna be a huge target for hackers. :lol:

But then again, if it does blow up in there face, the could abandon ship pretty easily. So I could see why MS would think "why not try"
You're gonna make a long term decision based on a 60 min presentation, which didn't even include what they have to offer on the gaming side.

-Can't wait for E3 when MS is unveiling a extensive line up of games, and Sony has to break the news that some of the awesome features you saw at the unveiling will be behind a pay-wall
well it is a game system so yes, they messed up by even presenting a GAMING console without showing the gaming features... Microsofts focus is obviously NOT on the gaming experience, instead they want to show you all the features that people wont end up using.... 

MS said before they unveil the damn console that they are saving the gaming announcements/surprises/exclusives for E3.

They even repeated it right after the unveiling.

And even during the unveiling they said that 15 exclusives are coming in the first year, 8 of them being new IPs.

There was two new exclusives shown during the show, one of them being a new IP.

You plain and simple haven't been paying attention bruh
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more sony fanboys vs xbox fan boys crap smh. why cant you all just like what you want to like and quit hating on **** you dont like looking like big *** dorks and crybabies.

quit being an iheartboost :lol:

Xbox One Is Not Always Online, But Seems To Restrict Used Games

The next Xbox won't require an Internet connection to function, but could very well block used games, unless you feel like paying Microsoft some extra cash.

Wired got a look at Xbox One before today's big reveal, and they say that games will require installation to use. “On the new Xbox, all game discs are installed to the HDD to play,” Microsoft told them.

But games will be tied to an Xbox Live account, Wired reveals—or else you'd just be able to pass games around to everyone you know. And if you want to link a game to a second account, you'll have to pay a fee:

What follows naturally from this is that each disc would have to be tied to a unique Xbox Live account, else you could take a single disc and pass it between everyone you know and copy the game over and over. Since this is clearly not going to happen, each disc must then only install for a single owner.

Microsoft did say that if a disc was used with a second account, that owner would be given the option to pay a fee and install the game from the disc, which would then mean that the new account would also own the game and could play it without the disc.

But what if a second person simply wanted to put the disc in and play the game without installing – and without paying extra? In other words, what happens to our traditional concept of a “used game”? This is a question for which Microsoft did not yet have an answer, and is surely something that game buyers (as well as renters and lenders) will want to know.
Probably the most idiotic feature I've ever heard of.

I'll pass.
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Video game consoles have officially hit a ceiling. Seems the actual video games are on the bottom of every game developer/producers list, except Nintendo of course. You can say all the ignorant garbage you want about Nintendo but they're the only company STILL building hardware AROUND their software. Sony and M$ Touting all this useless tech, micro-transactions, achievements etc. Just say it, you want to milk the people for everything they've got. We don't even "own" video games anymore, we own "licenses". EA is notorious for pushing this agenda and HEY, look who they partnered up with. Once they decide to take a game offline, you won't get to play it anymore even though you own it. 

It's a just a no win situation for gamers. They're using your own laziness against you. You can build a PC for less than the cost of a PS4/Xbox One (what a terrible name) and run everything in higher resolutions and frame rate. Also, the discounts on games are RIDICULOUS. I find the older I get, the more I'm leaning towards this experience. It's effortless, cheap, and more personal than anything offered on consoles.

To each their own though. I just can't see myself buying into this garbage this time. It's just too expensive and underwhelming to justify a purchase..  Just my 2 cents.

Nintendo is building hardware around their software but only their software. The third party situation for the Wii-U is dire. EA has NO games in development for it at all, not even Fifa which is still coming out on PS2. A lot of devs are ignoring it as well.

If you saw Sony's conference you'll see that they contacted their studios and third party devs for advice and that's why it got the most praise. That's why you see GDDR5 everywhere because they built it with developers in mind after the battering they got over the PS3.

I do agree with some of the bad practices we see today from some devs but it's not everyone.

Also no way you'll get a PC that will cost less than the PS4 and will perform better. I built a PC recently with an AMD 7850 and that cost £150 alone. Total price was £760. The GPU in the PS4 is meant to be power wise in between a 7850 and a 7970 and as we know consoles sell at a lost when they first release. They are more efficient since they are made with games in mind.
I didnt know so many people cared about lending/borrowing games and buying used games.

1. I havent done any of those things in years.
2. I dont trust anybody with my $60+ disk
3. I usually buy my games from best buy when they have a sale or something
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This dude is spot on though.  I could careless about all of those features.   I'm buying the PS4 or XboxOne strictly for gaming purposes.
I can count on one hand....

A: How many times I've needed to borrow a game from someone
B: Played PS2 games on PS3, Xbox games on 360, etc...
C: Used the internet through the system for anything other than online play

A. If you live with roommates/siblings everyone shares games. Not everyone has the same account
B. I dont care about this either
C. Netflix?!??!?! HBOGo!?!?!? Huge features IMO

Also, does this mean once you buy a game you can never return it?
Serious question but why do you feel that developers and console makers need to change the way people play video games? Isn't sitting down in front of a viewing device, picking up a controller, and enjoying the software good enough?

No it's not good enough. Without innovation in game play mechanics the video game industry will die. What if there was no one to introduced shoulder buttons, analog sticks, or motion controls? Imagine still playing with Joysticks and one button.... :x

You mentioned "Its about who makes the best content that consumers can play and have fun with." Nintendo did that with the Wii. Outselling everyone else, getting new people into gaming, pushing the entire younger consumer generation and families to have one. Then they get crucified by "the hardcore". But obviously they did something right, yet everyone casts them off like they didn't win the console war...

Real hardcore gamers didn't crucify Nintendo. Real hardcore gamers play games on all platforms and are objective. As offwhitewhite said, Nintendo is successful because they take chances and design their consoles around their games. Has it affected their image in the minds of some gamers? Some can argue that it has, but it doesn't change the fact they the are the most profitable company in the gaming industry. Nintendo is laughing all the way to the bank.

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Video game consoles have officially hit a ceiling. Seems the actual video games are on the bottom of every game developer/producers list, except Nintendo of course. You can say all the ignorant garbage you want about Nintendo but they're the only company STILL building hardware AROUND their software. Sony and M$ Touting all this useless tech, micro-transactions, achievements etc. Just say it, you want to milk the people for everything they've got. We don't even "own" video games anymore, we own "licenses". EA is notorious for pushing this agenda and HEY, look who they partnered up with. Once they decide to take a game offline, you won't get to play it anymore even though you own it. 

It's a just a no win situation for gamers. They're using your own laziness against you. You can build a PC for less than the cost of a PS4/Xbox One (what a terrible name) and run everything in higher resolutions and frame rate. Also, the discounts on games are RIDICULOUS. I find the older I get, the more I'm leaning towards this experience. It's effortless, cheap, and more personal than anything offered on consoles.

To each their own though. I just can't see myself buying into this garbage this time. It's just too expensive and underwhelming to justify a purchase..  Just my 2 cents.

Nintendo is building hardware around their software but only their software. The third party situation for the Wii-U is dire. EA has NO games in development for it at all, not even Fifa which is still coming out on PS2. A lot of devs are ignoring it as well.

If you saw Sony's conference you'll see that they contacted their studios and third party devs for advice and that's why it got the most praise. That's why you see GDDR5 everywhere because they built it with developers in mind after the battering they got over the PS3.

I do agree with some of the bad practices we see today from some devs but it's not everyone.

Also no way you'll get a PC that will cost less than the PS4 and will perform better. I built a PC recently with an AMD 7850 and that cost £150 alone. Total price was £760. The GPU in the PS4 is meant to be power wise in between a 7850 and a 7970 and as we know consoles sell at a lost when they first release. They are more efficient since they are made with games in mind.
Honestly Nintendo has always come through with their games. I haven't got the wii-u yet but once Mario kart 3d Mario Zelda and a new smash bros is announced I will. I have always saw the wii as a complimentary system to my ps3. The Wii u will be the same. I plan on getting the ps4 the Xbox doesn't seem to good. Also what if u need to buy a new system cause urs breaks or send in ur old system and u get a refurbished one back will u still be able to play ur games. Like this used game crap is stupid
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