Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

How many of you guys currently have your systems hooked up to a TV? How many have them hooked up to a computer monitor?
Id agree if the wii out of the gate didnt do so  well...Did it have not really (yea i know it had gamecube etc...) But it sold out the gate because it was cheaper...had a variety of different games, they were inexpensive, and it had the whole netflix factor. Most ppl dont continously play order games, the reason they have said games is because the trade in value is so low, or perhaps they never really got a chance to play the game much.
It had B.C, but no one would say that was selling point. Wii sold because of the motion gaming aspect that attracted a lot of people, even non usual gamers. Wii was last system to get netflix, and this was no where near "out the gate", so dunno what you mean by that.

Why in the world if i have a xbox one...gta v is out...and im thinking oh i want to play gta iv for 360 but dont want to have to set up the older system. No way i can see someone having a ps4...2k14 comes out and they negate to not only buy the ps4 version but opt to play/buy 2k13 for ps3 and money wasnt a determining factor.
Both these are horrible examples.

I loved metal gear solid...but i cant see playing it over and over after ive beaten it...especially when a newer/better version is available on a system i done drop well over 500 bucks on. Nor can i see myself buying the outdated lesser version on a older system...especially when i invested all this money in a newer system, outside of i dont have the funds to buy the new system version.

I loved batman arkham etc... but i cant see years from now wanting to play it again on xbox one...the 360 version, when there is a newer xbox one version out. But i could see someone wanting to buy iy cause its cheap, they never got around to playing it and its a great game. And i think this is why majority of ppl want backwards compatibility. To get games from previous systems they missed out on due to not having the money etc... Or games that were slept on. If it was the majority in your scenario..places like gamestop wouldnt even exist. Majority of ppl who want b.c. isnt ppl who hold games for years and want to play past generation games over and over despite newer and better versions of games/systems have came out.

People want it at launch so they have games to play at launch when there are few games available and probably not many in every genre. A few years from now when a lot of games are already released, people will care less and less about it. "The majority" you are referring to in "my scenario" doesn't apply since the concept only applies for launches which happen once every 6-8 years. Gamestop will be selling new PS4 games at launch, not used, and will stay like that until people finish games and start selling them back(which probably won't be too long). Gamestop existed before trade-ins, so thats not really much of a point.

Anyways, done arguing about it, cause you keep making stuff up that I didn't even say and then arguing against that. So this is pointless.
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Has anyone talked about the unlock fee? It looks like if you buy a used game & want to play it on the new console, you will have to pay full retail price of game in order to play....
no one has, tell us moar!

Xbox One Used Game Fee Is the Retail Price of the Title

Microsoft has further detailed the method in which the Xbox One implements a fee for owners who want to play a used (pre-owned) copy of a game, saying that they'll have to pay the game's current retail price in order to experience it.

The Xbox One was showcased to the world yesterday by Microsoft, and the company talked at lengths about its entertainment features and showcased a few of its games.

The company briefly mentioned that the console would support used games, but that owners who want to experience a pre-owned version of a title would have to pay a fee.

According to Microsoft's Phil Harrison, the system is quite simple and allows much of the freedom currently experienced by Xbox 360 owners.

"Our plans are very consistent with the way the world works today, which is if I buy a disc I can install it on my machine, I can play it and anyone associated with my machine can play it as well," Harrison told CVG.

"I can give that disc to somebody else - maybe my son who has his own Xbox One somewhere else in the house - and he can install and play it on his machine. I can come to your house with that disc, I can install it on your machine and we can play it and while I'm with you we can have all of the capabilities of that game."

Harrison's statement was clarified by Xbox Community Manager Larry Hryb, who said that the player who registered the game on his account can play it on any console he wants as long as he's logged into it.

"The moment I go home and notionally take that disc with me, you no longer have the ability to play that game," Harrison continued. "But the 'bits' are on your hard drive, so if you want to play that game you can buy it - you can go to the online store, buy it and it's instantly unlocked and playable on your machine. All of the privileges I just described in my house would now apply in yours as well."

The Microsoft executive mentioned to Kotaku in a discussion about the used games fee that, in the case of a newly released title, the fee will consist of the game's current price.

As a result, buying a used copy no longer makes sense as Xbox One owners will still have to pay the same amount of money, not less as they do on the Xbox 360.
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I don't see the big deal about headsets not working for the next generation. They are accessories for the 360 not the one.
Man the wii sold be cause it was the cheapest. Period
N64 was cheaper than PS1
PS1 sold the most units

Gamecube and Dreamcast were cheaper than PS2 and Xbox
PS2 sold more than Xbox which sold more than Gamecube/Dreamcast

Low price obviously helped, but the motion gaming was the main reason it did so well.
You definitely can attribute price to PS3 bad initial launch though.

I don't see the big deal about headsets not working for the next generation. They are accessories for the 360 not the one.
Its a headset though, why can't I just have one bluetooth headset and carry it over to next generation. But like you said, its not a big deal.
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Man the wii sold be cause it was the cheapest. Period
N64 was cheaper than PS1
PS1 sold the most units

Gamecube and Dreamcast were cheaper than PS2 and Xbox
PS2 sold more than Xbox which sold more than Gamecube/Dreamcast

I don't see the big deal about headsets not working for the next generation. They are accessories for the 360 not the one.
Its a headset though, why can't I just have one bluetooth headset and carry it over to next generation. But like you said, its not a big deal.

My Turtle Beach is still working perfectly too :smh:
Man the wii sold be cause it was the cheapest. Period
N64 was cheaper than PS1
PS1 sold the most units

Gamecube and Dreamcast were cheaper than PS2 and Xbox
PS2 sold more than Xbox which sold more than Gamecube/Dreamcast

I don't see the big deal about headsets not working for the next generation. They are accessories for the 360 not the one.
Its a headset though, why can't I just have one bluetooth headset and carry it over to next generation. But like you said, its not a big deal.

You can brah. Ps3/ps4
But in the end you shelled out the extra money for a 360 headset not a every Xbox for life headset
Because of the lack of backwards compatibility the XBox One will be indirectly competing with the 360 for the same games.What will be the incentive for current XBox 360 owners to spend the $400+ to upgrade? Better TV/NFL integration?? Slightly better graphics?

Like some have stated it seems that some of the biggest games for the XBox One will be already on the current gen systems. As a consumer I would rather save my money and purchase the new COD/Madden/FIFA/2K on the console I already have and get the new XBox ONE when the price drops or when better games come out.

The way things are shaping up the launch of the XBox One could be disastrous. In the eyes of gamers the PS4 will be the more powerful console and the Wii U will be the cheaper offering with a wider library of games/exclusives. The question is whether casuals catch on and will see value in Microsoft's new offering.
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But I also heard the ps4 isn't going to be backwards compatible either
Not really looking to get the ps4 or Xbox one
The lack of new games is frustrating plus with working full time and actually having a girlfriend I like this time, just don't have time
But I am excited for the last of us and remember me and gtv5 this summer
excellent point spottieottie repped

It would be helpful for them to switch up the marketing a little bit which i am assuming will happen at E3. Where the focus will be toward the games and Xbox One exclusive titles (if any exists).
Its amazing how the previous couple posts are talking about what games are/aren't going to be on the systems and E3 is two weeks away... you guys lmao
N64 was cheaper than PS1
PS1 sold the most units

Gamecube and Dreamcast were cheaper than PS2 and Xbox
PS2 sold more than Xbox which sold more than Gamecube/Dreamcast

Low price obviously helped, but the motion gaming was the main reason it did so well.
You definitely can attribute price to PS3 bad initial launch though.
Its a headset though, why can't I just have one bluetooth headset and carry it over to next generation. But like you said, its not a big deal.

At the end of the day the PS1/PS2 sold better because the games attracted the casual audience. GameCube and N64 had classic games, but it hardly had the 3rd party support to make it that "go to" system of choice.

The original Wii was successful because it was a breath of fresh air. Video games were becoming stale and the motion controls got everyone excited about video games again. The Wii Sports games and Mario Kart combined to sell over 150 millions units. That's INSANE!!

Whatever company (Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo) is able to ignite the casuals will win this generation. So far no system has shown me any indications that they will be the "go to" console. Only time will tell.

This E3 is going to be very important.
Because of the lack of backwards compatibility the XBox One will be indirectly competing with the 360 for the same games.What will be the incentive for current XBox 360 owners to spend the $400+ to upgrade? Better TV/NFL integration?? Slightly better graphics?

Like some have stated it seems that some of the biggest games for the XBox One will be already on the current gen systems. As a consumer I would rather save my money and purchase the new COD/Madden/FIFA/2K on the console I already have and get the new XBox ONE when the price drops or when better games come out.

The way things are shaping up the launch of the XBox One could be disastrous. In the eyes of gamers the PS4 will be the more powerful console and the Wii U will be the cheaper offering with a wider library of games/exclusives. The question is whether casuals catch on and will see value in Microsoft's new offering.
Both of the systems aren't going to be backwards compatible.

This can't be your first go round with a new generation of consoles, they always gimp the previous gen games by not giving them key features that force you into an upgrade or sitting there feeling like you aren't getting the full experience.

Not to mention the fact that if most of the games you play are multiplayer shooters or sports games online, the majority of your competition/friends move on to new systems within the first year of release.

As someone as already said, the most powerful console has never been the winner.  Mainly because the most powerful console is the most expensive also.
At the end of the day the PS1/PS2 sold better because the games attracted the casual audience. GameCube and N64 had classic games, but it hardly had the 3rd party support to make it that "go to" system of choice.

The original Wii was successful because it was a breath of fresh air. Video games were becoming stale and the motion controls got everyone excited about video games again. The Wii Sports games and Mario Kart combined to sell over 150 millions units. That's INSANE!!

Whatever company (Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo) is able to ignite the casuals will win this generation. So far no system has shown me any indications that they will be the "go to" console. Only time will tell.

This E3 is going to be very important.

I was just responding to that post, and pointing out that the price isn't the main/only reason for consoles selling well.

Wii Sports numbers are misleading, since with the exception of Japan, it was bundled with sales of Wii console its self, so everyone had it.

I agree that no one really has been too impressive so far. The Gaps from PS1>PS2/xbox and then PS2/Xbox>Ps3 360 was a lot more wow and impressive.

No clue how this next generation will go. MS basically already has backed off all the statements about used games and stuff, and said "we aren't' sure yet" or "nothing is final". So all the backlash they are receiving now may not have big affect if they completely pull out. Chances are they are waiting to see what Sony does in same regards, and they will based decision on that if they can. I highly doubt Sony will make same mistake they did last time around with abnormally high price, but I'm pretty sure box X1 and PS4 will cost a good bit. It would be nice if it was in Same 300-350 range that Wii U is, but I doubt it.

If you are bored at work, give this a listen.

It's IGN's Playstation podcast. However, they go over the XBox One reveal and raise alot of great points about how Microsoft may have done exactly what it needed to do.

Give it a listen. Even though it is a Playstation podcast, it has a ton of rational conversation... hopefully something we can bring to the thread. :lol:

I'm always bored at work, gonna give this a listen. Thanks
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First Round Of Xbox One Vs. PS4 Goes To Microsoft

Microsoft revealed its new console, the Xbox One, today, and the console race is officially on. It’s not close to finished, but both Sony and Microsoft have had a chance to give us a first look at their new consoles, and I’m handing this first round to Microsoft. Neither company exactly blew it out of the water, but in a battle of mostly-boring, unsatisfactory console reveals, Microsoft’s felt more together.

First, the obvious point. Sony did not show us a console, Microsoft did. It matters. It lets us know what we’re talking about, and it gives the impression that the company has it a little together. The rest of the set up its vision of the modern console — broad strokes all around, but impressive partnerships and a much more thorough look at what it will actually be to use the device. The NFL and EA Sports are very good friends to have. Better, I would argue, than Jonathan Blow.

We still have a lot of unanswered questions about internet connection requirements and used games — it’s likely that the Xbox One will feature some sort of restriction on used games, but not necessarily require an internet connection to function. This gives Sony an opportunity to announce that it won’t restrict used games at all, and curry favor with the hardcore crowd — if publishers aren’t pressuring them otherwise. None of this is particularly great news, but the real question is how it will influence the game between these two consoles. My guess is that we’ll hear something similar from Sony as we’re hearing from Microsoft now, and none of this controversy will be able move the needle much for anyone but Gamestop.

Parts of the gaming community are definitely pleased about what Sony didn’t announce — they didn’t spend time on TV, didn’t try and storm the living room with a battering ram, and lent most of their stage to a series of developers. That’s great. I have full faith that we’ll see a huge number of big, great games on the Xbox at E3, and most games will be multi-platform anyway. For this generation, I don’t think any hardware library is going to be different enough to dictate a system’s future. Except the Wii U’s.

Both of these consoles still badly need to justify their own existence, and I’m not sure either will be a runaway success. Sony has plenty of time to come back swinging. But what I saw from Sony’s PS4 reveal was more of the same. What I saw from Microsoft was all of that old stuff with a lot more added on top. When it comes down to buying time in the fall, I think we’re going to be looking at two fairly similar consoles, with fairly similar pricing schemes and software lineups. The difference will be all of Xbox One’s new features, and that could sway purchasing decisions.
But I also heard the ps4 isn't going to be backwards compatible either
Not really looking to get the ps4 or Xbox one
The lack of new games is frustrating plus with working full time and actually having a girlfriend I like this time, just don't have time
But I am excited for the last of us and remember me and gtv5 this summer

As this is a XBox thread I didn't go into details about Sony's current situation, but lacking backwards compatibility could hurt the PS4 as well. I was wondering myself if GTA V will be on Next generation systems?

If so, will people buy them on XBox One/PS4 or will they stick to the XBox 360/PS3? Remember this game comes out in September. A good 1 or 2 months before the new systems come out.

Its amazing how the previous couple posts are talking about what games are/aren't going to be on the systems and E3 is two weeks away... you guys lmao

What you say is true. We don't know what games are slated to release with the system. But from what we DO know it's getting COD/Madden/FIFA, etc. Let's not pretend that launch games are magical. As history shows, most system launches are lackluster and might have one "must have" title with a bunch of ports and shovleware. Do you remember the crap the XBox 360 launched with?

Amped 3
Call of Duty 2
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Every Party
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup
Kameo: Elements of Power
Madden NFL 06
NBA Live 06
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
Project Gotham Racing 3
Quake 4
Ridge Racer 6
Tetris: The Grandmaster ACE
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
This can't be your first go round with a new generation of consoles, they always gimp the previous gen games by not giving them key features that force you into an upgrade or sitting there feeling like you aren't getting the full experience.

Not to mention the fact that if most of the games you play are multiplayer shooters or sports games online, the majority of your competition/friends move on to new systems within the first year of release.

As someone as already said, the most powerful console has never been the winner.  Mainly because the most powerful console is the most expensive also.

I've been playing video games since the original NES. I've been around for every major launch since the SNES/Genesis. I've never heard of a company "gimping" a game to force you to buy the next generation's game. From a business perspective that makes no sense.

A company is not going to intentionally release a lackluster game on a console with an already established user base and then turn around and release the best version on a system with no installed base.

Most game developers improve the graphics and tailor the game to a new console's unique feature set... that's it. Lets use Madden as an example. When the XBox 360 launched, the PS2/XBox versions were still better. The only improvement was that XBox 360's Madden had better graphics/updated rosters.
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