Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

Not to mention the fact that if most of the games you play are multiplayer shooters or sports games online, the majority of your competition/friends move on to new systems within the first year of release.
:rolleyes within first year?
This can't be your first go round with a new generation of consoles, they always gimp the previous gen games by not giving them key features that force you into an upgrade or sitting there feeling like you aren't getting the full experience.

Not to mention the fact that if most of the games you play are multiplayer shooters or sports games online, the majority of your competition/friends move on to new systems within the first year of release.

As someone as already said, the most powerful console has never been the winner.  Mainly because the most powerful console is the most expensive also.

I've been playing video games since the original NES. I've been around for every major launch since the SNES/Genesis. I've never heard of a company "gimping" a game to force you to buy the next generation's game. From a business perspective that makes no sense.

A company is not going to intentionally release a lackluster game on a console with an already established user base and then turn around and release the best version on a system with no installed base.

Most game developers improve the graphics and tailor the game to a new console's unique feature set... that's it. Lets use Madden as an example. When the XBox 360 launched, the PS2/XBox versions were still better. The only improvement was that XBox 360's Madden had better graphics/updated rosters.

I'm sorry bro, I had it backwards. The next gen games were the ones that were gimped on the 360 and I'm speaking specifically about the sports games.

Not to mention the fact that if most of the games you play are multiplayer shooters or sports games online, the majority of your competition/friends move on to new systems within the first year of release.
:rolleyes within first year?

Yea, within the first year. I guarantee within 6 months after the release of these new systems my Xbox 360 friends list is going to be a ghost town in terms of people that are still going to be on that system.
As this is a XBox thread I didn't go into details about Sony's current situation, but lacking backwards compatibility could hurt the PS4 as well. I was wondering myself if GTA V will be on Next generation systems?

If so, will people buy them on XBox One/PS4 or will they stick to the XBox 360/PS3? Remember this game comes out in September. A good 1 or 2 months before the new systems come out.
What you say is true. We don't know what games are slated to release with the system. But from what we DO know it's getting COD/Madden/FIFA, etc. Let's not pretend that launch games are magical. As history shows, most system launches are lackluster and might have one "must have" title with a bunch of ports and shovleware. Do you remember the crap the XBox 360 launched with?

Amped 3
Call of Duty 2
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Every Party
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup
Kameo: Elements of Power
Madden NFL 06
NBA Live 06
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
Project Gotham Racing 3
Quake 4
Ridge Racer 6
Tetris: The Grandmaster ACE
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

The first madden on 360 was TERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE.

And if theres any gimping done its to push newer titles to the next gen. The majority of next gen first launches literally suck compared to the games they come out with in the next few years.
As this is a XBox thread I didn't go into details about Sony's current situation, but lacking backwards compatibility could hurt the PS4 as well. I was wondering myself if GTA V will be on Next generation systems?

If so, will people buy them on XBox One/PS4 or will they stick to the XBox 360/PS3? Remember this game comes out in September. A good 1 or 2 months before the new systems come out.
What you say is true. We don't know what games are slated to release with the system. But from what we DO know it's getting COD/Madden/FIFA, etc. Let's not pretend that launch games are magical. As history shows, most system launches are lackluster and might have one "must have" title with a bunch of ports and shovleware. Do you remember the crap the XBox 360 launched with?

Amped 3
Call of Duty 2
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Every Party
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup
Kameo: Elements of Power
Madden NFL 06
NBA Live 06
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
Project Gotham Racing 3
Quake 4
Ridge Racer 6
Tetris: The Grandmaster ACE
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
COD2 is crap

joint is easily a classic.
LMAO at yall thinking the WII U will outsell xbox one and ps4...

[h4]Worldwide sales figures[/h4]

  1. Wii – 99.84 million as of 31 March 2013[SUP][8][/SUP]
  2. PlayStation 3 – 70 million as of 4 November 2012[SUP][54][/SUP] (IDC January 2013 estimate: "about 77 million")[SUP][55][/SUP][SUP][56][/SUP]
  3. Xbox 360 – 74.94 million as of 31 December 2012[SUP][57][/SUP]

Using that argument, the PS3 should have outsold the Wii and 360.
Will do what I usually do & not purchase the first version upon RD. Microsoft always offers a bundle and/or revised version a few months later...
I had.....SNES, Sega, N64, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, 360. Looks like its time to go back to Playstation.

Man i really wanted to stay with Xbox too, but all these new features make it hard. That Kinect always connected crap and used games BS made the decision that much easier.

I hate the Playstation controller though :smh: :lol:
It had B.C, but no one would say that was selling point. Wii sold because of the motion gaming aspect that attracted a lot of people, even non usual gamers. Wii was last system to get netflix, and this was no where near "out the gate", so dunno what you mean by that.
Both these are horrible examples.
People want it at launch so they have games to play at launch when there are few games available and probably not many in every genre. A few years from now when a lot of games are already released, people will care less and less about it. "The majority" you are referring to in "my scenario" doesn't apply since the concept only applies for launches which happen once every 6-8 years. Gamestop will be selling new PS4 games at launch, not used, and will stay like that until people finish games and start selling them back(which probably won't be too long). Gamestop existed before trade-ins, so thats not really much of a point.

Anyways, done arguing about it, cause you keep making stuff up that I didn't even say and then arguing against that. So this is pointless.
Exactly wii sold cause it had something new different...and it had a variety of different games. And true it didnt have netflix first but alot of ppl got one if nothing else but to use netflix because it was a cheaper buy then the other systems..

If like you said there isnt alot of games from launch...although releases at launch in terms of systems is more now then ever before.. Then why even buy the system? If it isnt because of hype, just to say you have it, or the whole my kids are bugging me and its a must buy?

If there isnt a large variety of games...the system is overpriced, and in recent years filled with bugs and defects why even purchase at launch? If not for hype and oh look at me i got it before you, i was the first...look at me. Like i said ppl buy it for hype just because... buy a game a two, get bored with it, and use b.c. as a means to justify buying it early until more games come out, games go on sale, or time has passed to which used games are available.

Cause if you got a system already, with tons of games you havent even played, and also tons of games you still want to get for the system, Why go out and spend 500+ on a new system, in which there isnt many games your gonna play, and mainly are gonna use it to play games for a system you already own? Wouldnt it make more sense to just keep your old system...seeing as you still spend majority of your gaming playing older generation games, and are still continuing to buy the older system games. Then to buy a launch system. That 500+ dollars could be used to buy the games you missed out on, on the system you currently have. Then wait till the new system has a price drop, bugs/defects are fixed, and the library of titles that you are interested in are available.

I probably will get one or perhaps 2 of the latest systems...but to pay a overhyped/overcharged price...without having games i want just to say i have it...and to use it just to play games that i can already play with the system i already have...iuno kinda makes about as much sense as 2 kicds with no chicks.
I had.....SNES, Sega, N64, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, 360. Looks like its time to go back to Playstation.

Man i really wanted to stay with Xbox too, but all these new features make it hard. That Kinect always connected crap and used games BS made the decision that much easier.

I hate the Playstation controller though :smh: :lol:

They got a bunch of good thrid party ones now.

Probably will have some for the PS4 too
Because of the lack of backwards compatibility the XBox One will be indirectly competing with the 360 for the same games.What will be the incentive for current XBox 360 owners to spend the $400+ to upgrade? Better TV/NFL integration?? Slightly better graphics?

Like some have stated it seems that some of the biggest games for the XBox One will be already on the current gen systems. As a consumer I would rather save my money and purchase the new COD/Madden/FIFA/2K on the console I already have and get the new XBox ONE when the price drops or when better games come out.

The way things are shaping up the launch of the XBox One could be disastrous. In the eyes of gamers the PS4 will be the more powerful console and the Wii U will be the cheaper offering with a wider library of games/exclusives. The question is whether casuals catch on and will see value in Microsoft's new offering.
but hasnt this always been the case...they still was releasing the same games on ps1 as well as ps 2, ps2 as they were ps3...and xbox did the same as well. I agree the xbox one could go either way. I could see ppl who dont have a xbox 360 getting it for its all in one factor...but the whole internet must be on atleast once for an hour everyday could kinda ruin that. I also see the hypebeast and hardcore video game junkies buying it just because its new, and just to say i have it. Ps4 who knows...and i think wiiu will be the turtle in the race..slow and steady and will eventually win the race.

Plus with the way game systems and well games in general are going in terms of releases. Its gonna get to a point (imo) ppl are going to get tired of multiple variations of war simulated fps, sci fi fps, multiple versions of gta type games, and your standard sports games. With nintendo always comming with a variety of different genres of games, concept of games, different and innovative ways to play for games, plus it will be at a fraction of the cost.

Youll have the so call real gamers...hardcore gamers, that will say oh well real gamers dont play a new version of donkey kong, or starfox...etc. Real gamers play crysis and the plethera of games similiar to it. True gamers play the 10 million variations of c.o.d, battlefield and other war simulated fps.

But at the end of the day i believe the war of the game systems will end the same way it did in this current generation with wiiu topping them all and ms/sony somewhere in a distant 2nd/3rd.
But at the end of the day i believe the war of the game systems will end the same way it did in this current generation with wiiu topping them all and ms/sony somewhere in a distant 2nd/3rd.
Wii won this generation, but I wouldn't say its a distant 2nd/3rd. Especially when you compare it to the last few generations, where 2nd and 3rd were a distant 2nd/3rd. This generation was extremely close, and its a good thing, since it means next generation everyone has to be on the top of their game in order to keep competitive.

But so far Wii U sales ain't looking that great yet, but its way too early to tell how it will go. Mostly we will have to see how PS4 and X1 launches go to really compare anything. 360 got a year head start on this generation, and then Wii passed them, and Sony caught up to them. So we'll see if Wii U can keep up in sales with these next two systems when the time comes.
Wii won this generation, but I wouldn't say its a distant 2nd/3rd. Especially when you compare it to the last few generations, where 2nd and 3rd were a distant 2nd/3rd. This generation was extremely close, and its a good thing, since it means next generation everyone has to be on the top of their game in order to keep competitive.

But so far Wii U sales ain't looking that great yet, but its way too early to tell how it will go. Mostly we will have to see how PS4 and X1 launches go to really compare anything. 360 got a year head start on this generation, and then Wii passed them, and Sony caught up to them. So we'll see if Wii U can keep up in sales with these next two systems when the time comes.
but wii kinda did if you think about it... nintendo pretty much stop supporting the wii as early as about 2 years before the wiiu was released. The amount of game releases etc... exclusives stopped years ago. So if you look at wii at its prime...when it actually recieved support and games were coming out on a regular basis, it had a pretty moderate lead on 360...and the ps3 couldnt even be seen in the rearview mirror.

The constant changes and price slashes of the aforementioned 2, and nintendos for lack of better words, abandonment of the wii is imo the only reason the other two system gained some traction, and i believe the wii despite being abandon for easily 2 or so years still has like a 20+ million lead over 360 and what a 30+ close to 40 million lead over ps3 despitee both systems continually dropping games etc...on somewhat a regular basis.
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Need For Speed has been GARBAGE since the 2005 version of Most Wanted. PASS!
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but wii kinda did if you think about it... nintendo pretty much stop supporting the wii as early as about 2 years before the wiiu was released. The amount of game releases etc... exclusives stopped years ago. So if you look at wii at its prime...when it actually recieved support and games were coming out on a regular basis, it had a pretty moderate lead on 360...and the ps3 couldnt even be seen in the rearview mirror.

The constant changes and price slashes of the aforementioned 2, and nintendos for lack of better words, abandonment of the wii is imo the only reason the other two system gained some traction, and i believe the wii despite being abandon for easily 2 or so years still has like a 20+ million lead over 360 and what a 30+ close to 40 million lead over ps3 despitee both systems continually dropping games etc...on somewhat a regular basis.
Wii won. No argument.
360 and PS3 sales are almost identical. 360 has no where close to a 30 million lead over ps3 lol

I was saying Wii has about a 20+M lead on both, where as the last 2 generations the lead ended up being like 70-80M units. It was a lot closer this time around, where as before it was one leader way way ahead of the rest.
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Regarding the Used Games thing, I don't think they plan on charging you Full Price $60 when you buy a used game. I predict that it would be $10-$15, which is $10-$15 more than anyone should pay, but is much less than $60.

And I would think that when you want to sell your Used game to Ebgames, you have to disassociate your Xbox Live account from it, then a new buyer pays Ebgames the Used price $15 whatever it may be, then when they go home to activate, they pay the $10 "fee".

But this still completely destroys borrowing games from your friends, Blockbuster, Redbox, and Gamefly. :smh:
been with Xbox since the 1st one and all the fat controllers playing NFL Fever and Halo all night :lol:

when the Xbox and 360 you just had the feeling and seen the growth of something new and you was excited to get your hands on it

with this new Xbox One I feel like its gonna be a set back

I hate to say it but I leaning towards the dark side

PS4 might be my 1st choice

Im gonna hold out till E3
cant wait to get my hands on this new machine. I been off cable for a year, as I use Netflix n Hulu and get live sports for websites. So the great attention given to multimedia integration is right up my alley. I can play 2k14 and watch my shows seemlessly, so I should be good to go.
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