NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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thats a touchdown...damn...screwed

edit..not screwed...guys upstairs should get it right
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Ed Hochuli is at home doing the Birdman hand rub on his workout bench right now.


Refs are just adding more to thier paychecks every week they hold out
Hold up, this game is just going into the second half now?

Thought that last quarter was the 3rd and they were heading into the 4th.
Im surprised the nfl is letting the commentators just blast these refs
its not like they can stop them

but i will say some have gone out there way to try and point EVERYTHING out about these refs. like trico and gruden have done the last 2 weeks. ok we get it, there is some bad calls but yall dont do that with regular refs when there ******g up the whole game
They need to give these refs a break. Tirico is ridiculous right now. I know they're messing up on some calls, taking a long time, etc. but they're doing the best they can.
They need to give these refs a break. Tirico is ridiculous right now. I know they're messing up on some calls, taking a long time, etc. but they're doing the best they can.

exactly. and let's not act like the real refs don't screw up. these guys are bound to make mistakes, they're not professionals :lol:
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