NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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scare for the broncos, a linebacker on a punt return led with his helmet and he is down right now. hit didnt look too bad but his reaction looks very scary
Those plays weren't all on him, Rahim Moore is still lost at FS.
True, fair point. Have followed and liked Moore as a player since his UCLA days, but he's been clueless at safety at the next level. Thought learning from Dawkins would have helped long-term.

I have Defense envy :smh:
Nate Washington's catch has to be #1 on SC Top 10 right?
Absolutely, sick grab from Washington. Defender was lost thinking the play was over or ball was dropped.
Game over.
That could have been prevented if Desean Jackson gave some effort on that reception. Should have been a TD instead of being down 24 at the half. Complete meltdown by the Eagles.

DeSean is frail, Kerry Rhodes straight bodied him and got pushed back with help a second later....nothing to do with effort there.
You're giving him too much credit. Desean curled up when he saw him. Didn't even try.

he looked as if he bobbled the ball a bit which led to some hesitation, plus anticipated a hit from a team that hits hard.....this is what the Cards do.
Anyone else find Phil Rivers running at full speed really entertaining?
Rivers is not looking as good as I expected against ATL without Grimes. Dunta and Zant have turned back the clock for the Falcons. Two weeks in a row now, Peyton first, now Rivers looking stifled.
That was an awful interception by Schaub, but surprisingly the ref saw the LBs foot step out of bounds and didn't give him a from 15-20yd return. Would rather have had Daniels make the earlier catch and get an eventual score but oh well.
That Falcons Defense does a terrific job with their coverage in general. Being able to confuse Peyton and now Philip is no small task. Also, I feel like the Eagles deserve their fate since they continue to misuse Lesean McCoy.
I see bears fans with their chest puffed out after beating the 2 worst teams from last year after week 3 but no where to be seen after the packers embarrassment from last week
I DESPISE ANTONIO BROWN! Every catch his frail *** is up flexin. OCT 21st I'd be happy to see Taylor Mays get a 15 yard personal foul if it means shutting him up.
Taylor Mays won't be near him...maybe Dunlap on one of the screens...

Amazing scramble and throw by Ben, so good at that
  Another QB headed for the afterlife...
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