NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Went and found, looks like jumped. A retired Marine tried to catch her and saved her life (at least for now). Whoa
they need to stop playing RG3, can't risk him getting hurt, obviously dude still isn't 100%
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am i seeing things, trent, steve and ray wearing suits....stu scott wearing jeans like he is just chilling on a street corner or something.
Twitter man....

The St. Louis Rams, could somehow (not gonna happen but there's a chance) make the playoffs AND end up with the #1 overall pick from the Lolskins :rofl: :x. That team is brutal right now and I don't think they win more than 1 of their final 5. Bob Griffin will be in a full body cast in 2 yrs if they keep that up my goodness

Can't believe Dan Snyder brought those elderly Navajo men out there the week of thanksgiving to watch that garbage :smh::smh:
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The St. Louis Rams, could somehow (not gonna happen but there's a chance) make the playoffs AND end up with the #1 overall pick from the Lolskins
. That team is brutal right now and I don't think they win more than 1 of their final 5. Bob Griffin will be in a full body cast in 2 yrs if they keep that up my goodness

Can't believe Dan Snyder brought those elderly Navajo men out there the week of thanksgiving to watch that garbage
Maybe he's sacrificing RG3 in a ritual of penance for the Navajo gods
The St. Louis Rams, could somehow (not gonna happen but there's a chance) make the playoffs AND end up with the #1 overall pick from the Lolskins :rofl: :x. That team is brutal right now and I don't think they win more than 1 of their final 5. Bob Griffin will be in a full body cast in 2 yrs if they keep that up my goodness

Can't believe Dan Snyder brought those elderly Navajo men out there the week of thanksgiving to watch that garbage :smh::smh:

I'm worried for RGIII. I don't know how they get him sufficient help in so many areas when they're already out their first rounder for the draft. He's playing with no confidence whatsoever, but I don't know how he just snaps out of it without building something around him.
Man, there are more holes on that roster than a slice of swiss cheese. I can only think of a select number starters who should be on the roster next year. RG3, Alfred Morris, Darrell Young, Trent Williams, Garcon, Jordan Reed, Orakpo, Kerrigan, Cofield, *D.Hall, & Amerson. So, that's 12/22 . Not good.

Anyways, look at how bad the O-Line is. 49ers were rushing 4 all night (hardly any blitzing) and they had constant pressure. Even when RG3 had time to throw, he was all over the place. He's taken a step backwards, no doubt, but I think it's borderline insane to hear people ready to give up on him already.

Like I said in another post, year 3 will be crucial for him. THis is where we'll either see if he's the franchise QB everyone thinks he can be, or if he's more of the person we've seen in year 2. I'd like to think that being healthy going into the offseason and having the opportunity to throw and develop more of a rapport with his WRs etc. will only benefit him going forward.

The million dollar question, or seven million dollar question, is what happens with Mike SHanahan? He has a year left on his contract, so do the Skins let him play it out, or do they go in another direction? Personally, I'm 50/50 as far as what they should do. I would like to see what Shanahan can do with some cap space and the pressure of "WIN NOW" in the last year of his deal. However, I would understand if they chose to gut the team as far as coaches. Whatever they do, there will be immense heat to put together a winning season after this debacle of a year.
JJ's: Gruden spoke about a possible change last night and I had to agree. It's risky to hinder RGIII's growth by implementing a new system. It could work, but it's always a risk, so Mike staying wouldn't be bad, but that's only if there's still a way to get rid of Kyle. I don't know if that happens, so both should be expendable.
Want to talk about returning starters lol...

The Texans have maybe 5 on offense and 3 on defense. Praying someone trades i us a million picks for our first pick
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