NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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my body is ready.

the last time you said that....


Train derailment coverage is on over CBS/FOX pregame shows. Good thing for NFL Network.

If Geno decides to complete some passes today, Jets can win IMO. Run game has to be a factor as well, although Ivory is a bit banged up.
6 figures? Ha. Okaaay...That's too much. Loss of a draft pick is too.

Trying to make an example out of my man Tomlin. :smh:
Palmer already with a turnover. Long day for him...Garbage stats soon to follow.

TB looking good on this first drive. Schiano doing well.
God Jonathan Stewart is garage. All he does is dance now.

On another note Killa! Kid might be playing the best football at this point this year. :pimp:
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Yeah, I thought he was home free myself. 

Let's score on this drive and put the nail in the coffin...early. 
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