NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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^ I can say I've been saying how much I hate cut blocking on NT since I've joined. I've even said that it prevents me from really rooting for Kubiak's Texans & Shannahan's ******** because they cut block so much dating back to their Bronco days...

You're from Boston or somewhere else close in MA right? If so, that would explain a lot of your demeanor...
It's not so much the cut block, the play was over as past him. And he could've went high.

GBs woes aren't A-Rods fault.

That Oline is shaky

No Running game ( benson is gone now too )

And that defense leaves a lot to be desired.

Also a lot of WRs / TEs or GB have the dropsies

You mean like when rules got changed when this happened?

**** outta here.

Ive never supported that rule change either tho. I feel the exact same way about the TB12 incident as i do with the Cush incident. I think the rules protecting the QB are garbage.
^ I can say I've been saying how much I hate cut blocking on NT since I've joined. I've even said that it prevents me from really rooting for Kubiak's Texans & Shannahan's ******** because they cut block so much dating back to their Bronco days...
You're from Boston or somewhere else close in MA right? If so, that would explain a lot of your demeanor...

Um ok :lol: :lol: I dont see how where I reside has anything to do with the conversation at hand. If you have some unwarranted hate towards the residents of the city of Boston then thats something u need to deal with on ur own :lol:

All im saying is that Its funny how people love to see huge hits but clamor for change when the wrong guy goes down. Chop blocking is absolutely necessary in some instances. I dont understand how one could be an advocate for abolishing chop blocking.
^Fair enough.

 at "juice monkey" tho
I just worry past this game what the plan for safety is. Mundy really needs to step up or the D has to change some in anticipation he may not ever return
I remember the last year or two dudes here and on ESPN saying Rodgers is the most well rounded and greatest QB to ever live bc he had a couple stellar seasons :lol: :lol: :x :x Such disrespect to the QBs in the league who have been shattering records the last decade plus. Dudes live in the moment to the extreme when it comes to the NFL. Rodgers is a good QB but youve never seen the truly great QBs in this league in a position that Rodgers is in right now (losing record and getting smacked by rookie QBs left and right).
Im going to enjoy it very much when the Pack miss the playoffs this year and Rodgers is out of the discussion as one of the GOATs for the time being (a discussion he should have never been a part of in the first place).

Dude he won a Super Bowl and then won 14 games in a row afterwards. He won 20 games in a row total with some of the best QB play we've ever seen. You're talking about other QB's breaking records? Rodgers just broke Mannings record for the best QBR in a single season.

Chill out its only week 5. The year after Brady won his first SB he started the year off 3-4. The year after Brady won his 3rd SB he started 4-4. So there, there's a "truly great" QB who has been in the same position has Rodgers TWICE. Mind blowing right? But I'm about to take it a step further. Rodgers has already been in the situation before. No way you're saying...but yes way. It was the same year he won the Suberbowl in 2010.

:lol: :lol: :lol: @ you being the one saying dudes are living in the moment. It's week 5. Good thing we don't have a 6 week regular season. Let us at least get to week 10. AT LEAST.
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I just worry past this game what the plan for safety is. Mundy really needs to step up or the D has to change some in anticipation he may not ever return

Like Tomlin says, "The standard is the standard". The youngins on the team need to step up & make plays. In a way, I'm glad this is all happening because it's going to help evaluate these younger guys. I know a lot of Steeler fans are grumbling about LeBeau but I don't think he's the problem more than guys making the plays they've been coached to do.
So some juice monkey gets hurt and the NFL should just start switching up the rules? I dont mean to play the race card here but i cant help but think if some run of the mill black linebacker got hurt the same way we wouldnt be having this discussion. But pretty boy Cushing gets hurt and his blonde hair blue eyed college buddy airs his frustration with the situation and now we should start switching everything up . Its football boys. People get hurt and they get paid well. The other day i seen a dude get KO'd by the shovel part of a Bobcat at work probably making 12 an hour. Will construction companies start hand digging all of their trenches because this man was concussed? Cush will be aight and the rules should stay as is.
You're the first person I've heard even bring race into the conversation. Race has nothing to do with it. If anything, Clay is defending Cushing more so because of the USC ties, not because both guys are white. Come on, man. I would feel the same way if it was DeMeco Ryans, Ernie Sims (past), Curtis Lofton, or London Fletcher. Fact is that low chop-block was completely away from the actual play or point of contact/tackle between the NYJ RB and defensive players making the tackle. Unnecessary in my view.
Im not saying Clay was defending Cush because theyre white, i realize they went to college together. However i am suggesting that race is playing a part in this chop block controversy because people suffer season ending injuries every. single. week. Why is it different now? I stand by my statement that if this had happened to a black player we may not be seeing the same kind of reaction. The block wasnt cheap. It was clean and it was legal. Whats the problem? If anyone is breaking the rules its Cushing with his history of substance abuse. Watch your legs next time pleighboi.
On point. Everything Clay Matthews said in defense of Cushing and defensive players was spot on.

So some juice monkey gets hurt and the NFL should just start switching up the rules? I dont mean to play the race card here but i cant help but think if some run of the mill black linebacker got hurt the same way we wouldnt be having this discussion. But pretty boy Cushing gets hurt and his blonde hair blue eyed college buddy airs his frustration with the situation and now we should start switching everything up . Its football boys. People get hurt and they get paid well. The other day i seen a dude get KO'd by the shovel part of a Bobcat at work probably making 12 an hour. Will construction companies start hand digging all of their trenches because this man was concussed? Cush will be aight and the rules should stay as is.

you are stupid. this whole post is stupid. has nothing to do with color of skin.

I guess we'll see what is what
they did to a degree cant chop a player thats already engaged in another block...

hate to say it, but thats as far as the rule can go i think...

you dont want your running back picking up the blitz to square up with a free james harrison coming thru the a gap on a stunt..hes gonna get killed...take his knees out, lessen the blow...

thats a part of football i dont see getting changed..they made it as safe as it can be IMO....  hard to tell who a 'defenseless defender' is, cause had that play cut back to cushings side, then he would of tried to tackle him no doubt...

they've also outlawed chop blocks outside the tackle box. and in this case, it happened outside the tackle box, WHILE the tackle was being made.

You're the first person I've heard even bring race into the conversation. Race has nothing to do with it. If anything, Clay is defending Cushing more so because of the USC ties, not because both guys are white. Come on, man. I would feel the same way if it was DeMeco Ryans, Ernie Sims (past), Curtis Lofton, or London Fletcher. Fact is that low chop-block was completely away from the actual play or point of contact/tackle between the NYJ RB and defensive players making the tackle. Unnecessary in my view.

exactly. it was away from the play. the tackle was being made 5-10 yards away from them, and then cush got chop blocked. he wasn't even running full speed towards the ball because the play was practically over.
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Bringing the race card into this was stupid. I guarantee you Clay would have said the same thing if the man was black. He's looking at it as one of his own meaning, linebackers, not white friends.

SMH at whipping out the race card.
This was the worst case of cut blocking I've ever seen...Check out Air Force's o-line (white unis)...
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Im not talking about Clays reaction im talkin about the reaction by the public. No one gave a **** when Adrian Petersons **** got all torn up last year on a "cheap" hit. There was no one asking for the rules to be changed so tacklers cant go at running backs ankles when they dont have to. It was just another football injury.

But when Cushing gets hit low and is injured there is an outcry for rule change. WHY ?! Because he is white and his white friend co-signed him. It may seem far fetched to yall but its really not that far fetched at all. Even if its not blatant racism, there is racial undertones. A clean cut white dudes season is over and everyone is mad.

Same thing with Brady. I would bet my lif that if it was Dante or Donovan that sustained that leg injury there would have been no rule change. Its 2012 but racism still runs rampant. Believe what yall want
Im not talking about Clays reaction im talkin about the reaction by the public. No one gave a **** when Adrian Petersons **** got all torn up last year on a "cheap" hit. There was no one asking for the rules to be changed so tacklers cant go at running backs ankles when they dont have to. It was just another football injury.

But when Cushing gets hit low and is injured there is an outcry for rule change. WHY ?! Because he is white and his white friend co-signed him. It may seem far fetched to yall but its really not that far fetched at all. Even if its not blatant racism, there is racial undertones. A clean cut white dudes season is over and everyone is mad.

Same thing with Brady. I would bet my lif that if it was Dante or Donovan that sustained that leg injury there would have been no rule change. Its 2012 but racism still runs rampant. Believe what yall want

you'd be dead then.

but anyways, there is a difference between tackling a ball carrier (even if it sucks when someone goes low) and someone getting cut block on a play they aren't even apart of. quit trying to make this a race issue
wasn't the horsecollar penalty put into effect after TO broke his leg after being horse collared?

so the theory about brady and only white players being protected....bulljive
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wasn't the horsecollar penalty put into effect after TO broke his leg after being horse collared?

so the theory about brady and only white players being protected....bulljive

yep, it was dubbed the Roy Williams rule the year TO played for the eagles. Roy yanked him down from behind and destroyed TO's ankle. the same year he came back in the superbowl and had like 9 catches for 100+ yards. oh nostalgia
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