NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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****** still think NooEra speaks for the entire New England area and fanbases of teams he roots for.

That's like me thinking Deuce King speaks on behalf of all or most SF fans and DC residents. It would also be like letting Deuce affect my opinion of the DC area and SF team.

wasn't the horsecollar penalty put into effect after TO broke his leg after being horse collared?
so the theory about brady and only white players being protected....bulljive

I thought it was Roy Williams who did it to McNabb? Although I think it happened to TO as well so idk which one it was. Either way you are correct.
With Benson out I like our chances even more Against GB, gonna force Arod and company to become one sided and his line ain't playing that well.
With Benson out I like our chances even more Against GB, gonna force Arod and company to become one sided and his line ain't playing that well.

I like that it makes them one dimensional with a shaky o line. But Rodgers is still good enough to beat us if those wide receivers play up to par

And they have a defense that forces lots of turnovers if you aren't careful
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With Benson out I like our chances even more Against GB, gonna force Arod and company to become one sided and his line ain't playing that well.
Alex Green might cook, especially in the short receiving game on check-downs, etc., with Watt constantly pressuring Rodgers.
i got my paper bag ready for tomorrow.

i only pray that the whole coaching staff gets fired after.
i got my paper bag ready for tomorrow.
i only pray that the whole coaching staff gets fired after.

nah G, dont ever get down, thats why they play the game. you never know :pimp:

People picking the Packers over Houston :pimp: i love it :pimp: hopefully they come out and play on fire.

:rofl: :rofl: at TO tweeting the Jets, please let them sign him :lol:
I'm somewhat tight with J-Mac. He's remaining optimistic, both publicly and privately.

I like J-Mac. i just hope he steps it up tomorrow.

nah G, dont ever get down, thats why they play the game. you never know :pimp:

appreciate the kind words but we've been **** against the steelers ever since LenWhale stomped on that damn towel :smh:

I'll be surprised AF if my guys pull a W
I like J-Mac. i just hope he steps it up tomorrow.
appreciate the kind words but we've been **** against the steelers ever since LenWhale stomped on that damn towel :smh:
I'll be surprised AF if my guys pull a W

Another victim of the curse. At least he is gone so it may be lifted (and put of the league...curse continues for him)
Nick Perry just got screwed. It was clearly a bad call with his hit on Luck but the NFL reviewed it and fined him 15k?? What in the hell :lol:

Prime example of how in the hell are you supposed to sack the QB anymore.
Nick Perry just got screwed. It was clearly a bad call with his hit on Luck but the NFL reviewed it and fined him 15k?? What in the hell :lol:

Prime example of how in the hell are you supposed to sack the QB anymore.

Ask Watt :pimp:

:lol: JP

Packers fans you ready for that prime time ? :pimp:
Yall see the fearsome foursome (pause) special on NFL Network last night? Deacon Jones is like 100 years old still talking trash. :lol: :pimp:

He would be fined so much in today's NFL for those hits. :pimp: :x
Ive never supported that rule change either tho. I feel the exact same way about the TB12 incident as i do with the Cush incident. I think the rules protecting the QB are garbage.

What's wrong w/ protecting players from career ending injuries? More so, injuries w/ repercussions?

Some hits should obviously be prohibited, but you folks seem to not see the purpose of it. If you so much as to enjoy guys getting on stretchers, and being glamorized on yahoo w/ some type of injury, then you might as well watch RUGY, MMA, and some other sport.

In the world of sports, injuries are part of the game, but some sports like Football, require more regulation for obvious reasons. Instead of trying to whine and complain, why not embrace it.
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