NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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We should see what the Bears & Texans are really about on Sunday. What a great game scheduled...Weather looks like it's going to be real crappy...Showers & storms likely with heavy rains expected...Yeah-yuh...

BTW, did anyone catch Luck making a beeline & tackling Dawan Landry after he threw that pick? Now that's a football player...I remember seeing him lay some licks on defenders in college...Look at the lick he laid on USC linebacker Shareece Wright back in '10...

Vikings season on the line tomorrow. Can't wait.

In fact, without looking at the schedule, there are two pivotal, yet middle of the road games tomorrow.

Eagles/Cowboys, Lions/Vikings. Losers probably done and the winners still in the hunt with a possible boost to make a run. *shrugs*
Heading up to Chicago today for the big game. It's going to be a rainy, cold, windy mess and I love it!

Yo tree4twenty, have fun. Hope you pack some rain gear. Post back & tell us how the game was from the stands...

One more Luck vid. Check out Call CB Cattouse try to tackle wood & fail. Luck rips a 58 yard run. I just hope he doesn't try this in the NFL...I can't find the hit he had on Landry on the internets....
To be fair, Wright isn't a linebacker (he's a DB) and luck, who's a sick athlete, outweighs him by close to 60 pounds.
For some reason I have the Who Deys winning idea why

This is the fifth game in a row I've been offered tickets..and the fifth I've declined :lol:. Today is a nice day though
Watching Garrett & Reid coach this year is like watching a person with roller skates on trying to walk up stairs...
Having said that however, I think the Cowboys have a shot at a wild card birth. Their schedule looks ok for them...Lots of home games...
The Cowboys have the same chance of making the playoffs as Mitt Romney has at being the president. Yes, I realize the election is over.
4 out of our 5 starting linemen (for today's game) didn't start the first game of the season. Vick really might die, this afternoon:smh:
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Good to see Jerry Richardson spurning LA's overtures to go there...They are one of 4 teams that own their own stadiums (Pats, Fins, & Skins are the others) so aren't tied to stadium lease...
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