NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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All of those Jets-related e-mails :rofl: . "Do we have a game this week? If so, where and what time..."
LOL @ comparing Marvin Lewis to Norv Turner.
Bengals NEVER sign any top big names in free agency, never resign the stars they have on their own team, and have to work with other teams trash every season. Last season, they were projected to be one of the worst teams in the league with a rookie QB after Carson held out. Instead, Marvin coached his team to a 9-7 for a AFC Wildcard spot in the hardest division in football. Marvin is one of the most underrated coaches in the NFL.
Norv Turner had one of the most loaded rosters in the league for 5 seasons and never made it to the big game. He was always put into a position to succeed but failed every season. Every season, the Chargers expected a Superbowl run and they never got there. He never had his team prepared to begin the season.

I agree Marvin hasn't had the talent of some of those Chargers teams, but the guy has some real solid players (actually drafted well past few years) and can't do squat with them. They went to the playoffs without beating one team over .500. Had loads of talent 05-08 and did squat. Guy is the definition of average, however he does work perfectly with Mike Brown and won't be going anywhere soon. He doesn't question Mike, isn't looking for total control, and has full job stability. He came to the team with some fire but it has been beaten out of him. Bengalized. Great coordinator though.

I really thought Reid would finally get over the hump like Cowher did. Oh well
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Excited to see Luck in the midst of his groove. 6-3 is a huge difference from 5-4 so even thought Jags aren't too great, this is a huge game and I'm excited to see it. Jacksonville can be tough to play every now and then.
I think Justin Blackmon has a breakout game tonight. Both of the Colts starting cornerbacks are out and their defense wasn't really any good to begin with.

I'm also pretty dissapointed that Doug Martin doesn't like the Muscle Hamster nickname :lol:. That nickname is awesome....he should really let that **** ride. Otherwise he'll just be stick with "Dougie Fresh" or D-Mart or some other basic *** nickname.
I'm pretty sure I heard that all teams were guaranteed at least one game in primetime. Not sure how they pick who goes where, but better these games on TNF than MNF.
I'm pretty sure I heard that all teams were guaranteed at least one game in primetime. Not sure how they pick who goes where, but better these games on TNF than MNF.

Besides the gb-sea and the eagles 59 pts vs the skins mnf has been trash for the past 3 years, snf delivers more often than not
The matchups always seem decent for the most part for MNF, but the games turn to ****. But yeah, SNF is where it's at.
I'm sure they look at it, but it's not an official challenge, so they don't spend much time on it. Kind of ridiculous though. If you have that rule, then use it right, but that shouldn't have been called a TD in the first place.
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Happy my Colts and our top 10 QB in the league in Luck are prospering right now 
. Where are all those RG3 > Luck guyz at now?
We have basically the same team as last year, added Luck & a stand out corner in Davis and we've been dealing with a lot of injuries and STILL are in the hunt of the playoffs. If that doesn't show his greatness... then idk what does? 
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